

Skylar got out of the taxi, rechecking her phone to see that she had the correct address.

'That will be twenty-two, fifty."

"Oh yeah. Sorry." She reached into her shoulder bag, slipping the guy a twenty and a five.

"Keep it, buddy, thanks." The message she got that morning was to be at stage four at the Paramount Studios at two and wear tidy black. She'd only been here once, and that was on the visitors' tour.

Finding the right door, she knocked. The sliding peephole opened. A pair of dark eyes peered at her.

"Ah, hi. I'm Skylar Jericho. I'm a backup singer for Gabriella Diaz." He watched her a moment before closing the slider. Then, hearing the door unlocking, she stepped back. Finally, the door opened to a tall solid, built security guard.

"They are expecting you. Changing room two, down the hall to the left." She gave him a quick nod. She'd never seen the inside of a studio before. It was kind of overwhelming.

She stopped outside the door knocking on it gently.

"I'll get it!" The door opened to the madness inside. Naomi turned in her make-up seat.

"Skylar! Come on; we need to get made up." She took the seat next to her singing partner.

"What's going on?" She slid her bag off, throwing it under the counter.

"Ella's performing on The Tonight Show."

"Oh." Skylar sat back, letting the make-up lady beside her start doing her job. "What are we singing?"

"Real friends."

"Oh, ok." She looked at herself in the mirror, watching the foundation being dabbed on her face.

"We haven't practised that yet."

"Oh, we'll be fine."

Skylar scanned the small room.

"Where's the princess?"

"She's getting ready in the guest dressing room."

After a few minutes, they walked out of the dressing room and headed down to the stage. A tall blonde woman came out of the other dressing room, walking past them. Naomi stopped, turning to watch her walk down the hall.

"Oh my god! That was Dayna."

"Who?" Skylar looked over her shoulder, catching the lady's head through a door.

'Dayna? Lawrence. That was Dayna Lawrence."

"Yeah, it was." They turned, hearing Gabriella's voice. "We're good friends." Skylar didn't hear a word, she said. Gabriella has dressed in her black stage outfit with full makeup and hair styled over her shoulders.

She caught Skylar's eye on her, looking her up and down. She was...

"Wow..." It just slipped out of Skylar's mouth. "You look... different." Gabriella's red lipstick smiled.

"Thanks. You scrub up pretty well yourself." She pursed her lips taking in Skylar's makeup. "Both of you." She smiled at Naomi, who wasn't as star-struck as the dark-headed girl seemed to be.

'Thanks," Naomi answered for them. 'So what's the plan?"

They began to walk up to the stage area.

"Well, we are on in an hour, so we are going to run through a dress rehearsal."

"You know we haven't practised this yet, right." Skylar finally commented as she saw the TV stage and audience seats come into view. Gabriella stopped. She could tell Skylar was a little nervous.

"Is this your first time singing in front of the camera?" Skylar looked anywhere but at her.

"Ah yeah. And we haven't practised this yet."

"Don't worry, Sky." Gabriella squeezed her arm. "We're going to go through it now. Go stand over there behind the mics."

Skylar went and stood with Naomi. All she could see were the ghostly deserted cameras facing them. And the many empty seats.

"Oh boy." She let out a breath.

"Are you ok?" Naomi touched her arm. Skylar tried to shake herself out of it.

"Ah yeah yeah. Just it's all starting to become real, is all."

"Hard out." Naomi laughed. "This is all real."

The backing track started, and Gabriella got into position. Skylar watched her perform until she turned around to give them their cue. Gabriella raised her hand, singing with them, guiding them through the notes. She pointed to Naomi and sang the backing she wanted her to do.

"You sing with me, Sky." She pointed to Skylar. A smile came to Gabriella's cheeks as soon as their voices blended. She had made the right choice in hiring the gorgeous girl.

They ran through it several times before they were told to head backstage as the audience was coming in.

After getting her make-up touched up, Gabriella headed to the waiting room beside the performer stage, and Skylar was sitting there chewing her nail.

"Hey." Gabriella sat down beside her.

"Hey." Skylar pursed her lips, trying to hide the fact that she was shitting herself. She caught the singer looking at her, knowing something else was up. Skylar sighed. She had to be honest.

"Ella, I lied. I haven't been in front of a crowd since high school. I'm fair dinkum shitting myself." Gabriella burst out laughing beside her. Skylar moaned. "It's not funny!"

"Ohh-Ohh." Gabriella tried to get her laughing under control. "Babe, you have nothing to worry about." She saw the girl sigh, not so sure. She thought for a moment. "Ok." She turned to lean in closer.

"What is it that freaks you out?"

