

A chance meeting between a Titan and an unidentified, after her escape from the lab which she was stuck in for almost a year brings the two together for a mutual relationship making them work together after discovering something no one expected they would find. "I'm afraid if I take you with me I might hurt you", he his eyes turning darker said her eyes widened but she was determined. "It's either I get hurt of I get killed... I promise I'll do anything", she hurriedly said desperation evident in her voice despite it coming out weak feeling her strength drain from her she had fought for too long and now her body couldn't take it anymore, and she fell unconscious but he caught her and laid be gently on the ground. "Ainep scan her", he said nonchalantly but a hint of curiosity could be heard in his voice. Then a blue web like beam appeared and scanned her and in less than a second the results showed up. "Danbers Roseline Age twenty one years old, test subject 40665432 of Main Lab Corp, recently escaped", replied Ainep stating all the necessary information. "So you're a runaway lab rat huhn, little Earthling", he said and pinched his brows, since she was desperate she could be useful. "Fine you can tag along but you will have to work for me and help me figure out this planet" he said and carried her on his back and covered her face properly with the cloak and sped away completely ignoring his friend who gave him a don't do it look.

Clix_Erika_D · Fantasy
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6 Chs


They got back home to Roseline immediately walked back to her room, she finally got a chance to tidy the place it was pretty organized and simple despite how expensive everything in the room was it was beautiful and gave a homey vibe, it was comfortable. She wondered who the hell these people were, she had done some research on them and found nothing on them like they didn't exist in this world. They were probably one of those rich families who preferred to keep their identities secret for some reason.

She looked at her bruise which had completely healed almost overnight, it was strange, it was still hard to accept that she wasn't like the others, probably the reason she was gotten rid of. Whatever, pain only made you stronger and she would soon become strong enough to take care of herself and completely leave her old life. She shouldn't get too comfortable with this place, she'd leave soon, after tying her hair up she went into the bathroom to wash her face when she looked up at her reflection. Her face the scar on her left cheek hadn't healed yet, still she looked beautiful, lightly touching the scar she remembered the memories in the lab.

A few days earlier

"It's just of a matter of time before we find out exactly what you are", said a man in a lab coat the biggest monster of all in this place, if there's one thing she learnt here, was that anything couldn't be explained was deemed abnormal or dangerous was going to be tortured so they could understand it. During her initial days when she begged them to spare her they had told her many times that she wasn't one of them with the fact that she healed quicker was more athletic and had more abilities they hadn't found yet.

She had accepted her fate a few months ago and thought she had experienced the worst, she couldn't wait for them to finish her of when the screen in front of her turned on. She looked like a living corpse, her eyes were swollen and she looked pale and thin, she couldn't believe the woman she was seeing was her, something inside her was triggered seeing that and the screen immediately shattered into many pieces, she refused to accept that there was nothing out there, these people didn't deserve to have their way with her, even if it was the last thing she did. She knew almost everything about herself thanks to their 'experiments' on her, she had a chance. A chance to change everything, looking herself in the shattered glass she looked away tears forming but she didn't let them fall and shattered glass crumbled into dust.

Back to date

She clenched her fists not noticing the glass had began to crack, when she she looked up she gasped at the sight of the huge crack that had formed, she looked away and took in a deep breath, she touched the glass to move it away from were it was thankfully it wasn't inbuilt, when she noticed the crack disappear she placed the mirror behind the door, where she wouldn't see it everytime she walked into the bathroom.

She sighed and came out of the bathroom to her room opened the drawer and took a pendant, she found this while she was still in the lab, the researchers had taken her out to the field to test her reaction to sunlight and air, maybe she had powers over it, which she did, but they didn't find that out and she wasn't planning on letting anyone find out about it. What had made her intrigued about the pendant was the writing on the back, Vanessa Titan, it was with a name or a place which she was going to find, she knew she didn't stumble onto this coincidentally. Something was happening tonight too, which she didn't know about, those two were up to something.

She walked towards the living room when she noticed Allen sitting on the couch seemingly lost in thought, his brows furrowed like he sensed something and he was right something had entered the air like a seemingly dangerous aura but a few seconds later like it never appeared it disappeared.

"Allen, time to go", Damian said walking in wearing a black blazer with an imposing aura. He noticed the girl in the room and his eyes narrowed at her, her hair was messy and she looked as if she'd been thrown in hell and brought back almost immediately.

"Go get some rest human, you look worn out", he stated and her eyes turned into slits because of her annoyance.

"My name is Roseline not human, you act like you aren't one", she replied folding her arms like a kid, this was the first time he'd seen her act like this causing him to chuckle lightly.

"Get some rest... Roseline", her name rolled right off his tongue making her heart skip a beat, she turned away and left for her room.

"Let's go", he said darkly, the light in his eyes and his playfulness were nowhere to be found. Allen could only sigh the Titanian prince had been calm for a while making him think this devil prince had a heart, he guessed he was just playing around and this was calm before a storm.

Dead at night two men walked towards a desert area, aware they were being watched. They reached a spot and two men appeared out of the shadows their heads bowed fear was evident in their demeanor as the prince glared at them and they hadn't even delivered the news yet. Just disturbing his time here was already irritating enough to him but they had no choice, they had to deliver the message even if it cause him to go on a rampage. They were the only ones of the royal messengers who knew of his whereabouts.

"Your highness, we've come to inform you that the the jewel on your mother's crown has gone missing", causing Damian's eyes to turn completely dark and Allen's eyes to widen in shock.

Everyone knew how precious a gem that was to the Royal family, especially after the Queen's disappearance. It was passed on for generation to generation and was to be handed over to Damian's Queen. The three men around including Allen stepped back a little, the energy radiating from the prince caused by anger was to much to bear. Even at this distance caused pain in their organs That's what made prince Damian different from every royal that ever ruled titan. He had was born with insane power and dark energy despite his father being a Titan and his mother an unblessed.

Unblessed: A Titan without powers.