
Luna of Silvermoon

Mariannaux is an Alpha Daughter.A wolf-less warrior and a healer to the Primordial Moon Pack.Her wolf is still sleeping inside of her.His Father trained her so hard to become a warrior of their Pack. Alpha David.Known for his cruelty and ruthlessness.He is one of the strongest Alpha in the world.His Pack is conqueror, he conquers and kills his enemy without mercy.He is bound to be Mariannaux's mate and he hated it, for him love is a sign of weakness. Because of the contract made by their ancestors.Mariannaux and David were forced to be mates for each other. will they love and like each other?will the contract will be break?

Hikari_Zones · Fantasy
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4 Chs

First Beta

A knock on door stopped me from putting my pants inside the bag.Tyler opened the door and i saw Amanda, One of our Servants

"Lady Mariannaux, Alpha Elliot sent me here to inform you that the First beta of Silvermoon Pack has already arrived"Amanda informed me

"Okay Amanda, just tells my Dad that I'll be there in a minute"i said.Putting the lest clothes I needed to bring.I also packed my tools in healing.I was a healer of this Pack.

"Yes, Lady Mariannaux"She said before closing the door by herself.

That's First Beta was surely punctual!He's on time.I turned to look at Ty"Hey Big Guy stop pitying me and start to help me with my bags"i said while throwing my bag him one of my bags.

"You're leaving me here then you want me to helo?No.You can help yourself"Tyler said but he grabbed my bags and led the way to my father's office.The Scent of pine with honey hit me when we entered his office.

Dexter was with my Father, First Beta Martin, and third in command Arthur.I saw the First beta of Silvermoon but he's back on me.I could feel his power and prestige.I couldn't help but feel to little when he stood up and turned to looked at me.

"Mariannaux, this is first beta Jaxson of Silvermoon Pack"Father introduced First Beta Jaxson to me

The First beta was a good-looking guy.Tall and Handsome, But something told me that he is dangerous.He looked at me and bowed a little.

"Wow, Very noble of him"i said to my self

The Silvermoon pack was total opposite of my pack.There was no snow there.It was surrounded by forests and mountains.Based on the mao our ancestors provided, Silvermoon was twice the size of our pack now.

"Nice meeting you First beta jaxson"i said but i didn't bow to him.I was an Alpha Daughter.I bowed only to my Father and oter Alphas.

"The pleasure is Mine, Lady Mariannaux"He said

"Alpha Elliot, I think we need to leave now.Alpha David is waiting for our arrival this evening and i think.Lady Mariannaux is ready to go"He said to my father and Smiled.

Father looked at me with some sadness in his eyes.He walked to me and hugged me for the last time.Dexter looked at me, Silently standing near the window of my Dad's office.He smiled at me briefly, but i knew he didn't want me to go.

Jaxson carried my bags and i followed him outside.There was three cars waiting for us.He put my things inside and told me to go in.

I followed him and gave one Final look to my Dad and baby brother before i get inside the car.Everyone was looking at me like they were happy that i made the right decision, weird people.

The ride inside the car was silent.The First beta didn't bother to talk to me and he was just reading some paper works.

I looked around inside the Limo and decides to take one of the books to his side.But before I could get it, the sudden speed of the car made me fall in his lap,Oh Gracious!

I looked at him in the same time he looked at my face,Face to Face, he's not showing any emotion.I felt embarrased as i got up

"Glen, what happened?!"Jaxson shouted at the driver.

"Im sorry First Beta Jaxson, I accidentally hit the gas instead of brake,"Glen said

"Next time watchout and be careful"He said before he threw me the book i want to read.

"Thank you"I said with blushing.

Sh*t!That's so embarrasing.I almost touch his grrrr!So embarrasing.

I looked away and started to read the book until i fell asleep.

I woke up feeling hot while lying down inside the car.Maybe we were now at the Silvermoon territory.The climate here was the total opposite of a Snowmoon pack.My pack!I remembered again that i was not part of Snowmoon anymore.I was a Silvermoon Pack member now.

"Finally you're awake.We're here at the heart of Silver Moon Pack"Jaxson said while opening the door of the car for me.

I looked around.It's a huge three-story building and it really looked like a castle to me.I got out of the car and observed the surroundings.There was a lot of trees in surrounding area whics made me smile.It's beautiful.

Didn't ger me wrong.I loved Snowmoon but it's nice to see some green scenery.Snowmoon nice was a place where you could always see snow l.I loved it because it's my home town but i also like during summertime How difficult flowers bloomed in the field how the heat of sun touched my body.I hoped they had a river nearby and someone could tour me around

"Follow me Lady Mariannaux"First Beta Jaxson Said.

"You can call me Maria, Beta Jaxson"I smiled at him

"It's not appropriate ti call the future Luna, by her first name without formality.There's a culture that yiu need to learn"He answered earnestlgly

'Gush, where am i?1800?this jaxson is weird' I said to my self

I followed him inside the pack house and my first thought in this place was that I entered into a new world.Where Kings and Queens living.The ceiling was so high with a chandelier dangling above us.The floor was covered with red carpet.The Furniture was made in the Finest wood of a tree.