"Standing there having the world looking back at me."

"So you can probably sing to a crowd but don't wanna see them looking at you?" Skylar shrugged, thinking that made sense.

She glanced at the girl beside her, made up to look more mature than her years.

"How do you do this?" She shook her head in question. "Have everyone watching you? Like not just crowds but Stadiums!"

Gabriella felt her relaxing. She smiled to herself. "You know, I get more nervous singing in an intimate setting. Always have. But it's a whole different me when I'm up there in front of thousands." Skylar watched her talk, remembering the glimpse of her she got up on that TV screen at the pub.

"You're actually pretty good." She smiled. "I mean, I haven't really, well, to be honest, cared for your music or...you." Her head tilted, acknowledging that fact. "But I have to say...I think I'm becoming a fan." That smile turned into a smirk. Gabriella pursed her lips, holding back the sweet smile.

"Thanks." Her cheeks blushed.

"Miss Diaz, you are on in five."

"Ah, thanks." She looked back beside her at the girl taking a deep breath. She needed to get Skylar out there. She had an idea.

"She has held the number one position on the pop charts for the last seven weeks, and her highly anticipated debut solo album 'Gabriella' has been getting rave reviews. Here to perform her hit 'Real friends.' Please welcome back...Gabriella Diaz!"

Skylar sat there tapping her foot nervously.

"Sky." She looked up at the girl sitting almost opposite her on the four seats. Gabriella had got the seats semi-circled on the stage, giving a campfire feel. Naomi sat between them, and Gabriella's guitarist Juno sitting beside her.

"Sky." Skylar found her eyes. "It's just us. Sing to me."

Skylar nodded, hearing Juno begin strumming the now acoustic number. Gabriella got into her zone with Juno doing the first half alone. Skylar zoned into the singer performing just across from her. This was the first time she'd seen her perform live. All she could hear was her voice and the guitar. All she could see was Ella. Then her mouth opened, and her voice matched her tones exactly where she needed to be. Gabriella heard the raspiness hit her ears.

Her eyes fell on Skylar singing with her, and their eyes met, singing together as if they were the only ones there.

Gabriella and Juno finished it out and received a round of applause.

Jimmy ran onto the stage. Gabriella got up, hugging him. "Gabriella Diaz, everyone! We'll be right back!" The lights started flicking as the camera zoomed across the floor switching off.

There was a loud bang, and glass went everywhere!

Skylar jumped back, hearing a couple of screams.

"What the hell was that?"

Naomi stood up from behind her seat.

"I think it was a light." Skylar looked up, seeing people running around in front of them as the curtain came down between them and the audience. She looked around for Gabriella, finding her glued to the floor.

"Gabriella!" She ran over to her, noticing she wasn't moving. "Hey." She came around in front of her, seeing her face pale. Skylar reached down for her hand. "Hey, look at me."

The Cuban girls' eyes moved up to hers. Skylar's heart sank. "I'm going to take you away from here ok." She waved off Gabriella's bodyguards and led her to the dressing rooms. Opening the door, Skylar checked they were alone. She knew she should be out there trying to find who was doing this, but she couldn't leave her like this.

Locking the door behind them, she looked over her shoulder at the young girl behind all the makeup.

"Are you alright?" She asked softly, stepping closer. The girl just stood there, searching for the green ones looking back at her. Skylar noticed her irregular breathing. She stood there kicking herself for not knowing how to deal with this. Then, going with instinct, she stepped closer. Searching her dilated eyes, she pulled her into her arms.

Gabriella hesitated a moment, not wanting the touch. She felt herself drop, and the tightness in her chest seemed to release. Skylar felt her forehead drop onto her shoulder and the air exhaled from her lungs. Realizing she must be doing something right, she relaxed and tightened her arms around her, holding her for as long as she needed.

Skylar rocked her gently.

Listening to the rhythm of Skylar's heartbeat, Gabriella could feel herself coming back. She lifted her head, bringing her hand up to wipe her cheeks.

Skylar loosened her hold, seeing her eyes come up to meet hers. "You ok?" She whispered.

Gabriella bit her lip, a little embarrassed that this girl had seen her like this. Skylar softened her knees, catching her eyes; she was still waiting for her to answer. Gabriella nodded.

"Yeah." She let out another deep breath feeling more normal than she did a few minutes ago. She wiped her cheeks again.

"Sorry." She stepped out of her arms. "You didn't need to see me like this."

"I think I did." This sunk home with what she was dealing with. Now she knew. "Do you think that was meant for you?" Gabriella turned around and nodded. Skylar stood leaning back against the table, chewing her lip a second. "Who is it?" Gabriella waved her hand, letting go of her defences.

