

Gabriella was so engrossed in correcting the dance routines that she hadn't noticed Skylar slip into the studio.

"One two three and pop pop pop."

The dancers moved around the room, the choreographer watching them intensely. She could see them all in the mirror wall on the side of the studio. She had to admit the singer had a good strong group. They were moving well together.

The door opened quietly beside her, and a pretty dark girl sat beside her. Skylar smiled. The girl got comfortable and smiled at her.


She tilted her head, taking in the dark-headed girl beside her. "I saw you yesterday. You were in the first group of singers." She smiled. "I heard you were good."

"Thanks. I'm Skylar." Skylar smiled.


"Are you a singer?"

"Yeah." She glimpsed over at the dancers. "Must be just you and me?" They looked around.

"I think it is, unless..." They spotted a white guy sitting down at the end with glasses. Skylar shook her head.

"Let's hope it's just us."

"Yeah, we got this." They laughed.

They sat and watched the activity going on in front of them. Gabriella was up the front holding a fake mic.

"She's perfect."

Skylar leaned over to get a better view of her in the mirror. She was wearing a pair of tights and a cut-off red top. Her hair was up in a ponytail. Today she looked more her twenty years than the kid she seemed a couple of days ago. Skylar quietly nodded to herself. The girl definitely could dance.

"Can we chuck some music on?" She heard her say.

Skylar watched the choreographer walk over and flick the stereo on. As the music started, everyone fell into place. Skylar smiled to herself. She knew this song now. Then, as they started their routine, she flicked her eyebrows at Naomi beside her.

"Should we practice?"

"yeah!" They sat up and waited for their part.

Gabriella was concentrating on her routine when she heard the harmonizing coming from the side of the room. She glimpsed past her reflection to the two girls sitting on the side.

Skylar watched the dancers through the mirror and saw the singer's eyes meet hers. The corner of her lip curled. A sweet smile came to Gabriella's as she tried to focus back on the moves.

Skylar sighed, second-guessing what she was doing there. Her eye skimmed over the mix of talented people in the room. She thought about Mae and the brief file she had read repeatedly. So this girl was now paying her to sing with her.

Their eyes met again for a brief moment as they sang together. This time the look was a bit more serious. The girl had secrets Skylar was going to have to dig for. But on the flip side, she would be the one with the secrets.

Skylar and Naomi walked onto the empty stage and sat on the chairs in the middle. They chatted until Gabriella walked in, talking on the phone.

"Yes, Mama, I'm not alone." She glimpsed over at Skylar.

"See, Skylar and Naomi are here." She held her phone out towards them. "Say hi."


"Hi, Mama!" Skylar laughed.

"See." Gabriella put the phone back to her ear. "I'll let you know when we finish up. Love you, Mama."

Skylar smiled as the girl hung up from her mum. She had read that Mrs Diaz was a real hands-on stage mother and that the two had a close relationship.

"Everything alright?" It just came out.

"Yeah," Gabriella sat down, taking her hair out of her ponytail and fluffing her hair. Skylar pursed her lips, taking her eye off the girl sitting just in front of her. Gabriella got comfortable, taking a deep breath. She was tired from the dance practice.

"So I thought we could have a sing-song for about an hour just to marry our vocals up." She glimpsed at Skylar. "I noticed you guys already at it in the studio."

"Yeah." Naomi laughed. "I can't wait until we are performing live."

"Yip, we'll be on the road starting in Vancouver in a few weeks."

"Awesome." Skylar smiled to herself, and Gabriella caught the moment.

"So tell me a little about yourselves."

"Well." Naomi started. "I'm originally from Texas. I've been singing on and off for the last six years. I love to dance, so I would have auditioned for your dance crew if I didn't make your vocal team."

"Wow! I'm lucky you are here." Gabriella smiled. "And don't worry, I'll have you dancing with me in a few numbers. I could hear in your voice these beautiful soft tones. You've got that warm hot chocolate by the fire soothing voice. I loved it."

