

Note: must read synopsis before start reading this.

Anna's POV

He is acting like he see a ghost or something the way he ask "umm me yes"😐.

???: ok follow me.

I nod and i looked at Minyun to speak to her but she is in a different world, I don't know what she is thinking looking around so I asked her,

Anna: why are you looking here and there let's go.

I said and hold her hand and follow that unknown student.

Minyun's POV

I was looking here and there b/c I don't know but I am feeling weird after coming here,its like something bad is going to happen but wait what the hell minyun what are you thinking Uff I overthink a lot.

Anna's POV

He stop at front of a door I guess its principal's office.

???: here is your destination.

Anna: thank you so much.

Minyun: thank you so much bro.

???: you can call me teahyung.

He said and forward his hand to handshake with me and minyun.

I don't know why but I feel nervous when he touch me, wait I AM NERVOUS? ,he didn't remove his mask.Then he goes somewhere I don't know where😁.

Minyun's POV

I saw Anna she is looking nervous omo I knew it she'll find someone here, ufff again minyun you are thinking too much.we both take our schedule and our first class is same YESS .

Principal said us to stand here,and wait for teacher then we go with him and its time to introduce ourselves.we took admission in 3rd year b/c we are so intelligent you know😎.

Teacher: class we have two new students,please introduce yourselves.

Anna: hello I am Anna.

Minyun: and I am minyun.

Teacher: minyun and Anna go sit beside Jungkook, raise your hand Jungkook.

He said and a boy wearing mask raise his hand wait why everyone is wearing mask no no not everyone.

We both walk towards him and sit,Anna sit beside me and I sit in between anna and that junglebook or Junglook whatever ,teacher start lecture and I was bore as fuck, i take out my bubble and start chewing well its also my hobby😁, suddenly teacher stop and look at me and said,

Teacher: why aren't you noting lecture?

Minyun: sorry I don't know that I am suppose to note.

I said casually well I am straight forward.

But teacher didn't like it I guess😶.

Teacher: how rude ,its your first time that's why I am leaving you.

I just look at him like what the f***.

Anna: minyun ignore.

She said while I roll my eyes and take out a notebook to write this boring lecture and Anna also did the same.

I notice that ,that boy junglebook or something is not doing anything so I ask him,I don't why but I just feel urge.

Minyun: hmm aren't you noting lecture?

He just look at me and and then look away,what the hell.I ask again,

Minyun: excuse me mister junglebook I am talking to you.

He look at me with his cold gaze and said,

Jungkook: its jungkook.

Minyun: yeah yeah what ever.....

...wait tell me why aren't you noting lecture?

I said in a low voice.

Jungkook: its not your business.

Minyun: 😒😒how rude😑😑.

He is weird can't he give me straight answer whatever,(but. its a straight answer) shut up , then I decided to ignore him like he didn't exist and time passes and finally lunch time has come.

Anna: I am dying out of hunger.

She said dramatically.

Minyun: overactor😑. Let's go.

At cafeteria

Anna's POV

After seeing too much crowd and most of them are looking at us, I mean of course we are world wide beautiful you know,then I found an empty table and sit down there while waiting for minyun to come with food,Uff I am so hungry lol,I look around and I saw him that ummm that guy who help us to reach principals office his name uggghhhh I forgot wait taehyung yeah his name is taehyung,he is sitting in front of my table,he is not sitting alone he has 2 more friends with him, the one is that cold jungkook ,and second one I never saw let's forgot,well I was excited and minyun was nervous but now I am nervous but minyun is confident😗,

Anna: Uff thank got you bring food today😒.

Minyun: don't make such faces.

Anna: whatever give me.

Minyun's POV

We were eating peacefully until a girl came and said,

Lia: what the hell you both are doing on this table get off right now.

She said in so much attitude and I can see 2 minions with her lol😆, since I have short tampered Anna always try to cool me down but when that girl said this I feel like laughing😅.

Anna: sorry we couldn't find another one so-

Lia: so what just shut up and get lost bitch.


Minyun: well I can't see your name written on this table.

I said bitterly and coldly.

Lia: leave this or I'll.

Minyun: What will you do if I say I will not leave?

I said again coldly.

Lia: you are going or not?

All students are looking at us.

Anna: we are goi-

Minyun: no.

Lia: fine then. Catie,Millie lets show them who we are .

She said smirking from which I feel like vomiting🤢.

Catie/Millie: yes lia.

They both said at the same time.

Now what is she going to do ?I don't care I am not afraid of her, from start she is blabbering and I was just eating and giving her answers but now I stand up and finally look at her WHAT she is a factory of makeup lol😆.

Suddenly she pull Anna's shoulder, made her stand and push her from table thats it!

Anna's POV

I was not scared of that lia I am scared that minyun might do something to her and this matter can become big problem,suddenly that girl umm factory of makeup 😆 I know minyun is also thinking the same she hold my arm tightly and pull me than push me I felt pain thank god I didn't fall,then i saw minyun she s-she punch lia that's why I am scared,if someone disrespect her she can ignore but when it comes to her loved ones she can really burn every thing , the fact that she knows self defense and she is too good at fighting.