"I honestly don't know." She sighed. "I mean, I don't know who, why, or even how they are doing this." Her eyes met Skylar's.

"Am I crazy?" She stepped closer. "I mean, is this really happening, or am I just assuming every little mishap or malfunction is an attack on me?" She stopped in front of her. "I don't know; maybe someone up there is trying to tell me something?"

"Or maybe that you need to be around some real people and not this fake Hollywood ass..." Skylar stopped herself. Gabriella finally smiled. Skylar definitely wasn't one of those.

"Yeah, maybe I do." She looked over at the girl in front of her. Skylar smiled back. "so..." Gabriella wanted to change the subject. "I noticed you were a lot more confident out there."

"Yeah," Skylar laughed, feeling the blush come to her cheeks. "I never thought I'd handle being that close to an audience, but..." She met her eyes. "Thank you, I mean, technically, I was just singing with you." Gabriella's eyebrow rose.

"I actually helped you with something? This friendship's not so one-sided, huh?"

"Hmm, no." Skylar lowered her head. "I'm starting to learn a few things about myself."

"Like?" Gabriella questioned. Skylar noticed the twinkle in her eye. Her gaze fell to the girls' lips. Realizing what just crossed her mind, she turned around, feeling the heat smack her cheeks. "Oh god." She couldn't let herself go there.

Gabriella noticed her suddenly become uncomfortable. There was something about this girl, she had felt it in her voice. She could see it in her eye when she looked at her. Even in the comfort of her arms only moments before.

Hearing her phone vibrate, it lit up on the makeup counter, Skylar looked over her shoulder, seeing her pick it up.

"Hi, Mama. Yes, I'm fine. How did you hear about that?" Her eyes met Skylar's across the room. "I'm sure it was only an accident, mama. No, no, Sky is with me. Yes, Skylar from yesterday." Skylar smiled to herself. "She might be busy, mama. I'll ask, see you soon. K Bye." She hung up. "My mama." Gabriella put her phone down next to her stuff.

"I gathered." Skylar smiled. "I'll let you get ready." She headed towards the door.

"Skylar, um, Mama wanted to know if you want to come around for dinner tonight?" Skylar stopped at the door.

"With you?"

"Duh!" Gabriella laughed, picking up her costume bag. "I mean, it will only be something home-cooked. Probably Cuban, Mama makes the meanest Cuban dishes." Skylar had a million thoughts running through her head, and she wasn't supposed to get too close to this girl. She couldn't protect her otherwise.

"Sure." She shrugged before she realized what had come out of her mouth. "Can I bring anything?" An instant grin came to Gabriella's cheeks.

"Nope. Just you."

"Ok." Skylar smiled back. Almost out the door, she stopped and checked on her friend. "Did you want me to wait with you?" Gabriella was looking at her phone. "I'm ok. Juno is on her way. I've just texted you our address." Skylar stood up straight.

"You have my number on your phone?"

Gabriella let out a cheeky laugh. "I also have your photo." She turned her phone around, showing her.

"Security!" Skylar yelled out the door. "I think I have a stalker!" They laughed together.

"So I'll see you later then?" Gabriella smiled at the girl in the doorway. "I guess you will."


Skylar looked up at the big house in front of her. She had gathered that with Gabriella's success, she would have purchased her family a new home. It was nice. She noticed hints of the family's heritage everywhere as she rang the doorbell.

"I've got it!" She heard a young voice yell just before the big door creaked open. A young girl about nine was standing there. Her big eyes smiled at her. "Hi!"

"Hi." Skylar smiled.

"I'm Sofi, the popular sister."

"Oh." Skylar quickly patted herself down. "I forgot my autograph book, but..." She pulled out her phone. "Can I have a photo?"

"Of course, you can!" Sofi laughed.

"Alright." Skylar turned around, putting them into the frame. "Ready?" They posed just as Gabriella came to the door. She leaned down and photo-bombed them.

"Hey!" Sofi yelled over her shoulder, noticing her sister. "She's here to see me, not you! Back to your room Cinderella!" Gabriella pulled her sister by the jersey back up the stairs. "Get! Mama wants you."

"Oh, man!" She walked back inside. Gabriella turned around, looking at the girl on the step in front of her, looking younger than her twenty-two years with her hair tied back and minimal makeup.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Hi." Skylar laughed. Gabriella, too, was casually dressed with her hair tied back. She looked like any other average teenager.

"Come in. Sorry about her; she's my pain in the ass, baby sister." Skylar knew better. She had read that the singer adored her younger sister more than anyone.

"She was fine; she has the same quirky humour as you."

"Quirky?" They walked into the lounge towards the kitchen. "I am far from quirky..."

