
Luna: The Cursed Eclipse

"Help me..." "If you want my help…" Domhall, in his demonic form, squatted in front of Louisanna as his long, dirty nails lightly caressed her neck, creating a shallow wound in it. "Beg for it." Domhall Palmer was living his life to the fullest as a multi-billionaire CEO, not until something strange happened after the last eclipse of the year. In the middle of the night, when everyone was intoxicated and insane, he suddenly vanished into the world… and without his consent and consciousness, he became the demon king. When he found out that Luna, the one he had the last connection with can bring his old life back, he forced her to bound a contract with him as he wanted to make his plans achievable by keeping his prey closer… not knowing that he was the one being trapped. Would he fall in love with her for another time? Or decide to end all his suffering by killing the woman who started it all?

iwaswiththestars · Fantasi
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85 Chs

On A Peaceful Morning, Or Not

"Good morning, world!"

Today, Louisanna woke up with peace in her heart. She couldn't stop smiling as she sat down on her bed, extended her arms to the ceiling, and gave herself a light stretch.

She felt peaceful and happy as she thought that today will be a great day for her, which is the exact opposite of her thoughts as everything that happened last night was full of disaster.

It was four o'clock in the morning. She had enough energy as she turned off her alarm clock and jumped out of her bed. It's been a while since she felt revitalized like this.

Maybe despite the demon king visiting her last night, her fate was able to convert that bad energy coming from him into a good one.

"Have a great day ahead, buddy," Louisanna told herself as she stopped in front of the full-sized mirror in her room.

She realized she looked like a mess because she wasn't able to even change her clothes or wash her face last night, but her body feels good. That's what matters the most.

After that, Louisanna did her morning ritual as she prepared herself to go to school.

"Good morning, dear neighbors!" Louisanna greeted some of her neighbors who were cleaning the front of their houses using a broom and a dustpan.

She's wearing her school uniform, which is a white blouse, black slacks, and black leather shoes partnered with her faded white socks, and her old black bag that she always used back when she was in her high school days.

"G-Good morning!" Some of the neighbors greeted her back just to avoid being rude.

Those neighbors had their lips parted because it was rare for Louisanna to greet them. She was always quiet and aloof.

Starting from when her mother was confined to the hospital, Louisanna even stopped playing with her friends as she needed to deal with a big responsibility at a young age.

"Have a great day ahead!" she could even hear one of her neighbors tell her.

She didn't know their names, and she wasn't planning on having a getting-to-know-you segment, anyway. She only knew them by their faces, and what kind of rumors they spread about the Lohengrin family.

They weren't the kind of neighbors everyone would think. Instead of helping them cope up with their situation, they even had them as the popular talk of the town.

"Same to you!" Louisanna smiled at them as an answer, and as soon as those people couldn't see her face anymore since she walked past them already, her smile immediately faded as it was changed into a frown.

"Plastic bitches," she muttered in a low tone as she rolled her eyes while waiting for the bus so she could go to school.

After that, when a bus stopped in front of her, she immediately went inside and sat on the edge of the bus, near the window.

It was her favorite spot because she loves looking at her surroundings, but as she was on her way to her school, the peaceful and lovely day she thought she'd have, suddenly went out of the drain as she saw Domhall, the guy from last night, standing in front of her.

Louisanna blinked her eyes— not twice, but thrice, as she slapped both of her cheeks to test if it was another set of her imagination or not.

"You weren't dreaming, if that's what you think," Domhall told her in an authoritative and seductive tone, as a smirk plastered onto his face. "Looks like you have a good day. Do you want me to ruin it for you, my lady?"

"What the fuck do you want?" Louisanna asked him without hesitation as she raised one of her brows.

Just as when she's trying to forget everything, the guy suddenly showed up in front of her.

With that, Louisanna couldn't help but check him out. She couldn't see his imperial horns— which she saw last night, but she could see how his blue polo shirt and faded jeans complimented his body built, messy black hair, and captivating red eyes.

Louisanna didn't notice that he was staring at him for a long time as her lips were parting. Meanwhile, Domhall was also doing the same.

His gaze stared at Louisanna's lips more than he expected, as he thought that those red and soft lips would be enjoyable to kiss. With that, he could feel the sudden heat traveling onto the different parts of his body.

There's something with this woman that captivates his attention a lot, even back from the time he was in the human world. He never knew why it was the case, but every time he was with her, or even just at a near distance from her, he could see himself going onto her even though he knew how painful it would be in the process.

It wasn't even helping him that Louisanna's scent lingers on his nose. It was so sweet, feminine, and delicate. He could even just smell her all day while laying his head on her legs.

He smiled at his thoughts, only to realize it was not the reason why he went to see her.

Louisanna keeps on messing up with his mind.

"What did you do to me, woman?" Domhall asked her in a threatening tone before his hand traveled onto his jaws, gripping them tightly as her lips parted.

She tried to shout and ask for help, but it seems like her voice can't be found out of nowhere.

In the blink of an eye, Louisanna found herself gasping in fear as she noticed how the people with her inside the bus had suddenly disappeared, and she was already in a different place.


The fire was everywhere as Domhall was in front of her, and a wall was behind her. Louisanna's eyes even went wider as she thought the fire would already consume them.

She wondered how painful it was to have those fires buried in the depths of her skin.

'If I'm having a nightmare, please, let me wake up!' Louisanna exclaimed at the back of her mind.

They were surrounded by fire but she couldn't feel any heat, although sweat was forming on her forehead, she was certain that it was because of Domhall's presence, and it looked like he was ready to take her down.

Domhall took a step forward and placed both of his hands on both sides of her head. She couldn't move.

She even forgot how to breathe as she saw Domhall's face up close, and how his horns were showing while she was staring at his forehead.

"I'll ask you for the second time," Domhall told her as he placed his lips on her ear. "Who are you really, and what are you doing to me?"

"W-What?" Louisanna blinked her eyes twice as she heard that question. "I-I should be the one to ask you that, right?"

The fire went bigger as it formed into a circle surrounding them. Louisanna didn't know at that time what to feel. She always feels mesmerized by the scene like she saw all of it before, and as if she was a part of it before.

The fire looked like dancing waters in her eyes, and that expression almost made Domhall lose control.

"No." Instead, Domhall caressed her cheek before saying, "You won't be able to ask that because after this, you won't even remember me unless I give those pieces of your memory back."

With that, he snapped his fingers on his left hand as he summoned something above them. It was another ball of fire.

"I, Domhall Palmer, with the hell's power, command you to forget everything that happened since last night."