
Loving My Mates In The Beast World

Sheea who was so immersed in the sorrow of the untimely end of her favourite novel with the premature deaths of her favourite characters, blamed the author for the lack of story setting, when suddenly a message popped on her screen: "If you don't like how it is, why don't you yourself remake it the way you want to?" With that there was a smiley emoji. And then again, when she reopened her eyes she was in her favourite novel. But unfortunately, she was a cannon fodder over there whose existence was never mentioned in the book. So guys, let's see how Sheea is going to change her fate along with the ones she love. The cover page is solely designed by me and no one else. All Rights deserved. __________________ Spoiler:~ "At last, I have a neat and clean place to stay! Ahh! I can't wait anymore to lie comfortably on my dear bed," Sheea exclaimed happily while yawning and stretching her bones and muscles. But her actions came to a sudden halt when she saw that her bed was already occupied by her mates and they all were giving her bone-chilling grins. "Wha-what's up with you all? Go to your respective rooms. I-I wanna sleep!" Sheea stammered a little as she tried her best to remain calm in that situation which could be dangerous to her any moment. "Baby, we all want to sleep...," said Kyle, her first mate with an extremely evil grin as he continued his sentence after walking towards her with small steps, "But before that we all want to have some heart to heart talk with you." "He-hey, listen to me.... Heyyyy!" And before Sheea could finish her sentence she was directly shoved on the bed by Kyle and soon she was in the arms of her mates who weren't only one or two or three in number but... but eight! "Is my kidney going to retire from work soon?" That was the last conscious thought of Sheea on that beautiful starry night as after that.... _____________________ To know what happens next, please support the book with lots of comments & votes.... :-)

GalaxyStars833 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
76 Chs

Chapter 52: Lick On The Face

(Sheea's POV)

Strange! This whole family is strange! Literally the whole tribe is strange!

Or how could such strange people exist here who are getting away from the main topic?

My patience is not infinite but limited! And I'm losing it now!

The pitter-patter went on for quite a while, until (thankfully) all of them became so hungry that they had to quit the 'meeting' in the middle.

And since the meeting wasn't 'complete' yet all decide to eat all together. Like really....

Well, whatever, I simply went along to get free food.

Simon brought us to a open place where many shallow pits were dug and firewoods were already kept at the side.

The Beasts themselves got divided into groups and busied themselves in their respective works.

Lisa had initially wanted me and my mates to join her, but she was 'lovingly' dragged away by her mates.

And hell I would sit with her. She had so many males... more than 20, I guess. It would become really awkward for me to free load.

At least with my four mates and no one else to bother us, I could be me and do whatever I wanted.

We chose a far away corner (as many eyes were still watching me like hawks), but nearer to Lisa's group (as the number of her mates could shield me and my group from other's eyes).

We came to a tactic understanding, as Kevi went to bring the remaining hunt from our little cave (since, we're from same territory, Simon didn't give us the meat but distribute it to the other leaders and their soldiers, boohoo! But my mind got its mental peace as Lisa started to ignore him for neglecting us. Hehe!)

Kyle was responsible for lighting the fire and looking after the fire. Len would help Jemin by handing him the necessary seasonings and went to their inhabitant (the cave he and Jemin used to live) to get the seasonings. (Len is actually the biggest foodie ever.)

Jemin would cook.

And me... hehe! I would sit, watch them work, eat the food, smile and pass comments. Oh! So much of work! Sigh!

Still, one should never underestimate Jemin's talent in cooking. He's so good. I didn't even need to tell him what to do or how to, he would bring out the best of the bestest taste in the cooked meat.

But one thing was the problem. There's only meat, meat and meat. I need veggies too, or perhaps eggs, or fish.... (T_T)

"Is there any problem with the food, Sheea?"

Jemin's voice rang in my ears as I looked up and saw others looking at me too.

With a slight smile, I shook my head, "No... Nothing."

"Really? You sighed for four times already!" Len said as he looked at me with a deep gaze.

Kyle shifted by my side as his tail started to rub my back, "What happened?"

"Areey, it's nothing guys. It's just that.. oh wait!" Suddenly it struck me as I looked at Jemin with twinkling eyes and called him in a musical tone, "Jemin~?"

"Ye- yes, Sheea?" I saw his cheeks getting dyed with colour red.

"You're a bear, right?"

"Ye-yes. Why?"

"Then you probably know how to catch fish, right?"

He nodded as his blush from earlier was replaced by a confused look.

"Can you please catch some fish for me and cook them at night? Please~" I begged him as cutely as possible so that he couldn't say no.






Suddenly, all of the things that the four beasts were carrying in their hands fell on the ground as they looked at me wide eyes.

For a moment, I even thought I had suddenly grew a pair of heads as they looked at me with so much shock.

"Wha- what happened?" I stammered a little as four pairs of eyes were locked on me.

"Sheea, you mean to say fish that are found in water?"

I rolled my eyes as I hit Len's shoulders (not heavily) with the thin firewood in my hand, "Do you know any fish that walks on land or fly in the sky? What kind of stupid question was that?"

"Oh... so I didn't hear it wrongly," Kevi exclaimed as his eyes still remained wide.

When my eyes met Jemin's, I didn't know why but I felt like blinding light was coming from his eyes. They were sparking. And I was sure, if he had a tail it would be shaking vigorously by now.

As for Kyle, he was momentarily shocked when he heard I was craving for fish and then again focused on his food.

Even though the reaction was quite weird, there was still a little crisis in my heart... about my fish!