"Right." Skylar smelt the wonderful aroma of food cooking as they came across a shorter woman with her head in the oven.

"Mama!" The short woman jumped, hearing her daughter so close. "Ella, how many times have I told you not to yell?! Oh." She saw the pretty girl standing beside her daughter.

"Mama. This is Skylar."

"Buenas tardes Mama."

Gabriella's jaw dropped hearing Skylar greeting her mother.

"Awww." Gabriella's mother smiled widely. "Skylar. agradable finalmente conocerte. (Nice to finally meet you)." Skylar accepted the hug and kisses on her cheeks. She smiled.

"que huele bien ¿Qué estás preparando? (That smells good. What are you making?)"

"Oh!" Mama turned to lift the lids on her pots. "Lechon Ashado ( marinated pork), papa rellenas, croquetas and fried sweet plantains."

"Ou." Gabriella snuck her hand into the pan, grabbing one.

"Ella!" Her mama slapped her hand. The dirtiest grin came to Gabriella's lips as she popped it into her mouth. She met Skylar's raised eyebrow.

"They're my favourite." She sucked her finger, flicking her eyebrows. Skylar blushed slightly, pursing her lips. She turned her attention back to Mama.

"¿Puedo ayudarte en algo?" (Can I help with anything?)

"Oh, sweet girl. No, you two go and enjoy. I will call when it's ready."

"Love you, mama!" Gabriella pulled the girl out of the kitchen and back into the lounge towards the stairs. "I didn't know you spoke Spanish?"

"I'm Latino, and I have no choice." Skylar laughed, trying not to look at the girls' butt as they headed up the stairs.

"I'm guessing dinner is about an hour away, so I thought you could help me with a little project I have going."

"Ok." Skylar laughed as they stepped into what looked like her bedroom. Skylar noticed the bare walls. "So, where are all the posters of hot boys and celebrity crushes?" Gabriella laughed, pulling a box out of her wardrobe.

"I used to, but since I'm now in the biz, it feels weird having people I know watching me while I get dressed and stuff. Too weird." Skylar sat on the bed, curious about what was in this box. "So...I haven't had much time to get this done." She lifted the lid. "Sof will kill me if I don't finish it. I did promise her." She pulled out a black and purple cape and wand. Skylar started laughing.

"It's my Halloween costume; I'm going as Harry Potter." Skylar wiped her eyes.

"You made this?"

"Yes!" Gabriella held it up proudly.

"Ella, you can afford to get a real one."

"That's not the point, Skylar. I wanted to make it. I just have these things to sew on then it's done." Skylar smiled to herself.

"Put it on." Smiling excitedly, Gabriella swung the cape around her shoulders. She picked up the harry wig and slipped it over her head, tucking her hair under it. Skylar got up, handing her the Potter glasses. "Wait." Skylar untucked the corner of her collar. Gabriella picked up the wand.

"What do you think? Do I make a cute Harry Potter?" Skylar sat back on the bed.

"A cute Harry Potter?"

"Aha." Gabriella turned, taking in her image in the full-length mirror. "I guess you're cute. For a twelve-year-old boy."

"Hey!" Gabriella cupped her chest. "There is something here, you know!" Skylar laughed to herself, blushing slightly.

"Oh, I know." Gabriella noticed the little smile. She turned around, pointing her wand at the girl on her bed.

"Hocus pocus confim a wiff. Tut if nom ala more." Skylar's eyes widened. She lifted her arms, looking at herself.

"Whew, I thought you turned me into something."

"I did." Gabriella let out an evil laugh. Coming closer, she reached over, pulling something off Skylar's head. "It worked!"

Skylar ran her fingers over her head.

"What did?"

"Your halo..." Gabriella held it up. "It fell off."

"Haha." Skylar laughed sarcastically. Gabriella sat down beside her, looking her over a little. She was curious.

"So, what is your story?" Skylar looked at her. "Come on." Gabriella nudged. "You haven't been singing in clubs, so what have you been doing?" She scratched her nose. "You must know you have an amazing voice. And OMG, you're gorgeous! Why am I not singing back up for you?" Skylar laughed to herself. Gabriella reached above her head again. "Remember, your halo has vanished. Honestly, I don't think you're as innocent as you want me to believe." Skylar looked at her sideways.

"What makes you think I'm hiding anything?"

"Oh, come on!" Gabriella yelled out. "I know you are! You can lead me astray, can't you?"


"I need someone to get in trouble with!" Skylar rolled her eyes, leaning back on the bed.

"Didn't we just establish that you needed some real honest people in your life?"