"Thanks!" Naomi blushed. Gabriella smiled. Her eye fell on the girl dressed in a leather jacket with her raven black hair down. It made the green in her eyes pop.

"I..." Skylar smiled. She stretched, flipping her hair over to the side. She had worked out her back story the other day. "Ah, originally come from Idaho. Um..." She glimpsed at Gabriella, suddenly conscious that she was lying to her.

"I used to sing in clubs there until I came to LA with some friends to try my luck. And here I am."

Gabriella stayed silent for a second.

'Oh god.' Skylar thought to herself. Did this girl see right through her?

Gabriella smiled. "Following the American dream."

Skylar laughed, relieved. "Yeah, I guess. I'm pretty boring, really."

"Oh, I don't know." Gabriella bit her lip, letting it pop back out slowly. "When I was listening to your voice..." She began to talk with her hands. "You gave me goosebumps. You have such power. Your voice is strong! But..." She looked to the side, finding her words. She let out a deep breath.

"You have this husky raspiness to your voice that is just..." Her lip curled, her eyebrow flicking quickly. "Sounds so sexy, so seducing."

Skylar felt the rush of blood come to her cheeks. Her mouth opened slightly, but no sound came. Gabriella smiled at her response. She continued.

"But I can sing with you. I can sing with you." She looked at Naomi. "I think I'm kind of somewhere in the middle. I still don't think I can sing well, but I'm getting more confident." She looked between them. "So I wanna see what we sound like together." The two girls looked at her.

"Wow, no way, Ella, your voice is crazy! How do you do your runs and stuff? This..." Naomi looked at Skylar. "This is an honour to sing with you!" She laughed. "I'm hoping to learn heaps from you." The direction changed to Skylar, who didn't know what to say.

"Same." She waved.

Gabriella laughed. She liked this girl.

"So what should we sing?" Gabriella looked between them.

"Hmm." Naomi thought. "I know Complicated really well."

"Nah." Gabriella waved her off, crossing her legs and leaning over them. "I've had enough of my stuff. Let's sing something else. Let's jam!"

"Ha." Skylar chuckled, playing with her hair. Gabriella squinted at her. "Alright, Skylar, you pick." Skylar's eyebrows rose. This girl was pretty casual with her.

"Alright then." She squinted back, gaining a smile from the singer. "Let's see. Naomi?"


Skylar had a sudden thought. She needed to get in with this girl, so wetting her lips, she started singing, The Climb. Gabriella sat there, drawn to this girl who had just started singing. Then, catching Skylar's nod, she took over.

Skylar sat there getting mesmerized by the girls' pure raw ability to sing that she almost missed her cue. Gabriella noticed and then realized that the girl was observing her as she sang. She closed her eyes continuing, trying to hide the smile that came to her lips. Skylar read the expression on her face. Something was going on between them.

Getting close to this girl wasn't going to be complicated.

After an hour, Gabriella's phone rang. It was her mother. Getting off the phone, she looked at the two girls chatting. "Thanks, guys. Wow, this is going to be such fun! I can't wait to get on the road with you."

"Same here!"

Naomi got up, seeing Gabriella getting ready to go.

"So..." Gabriella put her hands together. "I will see you guys in a couple of days, and we'll start going through the song list." "Awesome!" Naomi picked up her bag. Then, starting to leave, Skylar stopped backstage at the top of the stairs. She checked that Naomi was gone before she turned back to see the singer wandering quietly on the empty stage. She watched her a moment.

"Ella..." Skylar stepped back onto the stage quietly. "You want me to wait with you?" Gabriella stopped. She looked up at her, wondering if this girl knew something was wrong.

"Um..." She rubbed her hands together. She didn't really want to be here alone. "My Ma is about half an hour away."

She searched Skylar's face wondering if she could tell her the truth. "I um..." She stepped closer as Skylar walked back onto the stage towards her. She stopped in front of her, kind of nervous. She looked up into those coloured eyes, searching hers. Something was comforting about this girl in front of her. She felt safe. Gabriella sighed.