I shifted my eyes back to Jemin as I asked again, "You really know na, how to catch fish?"

No response.


No response.

What the f*ck is this now? Don't tell me he once used to catch fish in the river but then a river monster attacked him while he was catching fish and he got traumatized after that episode.

"Tch! Jemin, you dumb*ss! Sheea is calling you."

And so just when I felt guilty and was about to apologize to him, a certain someone hit Jemin on his back making him almost fall in the fire.

I glared at Len who rubbed his nose and muttered a quick sorry.

As for Jemin, he kicked Len from my side, earning a glare from him. Jemin then shifted and sat near me as he grabbed my shoulders a little too tightly, "Sheea, you really meant it? You really wanna eat fish? You want me to catch fish for you?"

I nodded hesitantly, "But if you don't want to-"

"I want to. I'll go and bring some fish for you, right now!" After saying that, Jemin dashed out from my eye side like a lightning bolt, without listening what I had to say.

"What was that all about? Why is he so excited like that?"

I turned to the three who looked at me like I'm stupid. I raised my eyes, as they averted their eyes and focused on their food without saying anything.

And just when I thought, I would get no response, Kyle's voice came from my side, "No Shasha like to eat fish here, so I was shocked a little. But if it's you, it's all okay. It's not shocking at all. You can have anything you want as long as it's edible."


"And Jemin's favourite food is fish. You just asked him to make you one. This is indirectly saying that you accepted him and want to mate with him," Len said the 'main' reason for Jemin's excited face with a pout, as I felt that lightning fell on my head.

There's such a thing of courtship?! Why didn't I know that? Trashy Novel, I want my five stars back!

But what can I do now? What's done is done! And after seeing all these four, they are tactfully harmonious when necessary and had even tactfully accepted me as their mate. Specially Jemin and Len... Moreover, their mother had herself 'handed' them to me.... So, I guess it won't be bad to have them.

They are so considerate and respect me. This is how a mate should be.

And this world demands the increase in number of mates in your harem.

So... It's okay... right?

I just need to take things slow.

After a while, Jemin came back with the fishes placed on leaves. He had carefully even washed the bl**d from those dead bodies before presenting them to me. But since, I was full, I told him to save it for dinner, and he obliged.

Awww! The big bear is so obedient.

And then after the lunch, we all decided to resume the 'meeting' as we walked back to that awkward cave. But then... the nature's call hit me.

Kyle and Jemin followed me to a corner as they would guard while I would receive the call. Other followed back the leaders and the group.

After finishing my stuff, I was about to go back when I didn't see my mates in their initial places. Even after calling them thrice, I couldn't find them, neither could I sense any presence nearby.

My heart started to race as stupid thoughts made their way in my head. And just when, I was about to step out of the bushes, I felt a strange presence  behind me as my survival instincts kicked it.

I got ready into a defense position. And as soon as I felt the presence too nearer to me, my body bent a little as my hands moved tearing the air.

Something hard yet soft left a sensation on my fists as I heard a low growl which sounded like that of PANTHERA species.

My senses got high alerted. And then my eyes met a pair of golden yellow eyes. It's a leopard in it's beast form!

My first thought was that.... Did that guy sent this trash to me to vent my anger?

My hands itched a lot as Leopards had long became my mortal enemy just after meeting Ethan. And so when I saw him getting ready to pounce on me again, without any further thoughts I picked the nearby stome as I aimed at its front leg.

With a roar it fell on the ground, but surprisingly the roar wasn't strong enough to alert anyone nearby, much less to the distance where the meeting was being held.

What is this guy wanting to do? I thought as my mind roamed endlessly... And then it settled on one thing...

Is this guy afraid that he would be treated badly by others and looked down upon if the word got to know he got beaten by me, A Shasha, huh?

I could feel my lips were curving into a dangerous smirk as I felt the blood thirsty monster in me wanted to come out so badly...

With a deep breath, I tried to control the monster... But so what?

A certain someone really doesn't want to submit to fate and want to die sooner!

The leopard stood up with a shake as he started at me for a while and then started to come near me with his shiny golden eyes narrowed.

He appeared like as if he's the predator who is looking at his prey. And that's prey is me.

Heh! What a joke!

If I can survive in a forest full of wild animals for two years, without even losing a hair, can't I just kick this leopard's balls brutally?!!

What does this leopard is thinking about me? A chopped liver, ready to be eaten!

And even if I hadn't gone to the forest... what was the use of being a martial artist for the past eleven years? Was it a joke!

I coldly stared at the leopard as I watch him coming nearer. If I'm given another chance, I really don't wanna fight.... But...

As I so the leopard passedby me and started to circle around me, I lost the last bit of my patience.

With a click of my tongue, I closed the distance between us as my hands started to move faster than my thoughts.

I punched that 'thing' brutally, venting all my anger on it, without giving it a chance to fight back!

Hmph! If you want to blame someone for this pain, blame your leader and your stupidity!

Why are you roaming around me? Do you think I've eyes on my head in all 360 degree, huh?

Yet, I could only injure it at the moment as I still need to find Kyle and Jemin.

But mistake on my part, just for a second I was distracted, the tables turn around. It wouldn't have if that perv*rted leopard hadn't touched my chest. But since it touched, I got distracted to remove his paws and meanwhile, he pushed me brutally on my stomach, making me fall on my back. And what's more he got on top of me.

I took a deep breathe to calm myself down and wondering if it was okay to kill this guy, when he... he... actually licked... my face.

Not once but twice.... ughhh! I wanna vomit all the food I ate a while ago!