"I do! Real friends!" She turned to her. "I need people who won't keep worrying that 'Gabriella Diaz' is doing something wrong! Something un-lady-like. I can be naughty, you know."

A smirk came to Skylar's lips. "Can you just?"

"Aha." Gabriella flicked her eyebrows. Skylar looked at her for a minute.

"Forget it! Even I can't be seen with a twelve-year-old Potter." Gabriella pulled her glasses and her wig off, throwing them on the bed.

"Let's go out tonight." Skylar sat forward. "Let's go clubbing!" Skylar rolled her eyes. She didn't sign up for this. Shaking her head, she looked at the sheltered singer beside her.

"Fine." She leaned back. "Ouch!" She shook her hand, jumping up. She picked up the invisible thing from the bed as Gabriella looked confused. "Shit, I think...yip, I did." Skylar held it up. "I just sat on your halo."

After listening to the lecture from Mama Diaz about not letting her under-aged daughter drink or do drugs or even talk to strangers, Skylar was beginning to wonder what she'd got herself into. Gabriella had got the taxi to drop them off at a well-known club called Koda, where she knew other celebrities hung out.

Skylar had been there before and had walked out the moment she heard the rat packs of celebrity kids drinking themselves stupid.

"Are you sure you wanna be here?" She yelled over the music.

"Yes! These are my peeps! Dance with me!" Gabriella turned her around. Skylar took that moment to check the place out. Call it cop instinct, but she could feel something wrong about the place. "Who are you looking for?" Gabriella leaned into her, wanting her to hear her over the music.

"I'm just seeing who is here."

"Hey! No hook-ups; you're not ditching me!"

"As if."

"Eww, hey, I know them! Come with!" Gabriella walked past her grabbing her jacket sleeve. Skylar hesitantly let herself be dragged over to a table. Two guys and a girl were sitting there. Actually, she looked like that Dayna Lawrence chick.

"Baby G!"

"Hey, Day!" Gabriella leaned over the table, hugging her friend.

"What are you doing out? I thought you didn't like this scene?"

"Oh, I needed to get out of the house." She noticed Dayna's eyes looking behind her. "Oh, this is Skylar, my backup singer."

"Back up?" Dayna laughed. Skylar could hear the sarcasm in her tone.

"Hi." She faked.

"Oh, this is Robbie. He's a Chorographer, and you've met Tony from Sony?"

"Hi guys, yeah, I remember you from Dayna's studio jam a few weeks back." She sat down, completely forgetting about Skylar.

"You wanna drink?" Tony asked, subtly dropping his arm over the back of her seat.

"No. She's underage." Four pairs of eyes fell on the girl standing at the booth's end.

"What, are you a cop?" Dayna smirked. Skylar leaned down to speak to Gabriella, not liking this diva.

"I'm just going to make a call."

Skylar stood up, scanning each of them, taking a mental snapshot of their faces in case she needed to identify them in a lineup. She hesitated for a moment before heading out to get some fresh air. She would have rather gone to a movie or an arcade or something. This wasn't her scene; she was sure it wasn't Gabriella's.

She heard a rustling noise on the other end of the phone before Lucy whispered hello.

"Vines, it is Skylar."

"Sky?" She heard another shuffling noise. "What's up? You all good?" She whispered again.

"Yeah. Why are you whispering?"

Lucy looked over her shoulder at the naked body beside her.

"Oh, if you could see this heavenly naked body next to me. Mmm." Skylar laughed. Lucy always had a knack for bedding girls where ever she went.

"Sorry, Luc."

"All good." Lucy sat up. "What's up?" Skylar looked at the line of people trying to get into the club over the fence.

"I'm on assignment."

"You got an undercover?"

"Yip." She laughed, leaning back against the wall. "And you'd never guess what I'm doing?"

"Drugs? Gotta be a drugs thing?"

"I wish." Skylar laughed to herself. "I'm a backup singer for Gabriella Diaz."

"Shut the fuck up!" Lucy whispered loudly. "You with LickElla!?"

"You know I never knew why you called her that?"

"Seriously? Have you seen her?" Lucy laughed through the phone. "I definitely would! I bet you would, too, if you weren't such a pussy."

Skylar pushed off the wall. "I told you I'm not into that." "Yeah yeah, we'll see Jerk. I saw the way you looked at Codie from the Recruit."

"Ha." Skylar laughed, remembering the cute girl she had trained with for six weeks. "Anyways." She looked at the time. She didn't want to go back but had to babysit LickElla, uh Gabriella. "I better go, but you all good, Vines?"

"Hard out." She heard Lucy moving. "Have fun, Sky and send me pictures."

"Fuck you, Luc."

