

A chance meeting between a Titan and an unidentified, after her escape from the lab which she was stuck in for almost a year brings the two together for a mutual relationship making them work together after discovering something no one expected they would find. "I'm afraid if I take you with me I might hurt you", he his eyes turning darker said her eyes widened but she was determined. "It's either I get hurt of I get killed... I promise I'll do anything", she hurriedly said desperation evident in her voice despite it coming out weak feeling her strength drain from her she had fought for too long and now her body couldn't take it anymore, and she fell unconscious but he caught her and laid be gently on the ground. "Ainep scan her", he said nonchalantly but a hint of curiosity could be heard in his voice. Then a blue web like beam appeared and scanned her and in less than a second the results showed up. "Danbers Roseline Age twenty one years old, test subject 40665432 of Main Lab Corp, recently escaped", replied Ainep stating all the necessary information. "So you're a runaway lab rat huhn, little Earthling", he said and pinched his brows, since she was desperate she could be useful. "Fine you can tag along but you will have to work for me and help me figure out this planet" he said and carried her on his back and covered her face properly with the cloak and sped away completely ignoring his friend who gave him a don't do it look.

Clix_Erika_D · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Rare Jewel

Damian had returned home extremely late at night with an expression in his face that was far from calm he thought the human had gone to bed as he sat down pinched his eyebrows, he couldn't focus on anything right now and his heart was troubled. Allen stood next to him, the situation was a delicate and dangerous one... Damian's father the current ruler of Titan would go on a rampage which would either hasten the search for the prince to bring it to an halt entirely. The Jewel was not something to be toyed with and it took in many forms, making it even harder to find.

Her Royal Majesty Vanessa Titan despite being an unblessed was an excellent queen, wife and mother. Due to that fact the whole planet which had been unsure at the start warmed up to their new ruler and respect her greatly if word got out it would be devastating. Besides who would dare mess with the property of the late Queen, he couldn't think of anyone, the Queen had enemies yes but he didn't think any were bold enough. He looked at his prince and sighed the prince would be hurt greatly by this, his was probably the Queen's biggest fan and the change in him after him mother's death was not easy to miss. The best thing to do right now is to take his mind off things.

The next day he decided to instruct the human to take them sightseeing but instead they ended up going shopping, with the human and Damian getting excited and buying things that seemed unnecessary to him. They took slow steps on out of the store with Damian's focus on the cat, he seemed to be very fond of it, Roseline and Allen whose hands were occupied with shopping bags both sighed at him walking ahead of him, when Damian suddenly stopped he suddenly sensed something, something felt off and eerie he noticed a building about 500 meters away and immediately sped towards it he hid behind the gave and noticed a lot of guards they were transporting something into the building when they unveiled it his world immediately came to a halt it was a gem, one of it's kind it was only supposed to be on Titan on his mother's crown, there was a box with a royal symbol on it he didn't recognize, just as he was about to jump out out of impulse someone dragged him back and covered his mouth.

A few minutes earlier.

Roseline wondered why man behind her had been so quiet and Allen had left her all by herself to take care of something, when she looked back she realized he was gone she went back to the store but couldn't find him, but for some reason it was as if she could sense him, she knew where to go and knew he was about to do something reckless so she dashed towards the building where he was she was him hiding behind a gate just as he was about to come out she dragged him back and covered his mouth after noticing this men were armed and they weren't normal Earthlings, they were humans but something was off about them. When she noticed him relax after realizing it was her she immediately snatched her hand back and pointed and the tattoo on each of the men's hand it was a fire symbol.

Damian immediately mellowed down and wondered how they were going to get the gem he wasn't leaving without it and where the hell was Allen. He was the one usually thinking. The moment he noticed an opening he jumped out despite how reckless it was, it wasn't the smartest move as someone sensed them. Noticing this Roseline came out and went towards the gem, still wondering why she was doing this. she carefully removed the gem and the box and ran towards him, while all the men were lying on the ground. They immediately left the place in urgency. One of the men got up an dusted his jacket and his phone rang and he picked it up immediately.

"Did they take it?" he asked, his voice was calm and nonchalant.

"Yes sir, just as planned", he replied and the call ended immediately.

Damian and Roseline walked slowly not daring to say a word to each other, Roseline wondered how he was able to take out a number of men in such a short amount of time and how she was able to find him, it was probably her instinct at work again. Damian was the one with the gem and box which he was going to open immediately he got back to the mansion, when Allen finally returned shocked at what he was seeing, he just hoped the human hadn't found out anything, he recognized the jewel on the crown of the lost queen, he wondered what it was doing with Damian instead of being back at Titan, he didn't perhaps take it because that would put them in a lot of trouble despite that he couldn't shake off this ominous feeling.

Damian continued staring at the box until they got to the mansion, they immediately ordered the servants to leave, if this got to his dad it was going to be bad. He opened the box with ease, but nothing ever came easy for him, something was up he was a note inside and unfolded it, it was written in a language he didn't know, of course. He sighed not out of relief but disappointment, Roseline noticed the look of frustration building up in him before his expression became blank and he walked towards his room. Allen sighed walked towards the door.

"I'm leaving, take care of Damian for me", and he left without saying another word. What the hell was wrong with these people, she walked into her room, lavishly designed but not girly in the slightest but it was the best room she had ever stayed in, it was cozy...

She walked towards the balcony remembering some of her childhood memories, memories that made her think she had a family. The Danbers' were a wealthy family and she was treated like a queen by her parents and doted upon by her brothers, what changed? Her parents started fighting everyday for some reason and she felt neglected two of her brothers travelled abroad and one stayed to take care of her after her parents sent her out of the house.

She looked up, when she noticed a silhouette on the roof top, she slowly climbed up, she was very athletic despite not taking part in any sports a bitter smile carved her face her parents probably noticed she could do things others couldn't, when she got to the top she noticed it was Damian and he was holding the jewel, his eyes not leaving it, his face was completed blank and her heart ached at the sight. She walked towards him, when he sensed her presence and sighed.

"What do you want human?" he asked coldly not looking at her long gone was the playful expression he always wore despite her knowing he was always hiding, she sat next to him not minding his words. "You're supposed to be showing me around not, trying to get close to me", he said finally facing her making their face inches apart, she was surprised at this man's shamelessness.

"I do want to show you something", she stated turning away from him and he smiled looking ahead. "See that star, it might seem strange but whenever I'm alone I always imagine someone's out there waiting for me watching me, so I'm never alone, I know you're nothing you seem like, because you're like me. I've tried hiding, trust me it doesn't help", she said staring him.

"Sorry human but I've visited that star before nothing's there it's just a shadow of it's former self, and you know nothing about me, we just met, how are you sure I'm like you, we are two very different people", he replied despite that the fact that his focus had moved towards the star, it was a special one, it was the farthest yet it shone the brightest.

"You're right, we are different", she said remembering about how different they probably were, she had no idea what she was, even their lifestyle was different. "I'll see you tomorrow we're going boat riding and your friend Allen is gone", she said then went back to her room.

"Ainep, which star is that?" he asked pointing his hand in the direction of the star.

"It just appeared recently about a year or more ago, would you like me to add it to the database", it asked and Damian agreed. "What would you like to name it?"

"Roseline", he replied, it was only fair that it was named after her since she found it first, not realizing the smile that formed on his face.