"I've had some weird things happening to me lately, and my Mama is worried someone is..." She hesitated a moment checking no one was around. "She just doesn't like me being alone." Skylar felt the girl's nerves kick in.

"Hey." She put her hand out, taking the girls in her own. "You're safe with me. I promise you." Gabriella relaxed, squeezing her hand.

"I feel that. Thank you."

"Do you wanna tell me about it?" She asked, becoming more concerned that this girl felt this worried. Gabriella looked down at her hand holding hers.

"Can we wait outside? This place gets too creepy when it's quiet." Skylar looked out at the empty seats. They were the only ones there.

"Sure." She smiled. "I might even let you pick the next song." Gabriella stopped at the top of the stairs.

"Wow, you are so so kind!" She said sarcastically, making Skylar laugh as they continued on the way out.

"Hey, it's the least I can do since you are coming on tour with me." They reached the exit door. Gabriella started laughing, forgetting her uneasy feeling a few minutes ago.

"Of course! I'm such a big fan. In fact..." She stopped and started flicking through her phone. "I'm such a huge fan of yours..." She acted. "I so need a selfie with you." She acted really excited to be in her presence.

Skylar laughed out loud. This girl was a natural comic. She got herself into character. "Oh wow, thank you, of course, you can!" Gabriella slid up next to her, pointing the phone back at them. Skylar smiled at the image on the screen of both of them. Click.

"Wait, one more." They got a bit closer, and both poked out their tongues. Skylar watched the girl pull her phone close, looking at them.

How could someone want to hurt her? Want to ruin her career? Who was threatened by her?

They had been outside the door for about five minutes before someone recognized the singer.

"Oh great. You want me to tell them to bugger off?" Gabriella put her hand on her arm, pulling her back.

"I'm ok. They are my fans. I can't just ignore them."

Skylar watched the teenagers running towards them.

"Sure you can! We can turn around and go back inside!"

"Skylar!" Gabriella looked over her shoulder at her. "When I make you famous, you will totally understand." She flicked her eyebrows, giving her a cheeky grin.

"Ooh, I'm sorry. When you make me famous?!" Skylar laughed, watching the girls whip out their phones to take photos.

"Aha. And when you release your first album, you can thank me then. Hi guys!" Skylar watched her naturally interacting with her fans. Her personality was contagious.

"I love you too! Thanks, guys! Thanks for your support." She stepped back towards Skylar, needing to move away from a couple of fans that had no intentions of leaving. "I've gotta go, guys!" Skylar reached behind her for the door opening it for the singers' quick exit. "Bye, guys! Love you!" Skylar closed the door behind her, leaning back against it. Gabriella turned around, letting out a sigh.

"I guess we'll just wait here then." Noticing Skylar's silence, she crossed her arms and looked at her. Skylar raised her eyebrow with a little smirk.

'So, I'm thanking you when I release my first album, am I?" Gabriella laughed out loud.

"Aha," She rocked on her heels like a child thinking. "With a banana sundae and Harry Potter."

"What? Harry Potter?" Skylar laughed.

"Yip, the whole lot. An omnibus of Harry Potter. A Harry Potter marathon!"

"Ok, ok!" Skylar reached out to calm the excited girl down. "Banana sundae and a Harry Potter marathon. I think I can do that."

"Unless..." Gabriella teased. "You can think of another way?"

Skylar held her eyes for a moment. Was she flirting? She smiled, pushing off the door and stopping in front of her.

"Well, I guess you won't know unless it happens." She walked past. Gabriella followed her up the stairs back out to the theatre.

"Yes!! Then you can have me as a   special guest on your album!" Skylar stopped at the end of the stage, sitting down.

"And what makes you think you'd be on my album?" Gabriella jumped off the front of the stage and started dancing around in the front aisle.

"So rude, Sky! Of course, I'll be on your album! For I am your ticket to..." She spread her arms out. "The wonderful world of music!" Skylar sat there laughing at the spinning girl. She couldn't help it, she was adorable.

"Ok then." She leaned forward. "What's our duet? It has to be super good to make my album."

