
Love you for the best

He was ruthless and aloof in her point of view but she was having steamy nights with her under the influence of alcohol. She decided she was going to take a stand but it lead to another alcoholic moment that she decided to refuse and asked for a divorce, he thought she was joking because he was handsome and had an outstanding career. Suddenly their world began to fall apart. Will their love bring them together as one true love or will life gets the best of them? note: Due to my own mistake. The novel is showing a different genre than it should, i apologize to the readers. I will contact someone to get it change, until then. Thank you for reading.

Naeyonce · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Now it's the missing wife

Another week has passed and there was no news from Tiania. It was as if she really took the chance to be free and left everything and everyone behind. All that was left was a letter to her parent's.

"Dear mom and dad, I am such a disappointment. I had no idea I was repeating history in yours and dad's eyes. I'm so sorry that I could not do better to show you that I'm worthy. Please forgive me, your selfish daughter." That was what she left written in the letter she leaves behind, no one knew when she lifted the house but Henrick was not surprised by the way she left because she left him exactly the same way. But he had thought she didn't hear when he had said; he signed the papers. He is now thinking twice. .

They have been gathering together for the past weeks. Hoping with each and every move they make to find her. They would speak on it and someone else would go over another person's tracks and do it by checking only this time just in their own way. At first everything seemed like a good idea but now nothing is working. Nothing, not even the cop,nor detectives, are able to come up with any form of lead.

"I am thinking maybe we should hire secret agents on this because nothing is working. And I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say; I'm tired of looking and keep feeling like we're all looking in the wrong directions. It is as if she is right in front of us but somehow, we keep missing her or mistaking her for someone else." Henbrick said to them as he glanced around at everyone. He then spoke what he thinks everyone will agree to. With a slight nod they all agreed like he had thought but as he finished speaking about why they can't find Tiania, he had the weirdest thought but he couldn't say it out loud.

"Why do i feel like Tiania's leaving this was not my fault?" He questioned looking at his in-laws. The look on their face gave them away but they knew better than to show that it's their fault. So immediately they pretend as if nothing happened but they were unaware that Henrick had seen through their act already.

"I want everyone to leave the room... Except for my wife's parents." He was convinced that they had something to do with it. Therefore he asked everyone to leave, taking a moment before saying who he wanted to stay seated.

"We have nothing to hide." Her father said with tears in his eyes making Henrick feel like he was doing something he shouldn't but he knew better than anyone what it is like, to be fooled by others and their act even if it is real it's only for the moment.

"I believe you. Well, at least a part of me does. So let me tell you something that is believable. You see the night your daughter left this house not even me knew she was going to. Also, I had no idea if I had just explained to her what was going on. Then I wouldn't be here with you two. So, when she was in the hospital and she used Alex Gray's phone to call me, she was happy and I mean she sounded like the day she was going to get married kind of happy. But when she asked the doctor if she was pregnant with me on the phone because she wanted to be sure that I would hear when she got the good news. However, all that happiness in her voice shattered after she heard that she was not! I am guessing that if she was pregnant she thought it would make me change, so I'm manning up to my wrongs. I should have done better to her as her husband. I was just so obsessed with being the sweet and soft but also silent husband that she gets to tell to do whatever, i forgot that i had my own role to play and it was not the one i wanted to play."

He said to them with a smile to assure them that he does believe them even though he didn't. He said and they became nervous for a moment. But as he continued to speak they relaxed and began to listen to him pointing out some things that others might have missed. He then explained he was unaware of what he should have done to make things work.

But he shocked them in that moment when he shared how happy she was with the hopes that she might have been pregnant but she wasn't. He explains he is taking the blame for everything that transpired between them as he feels he should have done better to her. As he had forgotten he too had a role to play in their marriage.

But even though he went that far with them. They didn't want to tell him anything. The two sat in silence and waited. Instead of speaking again Henrick decided that he too was going to do the same as them. He didn't move an inch, he just watched them watching him and hoping for the time to pass by. However, unfortunately nothing was happening and time seemed to suddenly going slower than usual.

"If they won't say it then, i'll. If you think hearing it will help you find my sister then, I will tell you everything that was said to her before she left. Maybe just maybe I am guessing but something deep down inside of me, is telling me that you two know exactly where she is." Leo finally stepped out and made himself known and when he spoke they all realized that he didn't actually leave. However, he seems to believe that his parents know where his sister is. Now, showing them he will do just about anything to ensure she is found.

"How long... How long have you been there?" Henrick spoke, taking a moment before he could get the question out for he seemed to be confused as to how much his brother-in-law had heard.

"Long enough to know the kind of man you will be to my sister in the future, and you must keep your word on chasing her. She deserves someone who is going to love her even after she's gone." Leo responded to Henrick's question which made feel accepted for the second time by his brother-in-law. When Leo told him the kind of man his sister deserved he was shown that he asked the wrong ones to stay.

"So you two are really going to make him do it for you?" Henrick asked, looking at both of them. But neither of them made any attempt.

"Fine, Leo. Please sit down and tell me everything so i can understand it well and not make something out of what is going on in my head. I want to know it all before I move forward because I do not wish to cause misunderstanding between me and my enemies. I don't wish for them to see me as someone I don't want to be. But trust me, even I am afraid of that side of me." Henrick said to Leo, acting firmly as if his in-laws do not sit at the same table and will be hearing everything. Word for word from their son Leo.

"I'm just going to repeat some things that will help you." Leo said to Henrick and he nodded in agreement.

"The marriage like life your sister and her husband is or were living is a repeat of your mother and i marriage. I went to her parents just like how Henrick came to us, but after marriage your mother and i never really speak to each other. She would do everything and i would just accept it as it is. I never make an effort to speak to her unless it was importantly needed. Most of our marriage was like that until i started drinking. I could touch or have her touch me, and the need grew and the drinking became a habit. But soon I began to lose everything because due to my drinking I was losing everything slowly and in silence but I didn't even know it because I was so happy to be loved for, cared for, and touched by her, nothing else mattered. The Gray's, i thought they were friends but they ripped me of everything. The Spa owned by your mother isn't really a gift from Henrick. While Tiania was in form, i was unaware and so was your mother but our marriage was repeating itself and that's when she started it. However, she had no idea how to run it and we foolishly trusted that boy's mother and with time to come. The Spa was just a day away from not being our own. We thought we were the owner but it seems like we were the worker's and that's when he came, not to ask for your hand but to help us. It was months after he met Tiania that he came back here, he said we made a promise and he would like to make one himself. "For better and for worse with your daughter." At first we didn't agree but then, when she came home and wouldn't yapping the guy who fixed her leg. We found they went to they school and i called and asked him to find her and ensure she was okay even though she was here at home. I don't know what happen but after she went back and come home again, the name Alex Gray name was the only thing would mention and i had to looked into it, after knowing who he was that was getting the good name of someone else doing, i knew it was about to happen again. So we stopped her from finishing college."

Leo decided to tell him everything that was said to them that night, he thought it would be of help and when Henrick heard Alex name he wanted to know more and why was that boy the reason she had to stop going to collage.

The story maybe interesting and good for me, but i want to know what my reader's thinks of the story.

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