

A chance meeting between a Titan and an unidentified, after her escape from the lab which she was stuck in for almost a year brings the two together for a mutual relationship making them work together after discovering something no one expected they would find. "I'm afraid if I take you with me I might hurt you", he his eyes turning darker said her eyes widened but she was determined. "It's either I get hurt of I get killed... I promise I'll do anything", she hurriedly said desperation evident in her voice despite it coming out weak feeling her strength drain from her she had fought for too long and now her body couldn't take it anymore, and she fell unconscious but he caught her and laid be gently on the ground. "Ainep scan her", he said nonchalantly but a hint of curiosity could be heard in his voice. Then a blue web like beam appeared and scanned her and in less than a second the results showed up. "Danbers Roseline Age twenty one years old, test subject 40665432 of Main Lab Corp, recently escaped", replied Ainep stating all the necessary information. "So you're a runaway lab rat huhn, little Earthling", he said and pinched his brows, since she was desperate she could be useful. "Fine you can tag along but you will have to work for me and help me figure out this planet" he said and carried her on his back and covered her face properly with the cloak and sped away completely ignoring his friend who gave him a don't do it look.

Clix_Erika_D · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


She took slow steps towards the dining room gathering her thoughts, these people were strange though it seems he was going to fulfill his part of the deal, she wondered why her instincts told her to follow him, he was someone powerful she knew that but there had to be something more, anyways she didn't care sooner or later she'd leave here.

She walked into the dining room only to have two pair of eyes immediately focus on her, she just stared at them they were behaving so childish as if they'd seen a ghost or she caught them with their hands in the cookie jar. Raphael and Allen were actually looking through an holographic display of how the search was going when she walked in but luckily they were able to notice her before she saw it.

"What do you guys want to do today?" she said not letting their stares get to her and pulling them out of their dazed state.

"How about a tour around the city", Allen immediately suggested the safest thing he could think of before his friend actually recklessly said something and to his surprise his friend nodded and after that stood up and started walking towards the garage and they followed him not daring to say a word as of his silence had made them wary.

"I'll call the driver", Allen said on getting to the garage but Damian just shook his head.

"We'll ride on motorcycles today", he said bringing out two pairs of gloves, the experience was surely going to be fun though Titan had much safer means of transportation he'd always preferred to be rough. There was a whole collection of them each one unique in their own way.

"Human you'll be riding with me", Damian stated and her hazel eyes slightly dilated which didn't go unnoticed by him, Allen just stood there watching wondering what the human would do. Roseline walked towards the little drawer on the side where Raphael had picked the gloves and took a pair.

"It's just a motorcycle I can ride", she stated as a matter of factly, on her sixteenth birthday her father got her one and she even got her license too before she was taken away, speaking of her family she wondered how they were doing, she knew not to go back there since they were probably the ones who sold her off. Noticing the 360 degree change in the demeanor of the human next to them, Damian couldn't help but wanting to pat her head but instead he just walked towards her and gave her the key to a deep blue motorcycle and an helmet. She managed to give him a small smile and climbed on the motorcycle.

The garage door automatically opened and saw did the gates and Roseline's eyes lit up, their house was so cool and then they rode of with Roseline leading the way. She showed them all the places they were going to visit during their stay and Raphael couldn't help the small smile that etched on his face seems this planet was more interesting than he thought and the funniest thing was that everyone one here though being of the same species were all different. Suddenly the girl came to a dangerous halt which could have caused a crash but surprisingly she pulled it off. The two also stopped not breaking a sweat in their flawless stop.

"Could you guys please wait for a little while, okay?" she asked and the two simultaneously nodded their heads for a reason they didn't understand, they wondered why she suddenly stopped here. Looking up at the sign with 'D pet store' boldly written on it Roseline couldn't help but give a bitter smile as she walked in. Damian decided stay outside but once he saw her sullen looking face as if she just got beaten up he decided to wait, he didn't want to get involved in her matters. She took slow steps into the neatly furnished and spacious store with different creatures around them.

While she were looking around taking note of their surroundings and the different species around, trying to imprint in her mind how much this place had changed them a young man in his early twenties walked towards them with a welcoming smile on his face.

"Welcome to Danbers' pet store what can I get you", he said his grin not leaving his face until he noticed the person standing in front of him him, his face was filled with shock them worry and relief, so many emotions clashing together.

"Sis, what are you doing here?" jumping to hug her, He let her go and stared into her eyes

"Mom and Dad said you ran away, you've been gone for almost a year now", he said sadness and longing filled his voice and Roseline resisted the urge to hug him and cry her eyes out.

"Hmm... sorry for leaving you, Dean but can you refrain from telling Mom and Dad you saw me I just wanted you to know I'm okay", she said her eyes glistening with tears she refused to let fall. Seeing his sister in this state he couldn't bear to say no and nodded his head.

"I promise I'll make sure they don't find out about it", Dean said causing Roseline to smile he was probably going to have to get rid of the security camera footage too. Roseilyn then turned to the two that were almost exploding from waiting for her outside, they walked in after she signaled them

"These are my..... f- friends Allen and Damian", she finally said and they both moved from their position happy that the moment was over. "I'm taking them on a tour round the city so I thought we could see some cute animals for the first day", she smiled and showed them round the store naming all the animals like a tour guide but usually getting distracted and petting them causing Damian to walk towards the cats.

He thought he'd find strong creatures on Earth but it seemed they were all weak and could easily be broken. When he noticed a pair of foreign yet alerting eyes on him. They looked as if they could read him, which it seemed they could and they didn't cower like the other animals when he got close, he stared back at them, wanting to know what they thought but the smart creatures made sure to think in circles. He smiled at this noticing that the youngest of them though not afraid eyes turned into slits as if ready to attack him, just like the human when she got annoyed.

"What's your name", he said still looking into the animals eyes to communicate with it, but when it didn't answer his eyes narrowed. "So you don't have one, I'll figure out a name for you later", he said, naturally he liked pets, treat them well and they'll be loyal to you despite the fact they had to be disciplined once in a while. He finally got up from his crouching position.

"I want this one", he said pointing at the kitten whose attention had gotten back to licking it's paws. Dean smiled and walked towards the cat in the cage and started petting it then gave him the cat and some papers after Damian paid.

"I'll name you Chase", he said lifting the kitty up and Roseline and Allen's eyes narrowed at him he actually named the cat and seemed very fascinated with the creature.