
Luna: The Cursed Eclipse

"Help me..." "If you want my help…" Domhall, in his demonic form, squatted in front of Louisanna as his long, dirty nails lightly caressed her neck, creating a shallow wound in it. "Beg for it." Domhall Palmer was living his life to the fullest as a multi-billionaire CEO, not until something strange happened after the last eclipse of the year. In the middle of the night, when everyone was intoxicated and insane, he suddenly vanished into the world… and without his consent and consciousness, he became the demon king. When he found out that Luna, the one he had the last connection with can bring his old life back, he forced her to bound a contract with him as he wanted to make his plans achievable by keeping his prey closer… not knowing that he was the one being trapped. Would he fall in love with her for another time? Or decide to end all his suffering by killing the woman who started it all?

iwaswiththestars · Fantasy
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85 Chs

The Reason His Power Is Deteriorating

"Hey, wake up…"

Louisanna moved her head a bit as she felt like someone was slapping her cheeks lightly. It didn't hurt, but it was enough for her to wake up from her peaceful slumber— If it could even be counted as a peaceful slumber despite her vivid nightmare.

"Hmm?" She opened her eyes lightly, but she immediately closed them again as the lights from the window of the bus started to hurt her eyes.

"Aw," she even complained as she placed her fingers on her forehead, massaging it a bit.

She attempted to open her eyes slowly so it wouldn't feel like the lights were attacking her sight, and it worked, although it felt like her head was getting pounded as she couldn't deal with the sudden noise on the bus, and the middle-aged woman who was talking to her as well.

"You're in front of your university," a woman told her as she pointed her index finger at the window.

"I based it on your uniform and thought that you would be late to school if I didn't wake you up. My daughter's always like that as well," she even added and laughed a bit.

That's the time she realized she has a class for today, and without the woman's help, she would need to cross the streets again dangerously as she would have an imaginary running competition with her professor.

"Oh, crap!" she cursed herself unconsciously as she looked at her wristwatch.

She sighed in relief as she saw that she still had ten minutes before the first subject started.

'Why did I nap while I'm on the bus? Crap, Louisanna!' she preached herself as she fixed her uniform and her bag on her back.

"Thank you, ma'am!" Louisanna told the woman as she bowed down a bit as a sign of gratitude and appreciation.

"No worries." The woman smiled back and gave her a thumbs up. "Good luck, Louisanna."

Louisanna raised an eyebrow as she called her name, but the woman pointed at her identification card, telling her indirectly that it was the reason why she knew her name.

"Ooh, I see."

Louisanna laughed at her stupidity as she turned her ID card so no one would be able to read it, and after that, she went out of the bus and carefully crossed the streets— legally this time as she waited for the traffic lights to turn red before walking.

Louisanna can still remember everything, from the moment she woke up earlier until she sat down on the bus, and also, she could remember Domhall who suddenly went in front of her and brought her to a different place.

She thought she'd feel the hairs on her skin go up because of that, but prior to what she thought, she sighed in relief.

She was glad that it was a dream, after all. Although everything that happened was mind-blowing, there's a part of her that wants to remember all of it.

Meanwhile, on Inferno, Domhall's face grimaced as he was watching Louisanna on the fire in front of him. It was like a mirror where he can see what was happening in the other world.

This is what he liked about his power. He could summon almost anything using fire, as it was the source of his strength. He can even make a fire comb on it, or a fire cake, which may look so weird yet satisfying.

He thought that he had made himself strong after all those years he spent in Inferno as the demon king, but because of Louisanna, an ordinary girl he just wanted to play with at first, his confidence drastically decreased.

He could also feel that his powers started to deteriorate, the same as the authority he once had.

He can say that Louisanna Lohengrin is an expert at making him doubt himself, especially on what happened today. Luckily, Louisanna thought that she was just dreaming when he took her on one of the dimensions going to hell.

He needed to bring her to one of his territories to make sure his power won't be drained, but Louisanna was something.

He wasn't able to erase her memory. In fact, he even had a permanent scar on his hand which he used to hold her cheek. His self-healing power doesn't even work, even in his own place.

It would take days to heal, and he would need to absorb more negative energies so he could make up for his lost powers.

"Are you sure of what you said, Ellaine?" As he stood up on her throne and waved his hand so he could see the moon and the stars shining brightly, he talked to Ellaine who was sitting on the couch while fixing her make-up.

"Hmm?" she answered as she took a glance at him, but it didn't last for a second as she focused her attention on her hand, putting eyeliners on the top of her right eye.

"Are you sure that I'm powerful?" Domhall asked her in a confused and low tone.

He didn't avoid his gaze on the moon, which Ellaine found strange because he knew Domhall for a long time— even back from where he was born, not as a multi-billionaire CEO, but in the previous generations and reincarnations, he couldn't even remember.

He hated the moon because he believed that the eclipse was the main reason why he became the demon king… which is right.

Now that Domhall was staring at it like the moon was giving him a sense of calmness he never had before, was enough for Ellaine to stop putting her make-up on as she folded her other hand to close her compact mirror.

"I'm certain," she answers in a convincing tone before looking at him. "Why do you ask?"

"Then…" Domhall stopped looking at the sky as he waved his hand for the second time. Now, the sky was now covered by a huge black roof. "Why are my memory manipulation skills not working?"

"What? Why did you use that?" Ellaine raised a brow as she placed her make-up in her small bag. "Did you eat someone's soul?" She even chucked as she asked that question.

"No," Domhall responded immediately before shaking his head as he walked in front of the mini-fire lake. "I used that on someone with white hair," he added as he didn't know that Ellaine was fully aware of Louisanna's existence.