"Hey!" Gabriella smacked her leg. "My vocals... ooourr vocals will make anything sound good. No great! Award-winning!"

She felt her phone vibrate. Reaching into her pocket, she pursed her lips, looking at Skylar.

"It's my Ma." Her voice was slightly melancholy. Skylar watched her turn around, putting some distance between them. She didn't realize this girl was so funny. She smiled at the thought.

Gabriella noticed Skylar smiling to herself.

"K, we'll be out in a minute." She hung up, smiling back at her. "What?" Skylar looked at her shrugging her shoulders. The smile on Gabriella's face turned into a silly grin.

Skylar laughed to herself.

"Come on. I'll walk you out." Gabriella jumped back onto the stage and quietly followed her down the stairs to the back entrance. "Wait." Skylar stopped at the door before she opened it. "I'll check it's clear." Gabriella leaned over her shoulder.

"Are you my bodyguard now?"

"Hmm." Skylar smiled over her shoulder. She looked out, noticing the black SUV with tinted windows sitting outside. "Is that your Ma?" Gabriella looked out seeing her mum's truck.

"Yip." She glanced next to her, observing the older girl for a moment. She gently touched the leather with her fingers. "Thank you." She said softly. Skylar searched the eyes upon her. She reached up and squeezed her hand as her face softened.

"Anytime." Gabriella blushed, pulling the door open. As she ran out onto the street, she turned and looked at the girl watching her. She waved her phone.

"Thanks for the photos!"

"You're welcome!" Skylar waved. She watched them pull out into the traffic before she turned to head down to the corner. A smile crept onto her face thinking about the last couple of hours. She took it back; Gabriella Diaz was more real than she gave her credit for. "Ha," She laughed, thinking about signing autographs and taking photos.

Then it dawned on her, covering her face with her hands. "She has photos!"

Hearing the door open, Skylar sat back in the chair opposite Mae's desk.

"Sorry. I'm covering two cases at the same time. That meeting took a bit longer than I thought."

"All good." Mae sat down, looking over at her younger sister. It had been weird seeing her in her office the other day. They hadn't seen each other for a few years. She definitely wasn't a kid anymore. "How's it going with Diaz?" She asked. Skylar shrugged, jamming her hands in her jacket pockets.


Mae sat forward. She could see it on her face, questioning herself.

"What's wrong?"

Skylar let out a sigh.

"I think I've fucked up." She took in the coloured eyes staring back at her.

"I'm sure there's something in the rule book about being in photos." Mae knitted her brow.

"What kind of photos?"

"Ella and I were messing around."


"Sorry, I was waiting with Gabriella for her Ma, and we took some selfies." She leaned on the desk, putting her head in her hand. "I don't think she'll post them on Instagram, but..." She glanced at her sister. "Am I in trouble?" Mae looked away for a sec. She was more worried her sister would be unable to keep some boundaries with Diaz. She knew the singer was definitely someone Skylar could get herself in trouble with if it was mutual. So Mae sat forward, dropping her arms on the desk.

"Look, just; remember you are there to do a job. Find out who is scaring the bejeebers out of her, alright." She looked over the rookie in front of her.

"Yeah." Skylar sighed, running her hand through her hair. They looked at each other. "Her ma is sure someone is after her?" Skylar asked. Mae sighed.

"Did you see the Video Music Awards a few weeks ago?"

"I didn't watch it, but I saw her on it. Sung some stuff."

"Yeah, well, someone cut the cord to her mic halfway through. She kept going, but it shook her so much that her mother found her crying in the cleaner's cupboard, having a complete anxiety attack." Skylar sat back, absorbing that mental image of the happy girl she'd just been laughing with in that kind of state.

"I can understand why her ma doesn't want her alone." "Yeah." Mae sat back. "That was the last straw for Mrs Diaz. She doesn't trust anyone around her daughter. She doesn't know the reasoning behind this sabotage, but..."

Skylar took a deep breath.

"Don't worry. No matter what it takes, I will find out who it is."