"Laters." Skylar hung up and put the phone back in her jeans pocket. She sighed and decided she'd go and get a couple of shots before heading back to the table where she'd left the singer. If she was going to be hanging with Dayna Lawrence for the night, she needed to calm the fuck down.

She headed back over to the booth after about ten minutes. Getting closer, she noticed someone was missing. Dayna was too busy snogging Tony to notice her. Robbie was laxed out.

"Hey." She tapped his arm. "Where's Gabriella?" He raised his head.

"Who?" She didn't bother to stick around. Scanning the floor, she headed down the back to the toilets. Pushing past a couple of girls, she ran into the small room with three cubicles. Two doors were closed.

"Ella?" No one answered. She got down on all fours and looked under the doors. One pair of feet were brown, the other white with painted toenails. That was her. "Ella!" She got up knocking on the door. There was no response. "Damn it." She rubbed her forehead. This was not good. She looked around before holding the door and pulling herself onto the frame. She noticed the lady asleep in the other stall. Her eye fell on Gabriella below her, she didn't look good. "Ella! Fuck!" She pushed herself over the door frame, dropping down into the stall in front of her.

"Hey." She tapped her cheek. "What have you taken?" Gabriella wet her lips. Her eyes were still closed.

"Coke, Coke shots, we're doing coke shots."

Skylar swatted down in front of her. "As in powdered stuff!?"

Her eyes widened!

"No, no, no..." Gabriella sat up, flicking her hand, indicating a drink. "Sugar rush." 

She let out a burp; Skylar could smell it. "You're drunk."

"I don't drink."

"How many did you have?" She touched her skin, feeling it getting clammy.

Gabriella smiled, giving the green-eyed girl in front of her a curious look.

"Four shots of sweetness, they were soo good."

Skylar laughed to herself, looking at their situation. "Ooh, I bet they were, Princess. Come on. We'll walk it off."

She put her hands out, lifting her. She grabbed the girl's shoulder bag and unlocked the door behind her. She guided her out towards the sink. Gabriella looked at this girl, moving around her straightening her clothes out.

"Am I really drunk?"

Skylar ran her fingers through her hair, tidying it up. "You feel drunk?"

Gabriella nodded.

A smile crept onto her lips, feeling Skylar's fingers at her collar. She laughed to herself.

"You're pretty hot, you know."

Skylar stopped. Her lip curled. "Yeah, you're drunk, alright. Come on, let's get you out of here." Holding her hand, she led her through the crowd heading towards the exit.

A camera flash came from the crowd outside. Gabriella crashed into her as she turned around.

"Let's go this way."

"Skylar, I don't feel so good." She started to drop.

"Hey, no, no, Ella. Damn it."

She bent down, throwing her over her shoulder and headed towards the back door. A security guard stopped her. Skylar looked up at him.

"This is an emergency. This is Gabriella Diaz." She swung her around. Gabriella tried to pop her head up to say hi. Skylar swung her back around. "She's had a few too many, and there are cameras outside." He didn't move.

"Look." She leaned closer. "I know this doesn't look good. Her fans are kids; they can't see her like this. You've gotta let us out." He looked at them again before he turned around, unlocking the door.

"Thanks." She adjusted the celebrity on her shoulder, taking her out into the dark alleyway. She headed out towards the back street. She put Gabriella down just before coming into view of the road. She saw the girl's eyes open, looking back at her.

"Sky, can we go home?" Gabriella touched her face.

"We are. Just wait here, ok." She stepped out to the curb, waving down a taxi. She went back and grabbed the girl's hand. "Wanna walk with me?"

She opened the door to the Diaz house as quietly as she could.

"Shh." She put her finger to the girls' lips as Gabriella fumbled through the door.

"Shh," Skylar said again just as she was about to laugh. "Can you shut up?" She said. "You'll get me in trouble!" As she pushed the door, Gabriella wandered off.

"No! Hey, come here! We're going upstairs!"

Gabriella's foot missed the step. She laughed.

"This is hopeless." Skylar reached around and threw her over her shoulder again.

"You're lucky I can still do this." She slipped into Gabriella's bedroom and dropped her down on the bed. As she went over to close the door, Gabriella sat up and rubbed her head. She felt yuck. She looked up, seeing Skylar stopping in front of her.

"Hmm." A stupid grin crossed her face. "Sky." She laughed to herself, reaching out for her. Skylar bent down, taking the drunken girl's shoes off.

She looked up just as a clumsy hand smacked her cheek.

"You're so pretty."

Skylar stopped and looked at her. Those dilated chocolate-brown eyes looked lustfully back at her as she pushed herself up. "Come on. We need to take this stuff off." She put her hand out to help her up. Gabriella stumbled and fell against her.

