
Luna of Silvermoon

Mariannaux is an Alpha Daughter.A wolf-less warrior and a healer to the Primordial Moon Pack.Her wolf is still sleeping inside of her.His Father trained her so hard to become a warrior of their Pack. Alpha David.Known for his cruelty and ruthlessness.He is one of the strongest Alpha in the world.His Pack is conqueror, he conquers and kills his enemy without mercy.He is bound to be Mariannaux's mate and he hated it, for him love is a sign of weakness. Because of the contract made by their ancestors.Mariannaux and David were forced to be mates for each other. will they love and like each other?will the contract will be break?

Hikari_Zones · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


"This place looks like a palace"I said with happiness

"It's indeed a palace,Lady Mariannaux"Jaxson said

"Hmm? how come you have a palace here?This is a huge place.Are your pack members living here?"I asked still following him on where he would bring me.

"Well.....for new members like you this house is for Third in Command or Gamma.The other's are residing around the castle.You will be staying for good."He said, putting all my bags inside the room Before excusing himself to leave.


Someone is in my room, putting my clothes inside the cabinet.

"Did I wake you?"The girl said while glaring at me.

"What are your doing Inside of my room?"I ignored her question, whick i would like to know.

"Isn't obvious?"She said while raising one of her eyebrows.

I clenched my teeth at her attitude.I didn't know who she was, but I got this feeling that she hated me.

"Well it is, But what are you doing in my room?You can knock on the door you know?"I said sitting in my bed and now full awake.I just slept too long.

"First Beta jaxson told me to attend your room and fix your things.Since i knocked three times but no one answered.I open the door and do was I told to."She said, Explaining her self.

"Okay"I said

I looked her carefully.She's beautiful in her own way but she's in a maid's uniform like whay i saw earlier when jaxson and I arrived.

"Why are you staring on me?Don't you know that it's Rude?"She glared at me again.

"You know miss I-DONT-KNOW-WHO-YOU-ARE.I Don't know what seems to be the problem here but your attitude towards me distracts me.If you don't like what you are doing, just leave.I said Truthfully She kept glaring at me, so i thought there's a problem that i didn't know.

Early this morning, Loui knocked on my door to inform me that First Beta Jaxson was expecting me for breakfast.She said that I needed to introduce myself to the pack and She's quite happy infront of me now.

I hurriedly fixed myself I brushed my teeth and put on some light makeup and went to dining.It's not easy to find.When i got here, I saw a lot of wolves chatting but stopped when they saw me.

Everyone was looking at me as I walk into the room.Jaxson on the other hand let me sit in Luna's Place that gained whispers from the pack members more, I looked at Jaxson and notice that there's no mate sitting in his side.

"Everyone!Listen!"Jaxson shouted everyone in the room became silent"This is Lady Mariannaux, she's a healer from Primordial Pack.She's staying with us now.Give respect and greet her."He said with an Authoritative voice. Some of the wolves howl with acceptance while others just look at me with no emotion at all.Some of them were girls, Maybe Daughter of high-ranking wolves.

Jaxskn looked at me and requested that introduce my self to the people inside.I become nervous but shrug it away.I couldn't show any weakness here.

"Hi everyone, I'm Mariannaux daughter of Alpha Elliot of Primordial Pack.It's nice to meet you akl.I am very pleased to be Part of your pack.I am healer, you can come with me if you need some help or assistance."I said before I sat back.

I turned my attention to my food.I finished it all.I forgot that i didn't eat yesterday.I'm so tired because of the long drive my pack to Silvermoon North to South.

"Lady Mariannaux, Since Alpha David is not here right now, he told me to tour you around the pack.We can go after breakfast."Jaxson said.

I smiled at him, I couldn't hide the excitement that fills me.I really wanted to see this place since i grew up with colf and ice around me.

Jaxson smiled for the first time after seeing my reaction.That's the first time I saw how good looking he was.His face reminds me of channing tatum.So sexy and those dimples made him more attractive.I bet a lot of women here were trying to get his attention.I didn't have my wolf, that's why I couldn't smell any potential mate.

'What am I thinking? Do i like Jaxson to be my mate! Gather your thoughts Mariannaux'I said to myself

"I am very much delighted to do that.I really want to see his place.I live in Primordial for my whole life, this place is new to me"I said.

"Well, I think you need to dress less.It's hot outside and will clothes that fully cover your body, you will be sweating a lot"He said

"Sure"I stood uo and excused myself from the others and runback to my room.I changed into skinny jeans, a plain white shirt and a pair of Boots.I ran back to the dining room, whick was now empty except for jaxson who was now standing at the door, wearing black pants and a black shirt.Sexy!

"Ready?"Jaxson asked

"Yes"I answered
