
Love you for the best

He was ruthless and aloof in her point of view but she was having steamy nights with her under the influence of alcohol. She decided she was going to take a stand but it lead to another alcoholic moment that she decided to refuse and asked for a divorce, he thought she was joking because he was handsome and had an outstanding career. Suddenly their world began to fall apart. Will their love bring them together as one true love or will life gets the best of them? note: Due to my own mistake. The novel is showing a different genre than it should, i apologize to the readers. I will contact someone to get it change, until then. Thank you for reading.

Naeyonce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


"I know you would not want to be around me right now, so i arranged for you, your friends, and family to go back but just know that this time. I am coming for your heart the way I should from the start." Henrick said to her, meeting her gaze. Not once did he blink when he spoke of pursuing her. Looking into each other's eyes, Tiania lost control of her own breathing. Her heart began beating as if she was running for miles hoping to find a safe place. Her father who was close to her could hear her heart every beat.

He was sure about one thing, and it's that her daughter is finally realizing what it is like to have someone who loves her enough to never let her go but also to never give up on her. He was somewhat confused because he could not understand why she now began to feel like this. After two years you think one would realize that the person who cherishes them the most, is right in front of them. But it's because they're sometimes confused as to why some things do happen.

"We will leave in the morning, it's getting late." Her father responded to him, making everyone confused. At that time he made Tiania feel like he was up to something as she came to realize that he could've been hearing her heartbeat but she realized it late and when she tried to speak, her mother stopped her.

"He is right. We should spend the night here. There is enough room for everyone. I'm sure we can all agree on this. Except for the good doctor, he will be going." Tiania mother said to agreed with her husband. She lays out how they could stay and that there is enough room for everyone. She stops and look at the doctor and said to Henrick.

"I am sorry, Mrs. Vessel but he will be staying. I have not seen him in months and I am sure... it does not matter, everyone makes themselves at home. Let's go." Henrick spoke on the matter. They didn't know why he was saying sorry but when he addressed his mother-in-law as mrs and not mother. It shock everyone, for he has only called her Mrs. Vessel once and it was when he was asking for Tiania hands in marriage.

He explains the doctor hasn't seen him in months and they understand because he had completely ghosted himself and disappeared from everything and everyone. He was getting ready to say something concerning his wife but he paused and changed the topic he was bringing up. He leaves with the Doctor. His mother leaves them and they go to the bedroom since Henrick and his friend were going downstairs.

"He has made it very clear, he is no longer our son in-law. My daughter, you're free. He has given to you what you asked him for. He signed the papers. Ahh. What will become of the gifts he given to us? Will he take them back?" Her mother said to her daughter. She looked at Tiania and told she is free now that she got what she wanted. After a deep sigh she asked.

"He said; he was going to pursue me. I am sure he meant his words. But is that all you are worried about mom, or do you not care for me at all? Do you have any idea what it was like for me here? I was married to someone who doesn't talk to me, and he loved me under the influence of alcohol. Do you know how i felt when i was not given the love i thought i was going to get, did you ever at least once called and asked if he was treating me right? What kind of mother only cares about the gifter side of this marriage-" Her mother slapped her across the face as soon as she finished the word marriage. She was shocked but not only her, so was her father and brother. It got weirder when Tiania began to laugh instead of crying.

"Have you lost your mind woman?" Her husband stared at them both then asked in anger.

"Yes. Completely. I have lost every single brian cells. Look at her, she is repeating our marriage. Tell me, is this what you want for your daughter? That man is as scared as i was even after marrying you. Or have you forgotten what we went through?" She yelled yes and responded to him with rage, she didn't seem to care now if anyone else cared to hear them but that room was soundproof once the door closed. She put it out in the open regarding her daughter's life as a repeat of their past marriage and what they went through in the past. Telling them how afraid of her, her husband is. That much they know and sees well but the two child of their parents now stood in confusion.

"What are you going on about, mom?" Leo asked because unlike his sister he doesn't like to be informed he tends to ask. Their parents stared at Tiania for a moment and sigh loudly, their father looked at them both.

"The marriage like life your sister and her husband is or were living is a repeat of your mother and i marriage. I went to her parents just like how Henrick came to us, but after marriage your mother and i never really speak to each other. She would do everything and i would just accept it as it is. I never make an effort to speak to her unless it was importantly needed. Most of our marriage was like that until i started drinking. I could touch or have her touch me, and the need grew and the drinking became a habit. But soon I began to lose everything because due to my drinking I was losing everything slowly and in silence but I didn't even know it because I was so happy to be loved for, cared for, and touched by her, nothing else mattered. The Gray's, i thought they were friends but they ripped me of everything. The Spa owned by your mother isn't really a gift from Henrick. While Tiania was in form, i was unaware and so was your mother but our marriage was repeating itself and that's when she started it. However, she had no idea how to run it and we foolishly trusted that boy's mother and with time to come. The Spa was just a day away from not being our own. We thought we were the owner but it seems like we were the worker's and that's when he came, not to ask for your hand but to help us. It was months after he met Tiania that he came back here, he said we made a promise and he would like to make one himself. "For better and for worse with your daughter." At first we didn't agree but then, when she came home and wouldn't yapping the guy who fixed her leg. We found they went to they school and i called and asked him to find her and ensure she was okay even though she was here at home. I don't know what happen but after she went back and come home again, the name Alex Gray name was the only thing would mention and i had to looked into it, after knowing who he was that was getting the good name of someone else doing, i knew it was about to happen again. So we stopped her from finishing college."

It was not easy coming forth with the truth but someone had to tell them and their father decided that it was to be him and not their mother because it was because him and his trusting people easily is what gets them what they got each time. He tried his best to explain from start to finish hoping their kids would understand but Tiania was always the one to look weak and was the one to be the comforter in that moment. She had no idea just as much as her brother that their parents went through all that but hearing everything. Tiania remember something.

''How can i marry someone who is married to someone else and even worse. Mom, she cannot benefit me in any kind of way, she doesn't even know the first thing about running a company. I'm just using her for the fact that she's his weakness. He has been loving her since the accident in college. Soon after she disappeared I didn't even get the chance to say sorry for making her fall that day. A month after that i hear she was going to marry him, i'm just try to take him down by using her. Moreover I don't want a woman to marry who is carrying someone else's child."

Her memories from the hospital came back to her, when she heard all that her parents went through because of the Gray's and the man she thought was her savior was actually the one that pushed her. For better and for worse in her ears from her husband to her father and now to her, it seems like she was now hurting her parents and was something she never intended to do.

She sighs and hugged her father even tighter and patted his back softly. Leo was shocked about the whole thing. He just sat down and not a single word from him, nor their mother. They stayed in the room for hours. It was like they were fixing each other for the greater good but unfortunately only Tiania seemed to be the one with intentions after hearing her parent's story.