Skylar stopped.

"Ella, come on, what are you doing?"

"You know what I'm doing." She giggled, pressing herself into her. "I'm 'making a move' on you."

"Oh." Skylar blushed. Gabriella flicked her eyebrows, wrapping her arms around her neck. She laughed to herself, not letting her go.

"Shh, Sky..." She whispered. "I'mma tell you a secret."

Skylar slipped her arm around her waist, holding her up on her feet. Gabriella bit her lip quickly.

"I'm dying to kiss you." The girl's finger clumsily touched her mouth. Skylar felt herself heating up.

"Gabri-." Awkward lips smacked into hers.

Skylar felt the heat explode out of her face.

Gabriella pulled back, checking for a minute who she was kissing. Her eyebrow tweaked, and a sweet smile came to her lips.

She leaned in again.

Skylar held her back. "No, you need to..."

Gabriella moved in again.

"Ella....please." She pushed her back again just to have her step into her with more passion.

This time Skylar didn't stop her. She cupped her neck and pulled her against her lips.

Fuelled by the alcohol, Gabriella suddenly felt the electricity coming from the body against her. Letting out a moan, her searching hands found their way under Skylar's jacket, roughly pushing it from her shoulders. Skylar shook it from her arms, craving to reconnect the lost touch. She wrapped her hands around Gabriella's head again, tasting her mouth. She wanted to enjoy this before the girl realized what she was doing. A moan escaped Gabriella's mouth again as Skylar's' lips left hers and sunk into the dip of her neck.

"Oh god!" She clawed at the layers of clothes she was still wearing. Not wanting to lose contact again, Skylar leaned down, picking her up and dropping them back on the bed. She ran her hands down over the girls' sides, lifting her top and getting her fingers around the zip of her dress pants. Arching, Gabriella reached down, pulling at Skylar's clothes, shedding her down to her bra. Skylar's pulse thumped in her ears, the cool air against her hot-blooded skin. She was on fire. Working her kisses back up her body, she stopped when she realized the singer wasn't responding.

"Babe?" She kissed the skin of her stomach.

Gabriella snored. Skylar's head shot up.

"Are you serious?" She heard her snore again. "Ella, Jesus Christ! I can't believe...." She groaned, dropping her head on the girl's chest, feeling it rise and fall.

"I'm such an idiot." She looked up at her. "I can't protect you like this anyway..." She leaned up and kissed her on the cheek.

Sighing, she tucked her in quietly, making sure she was comfortable. Grabbing her jacket off the floor, she headed over, closing the bedroom door behind her. She quietly made her way back downstairs and out of the Diaz home.

Gabriella didn't feel like these rehearsals today. She wasn't in the mood. She couldn't believe Skylar could leave her in such a state! She couldn't remember anything! Well, anything that would explain why she had woken up only in her bra with her pants undone from the night before. Plus, she'd found a black singlet in her bed that wasn't hers. The worst part was when she looked at herself in the mirror and saw the faint neck mark. Skylar Jericho had a lot of explaining to do!

Skylar was dreading this band rehearsal herself. She hadn't been able to sleep since she'd got home from the Diaz's. There was the matter of Gabriella's so-called friends getting her liquored up. The fact that her neck was a bit tight from haling the singer over her shoulder and, of course, not to mention that her ego was just slightly shattered after a kiss that never should have happened. A kiss she couldn't get out of her head. She was dreading this because she would have to face Gabriella and didn't know how she was supposed to act.

She had arrived early, not wanting any attention on her for being late. As the band members arrived, she relaxed until she heard the girls' voice coming down the hall. She pretended to check her phone when the girl finally entered the stage. She wasn't usually like this; this was nerves. Gabriella had gotten under her skin, and now she was unsure where that put her. She looked up seeing her grabbing a seat from the side of the stage.

Gabriella could see her sitting at the back of the stage next to Naomi, trying to avoid eye contact.

"So you should!" She said to herself, deciding to face the band for this rehearsal. "Morning, everyone." She sat. There was a round of good mornings.

"So as the list goes out...We'll have a run-through, do some tweaking, and then have a solid run-through after lunch. Yeah? Sound good?" They all nodded. "Alright, let's do this." As the band started, their eyes met briefly as Gabriella adjusted herself on her seat. Skylar couldn't read her expression but could tell she was not happy with her. She smiled to herself. It was going to be a long day.

They had been through a complete run-through and started doing some tweaking when Gabriella's voice cracked. "Skylar, you're off. Keep up." Skylar looked over at her in disbelief.


Naomi leant over. "Ahh, that was her."

"Duh, I know." Skylar watched the singer in front of her. They needed to talk.