Author's POV

when minyun punch lia she fell down and her minions come to fight her but minyun also beat them not that much but yeah now they'll never mess with her😏.

Anna don't want to make more mess so she quickly stop minyun, and other students help lia to go to medical room,she just sit down like nothing happened and start eating peacefully.

Jungkook's POV

I watch the whole drama I am shocked a little by her fighting skills hmmm interesting,her clothing style,her talks,her beautiful face I didn't notice in class but she is perfect. jeon jungkook what are you thinking.

After university

Minyun's POV

We were walking to home when I saw kids they are sitting on road I feel bad for them,

Minyun: Anna, you go, I will take a short walk in a park.

Anna: ok bye and take care of yourself.

Then I go to convenient store to buy some chips,candies,juices and biscuits for kids.

Minyun: hi kids.

They just look at me and one of them said,

Kid 1: who are you? Did you come to kidnap us please don't do it.

He said in a scared tone.

Minyun: hey you all don't need to scare from me I just bought some snacks for you.

(kid 1) he is looking older from other kids,there are just 4 kids.(kid 1) said,

Kid 1: please don't don't do anything to us please.

He said again with scared tone.

I just look at them feeling bad for them,

Minyun: hey you know what I love to give my friends gifts but I don't have one, would you all like to be my friend?,and don't worry I am not any kidnapper or something ok?

I said in a polite tone.

Kid 2: you really want to be our friend?

Minyun: yes of course look I bought these things for you all.

I showed them shopper and I notice that their eyes sparkle a little that made me relief thank god they are not scared from me now.

Then I distribute things I bought and I also bought a lollipop for me hehe hehe😁.

(Auth: I also love lollipop and bubble)

Minyun: hey you all didn't tell me your names?

Kid 1: my name is Sam.I am 8 years old.

Kid 2: my name is Reid.I am 6 years old.

Kid 3: my name is somi.I am 7 years old.

Kid 4: my name is femi.I am 6 years old.

Minyun: so you all are siblings?

Reid: no we all met in orphanage.

Minyun: oh but then why are you here you should be in orphanage right?

Sam: actually we all are- wait let's go to that park please.

Minyun: let's go.

They tell me that they run from orphanage for some hours and they all are going back after that we all Become good friends though😊.

At 9:00 pm

Jungkook's POV

Well I can't stop thinking about that girl, ughhh jeon jungkook you need to focus on studies and your mission. Namjoon hyung did unfair he said its my last year of university but before going university he told me that I am going to study in 3rd year😑.now I have 2 years fuck I hate studies.then i go to living room everyone was sitting there than I ask to namjoon hyung.

Jungkook: did you find him ?

Namjoon: our team is tracking don't worry he'll get caught soon.

Jungkook: I'll kill that fucker betrayer once I found him.

J hope: don't worry Jungkook everything will be fine.

I just nod I am really angry b/c Alex is our trusted man he betrayed us and run with our millions cost weapons.

Jin: Jungkook how's your first day of university.

Jungkook: normal and waste of time .

I said a little bitterly.

Jin: yahh don't you know how to talk with elder you punk£€¥¢^°={{},,,~∆×Π|[℅}-#()+-$;"?";"(rap).

I didn't said anything b/c I know he is like that from start.

At Anna's house 10:22 pm

Anna's POV

I can't stop thinking about that mask guy taehyung he looks so attractive ufffff Anna you are thinking a lot just forgot about it.

I look at minyun she was reading a book I ask her,

Anna: minyun how's your day today?

She close her book and sit beside me on coach.

Minyun: hmm its good tho! What about you?

Anna: I am thinking about that taehyung guy I don't know why I feel nervous around him.

Minyun: you want that guy. But you didn't even saw his face right?

Anna: yes but I am attracted to him even I didn't saw his face.

Minyun: hmm ok then lets see him tomorrow now sleep.

Minyun set her alarm and both sleep after that.

Next day

Minyun's POV

I wore a black half sleeves t-shirt, check shirt with it and a cargo jeans.I make ponytail as always.

Anna wore a yellow frock.She make a half pony.

At university

As we reach university everyone was looking at us I don't know why.

We go to our lockers and Anna is doing something and I am done I look around and my eyes go wide a little at the end of the hallway that lia was bullying a girl she is choking that girl I felt really angry,

Minyun: Anna hold it I am coming.

Anna: wait wher-

I start walking towards her but it is taking time I increase my pace suddenly Anna said something,

Anna: minyun wait where are you going?

I look back at her still walking fast and said,

Minyun: just wait I a-

Suddenly my head bump into a rock and I fell on that rock I groan in pain and look forward than my eyes go wide b/c its his chest whom I bump into and now I am on top of him, he is that junglebook guy he is looking at me WHAT THE HELL WHY ME.

I try to stand up but I fall on him again WHAT UGHHH HELP!


Hey its a bonus part! (words total=2,130)

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