
Travel Back in time

(It stopped raining and when she woke up it was morning she immediately went inside the Villa but the pain in her ankle was gone she felt that place was a little strange she saw a lot of bodyguards surrounded the Villa and the Villa was looking very grand. Daisy was shocked)

Daisy: "what is all this? yesterday this Villa was looking like a haunted house and there was no security here but today there are more than 200 bodyguards and the Villa is looking so beautiful, how have is this possible?"

(Suddenly Cheng's manager looking at Daisy shouted on her)

Manager: "hey you have come here for work and look at you, you look like a beggar go and change your clothes immediately, our Boss hate germs, go fast.

(pushes her and sends her to the servants room she was confused she didn't understand what was happening, she changed her clothes and entered the Villa but looking at someone she was stunned.

Cheng was sitting right in front of her)

Daisy(shouted): "you! how come you are here? you were dead right? or is it any prank? is there any camera fixed here, I know maybe my crew members are pranking me you are a mimicry artist or Cheng's duplicate right! Manager how come you look so young, your hair it looks so real, huh? it's a wig right! (goes near him and pulls his hair)

Manager: ouch! are you made, how dare you call my real hair a wig, guards take this girl out of this Villa, you are removed from this job, get out!

Daisy: hey! you bald manager, yesterday you were treating me so well why are you acting like this today?

Cheng(laughs): bald manager! nice name! haha..

Daisy: And you stop acting like Cheng, you duplicate!

(goes to him and pulls his cheek but his cheek was smooth and real, she wonders)

Daisy: hey! are you really Cheng!

Cheng(pulls her hand): you! how dare you pull my cheek it's painful, have you lost your mind, do you know who I am? huh? (suddenly he saw the ring in her hand) hey! who gave you this ring? where did you find this? tell me!

Daisy(in pain): I don't know, you leave my hand first it hurts!

Cheng: tell me or else it will be more painful!

Daisy: okay! I will tell you, I found it in your garden yesterday!

Cheng: yesterday? but you were appointed as a maid today right! and before this I never saw you in my Villa, how is this possible? are you a thief?

Daisy: ho! you are the maid and you are the thief, I am so beautiful and I have a perfect figure, how can you call me a maid! huh? and I am not a thief I really found that ring in your garden.

(Cheng was really shocked, he immediately went to his room and opened his wardrobe and checked the ring. The ring in his hand was similar to the ring which was given to him by his father as their family heirloom, he knew that it can't be a coincidence and the ring which Daisy had was a real one, how can it be possible?)

to be continued....