Come break time, Skylar knew it would be up to her to break the ice. She found her over by the grazing table.

"I wasn't off-key."

She heard Gabriella let out a deep breath. She could sing her songs with her eyes closed. She turned around, finally facing her. Skylar couldn't help the little smile coming to her lips. Gabriella noticed but was quickly frustrated that she didn't know what it was for.

"We need to talk!" It came out rather sternly.

"Oh, you bet we do." Skylar grabbed a handful of snacks and followed her to a dressing room.

Once inside the room, there was an awkward silence.

"So, how are you feeling this morning?" Skylar asked quietly.


Short and sweet. Skylar nodded.

"Do you remember anything?" Gabriella turned around.

"You left me."

"I did not leave you."

"Yeah, you did. I ended up drunk and..." She bent down, pulling the singlet out of her bag. "Half-naked with some guys' clothes in my bed. You are a shit friend Skylar!"

"Hey! Calm down." Skylar reached over, grabbing the singlet out of the singer's hand. "For starters, this is mine..." She reached over, fingering the singer's collar and seeing the fading mark she knew she had made. "That was a mistake, and believe it or not, I wasn't the one that got you drunk!"

Watching her walk over to the dresser, Gabriella adjusted her collar. She was a little shocked by that confession. Skylar sighed.

"Actually, I'm pretty gutted you don't remember."

Their eyes met for a second. Skylar leaned back against the counter, confused. "You really don't remember any of it?"

Gabriella leaned back against the wall.

"I remember being at the club, Dayna was there."

Skylar pursed her lips.


Gabriella thought for a minute. "I remember sitting in an alley." She saw Skylar nod. Skylar looked her over, surprised that that was it.

"Well, I guess I did leave you." She stood up. "You were so excited to see Dayna that I left you with her. It was only like twenty minutes. By the time I came back, you were passed out in the toilets."

"But I don't drink?"

"I gathered; trust me, I was highly pissed off at them." She saw the girl deflate a little. She smiled. "Don't worry. I've seen worse." She pushed off the counter. "I had to chuck you over my shoulder and head out the back because photographers were out the front." She watched Gabriella absorbing that. "Anyway, I managed to get you home and..." She paused. "You fell asleep." Gabriella watched her a moment. Skylar shook her head and laughed.

"Man, seriously, when you said you were trouble, I didn't expect..." She looked at her with the dirtiest grin.

"Oh, your trouble alright."

Gabriella blushed. Skylar laughed.

"You just wouldn't stop hitting on me." She shrugged. "I mean, you're everyone's dream girl, right? How could I say no?" She felt awkward. "Anyways, we were getting pretty...until you started snoring, and my ego crashed into the floor in a million pieces. Boom."

"Sorry." Gabriella chuckled.

"Nah, I'm sorry and sorry for that." Skylar pointed towards her neck. "I really should have had more respect and not taken advantage of you." A soft smile came to her features. "I admit you were a little too irresistible at the time."

Skylar watched her for a moment.

"Look, Ella. I know you and Dayna are really good friends..."

"She knows I don't drink."

"Doesn't mean she wouldn't..."

"She wouldn't, and she didn't."

"How can you be so sure? I mean, she was..?"

"Cause she's not like that!" Gabriella defended.

Skylar stood up.

"Well, she didn't stop them! There's something I just don't like about her!"

"Probably because she's really my friend, and you've only known me for like five minutes and already think you can get in my pants!" Gabriella stormed off towards the door.

"Ahh, correction, princess, you were trying to get into mine!"

Gabriella stopped a moment; closing her eyes, she searched for Skylar.

"Sky, no one can know-."

"Don't worry yourself about it!" Skylar walked towards her, taking hold of the doorknob.

"I won't say a word. Besides," She looked her over.

"You're straight, right?" She pushed past her out the door.

Naomi looked at the girl turning her mic to face her.

"What are you doing?" Skylar huffed.

"Diva down there is putting me off." Naomi glanced down at Gabriella, facing them.

"You guys alright?"


Gabriella noticed Skylar turn away from her. She didn't care; she was mad. She knew Dayna way better than she knew Skylar. She trusted Dayna more than she trusted Skylar. Fed up, she turned her seat around to sing to her invisible audience. Skylar noticed.

"Fine." She thought. She turned her mic back around, and in the next song, she deliberately sang louder. Gabriella went to sing, and Skylar drowned her out. Shaking it off, she continued until Skylar sang over her again. Skylar could see she was rattling her. She didn't care. Something about Dayna got on her nerves, and even if the pop-sized bloody spoilt princess didn't believe her, she would find a way to make her a believer.