
You're funny

“You don’t have anything to be worried about, we are always here to help” Jack assured him and he just smirk.

Clara tiptoe to Jack’s room and knock softly, she didn’t want to wake everyone else.

“Jack, open the door is me Clara” she called in a whisper but no answer.

“Jack…Jack.. Shit!, what is wrong with him, he can’t go to sleep just yet” she looks at her wristwatch and resumes knocking. She push the door but it was locked.

“What!” she turns to leave murmuring because she was expecting Jack to come to her room, she likes talking with him, he gives her joy but now he’s nowhere to be found.

"I can’t even get close to him even though we are in the same house” she murmurs and walks to her room but she heard footsteps and hide because is not just Jack but Alex with him.

Clara sighs “So it's because of Alex, why is he constantly wanting to frustrate me?” she scratches her head and stays in hiding till they walk past her.

She went to her room murmuring.

“Okay, good night,” Alex said to Jack and then went back to Clara to make sure she was in her room.

Satisfied that he has done his best for tonight he went to meet Sandra.

“Hey. Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you all the place” Alex hug her and kiss her on the forehead.

“Did you miss me already” she nods.

"Hmmm, I was only making sure that Jack knows his place in this house” Sandra lift her face to look at Alex.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t trust that Jack and Clara, those two, .. Did you see the way Clara was behaving even in front of others?” Sandra couldn’t help but laugh.

“Why are you laughing”

“You’re funny Alex, so you’re jealous?”

“I’m not jealous, I’m only trying to protect my sister”

Sandra laughs so hard that Alex starts feeling ashamed.

“I don’t like this, why are you laughing at me?”

“I am not laughing at you but seriously? Clara is your elder sister, you can’t stop her from doing whatever she wants to do”

“I know but this is my house,” Alex said grabbing Sandra’s hand and gently pulling her to himself.

“Let’s talk about us” he bends and whispers into her ear. Making her laugh.

“You are so happy this night,” he said, do you mind making me happy too?” Alex asks making her pull away from him.

“Alex what! look what you did and you are still asking for more,” she said pointing at her tummy that is almost due for delivery.

“I'm sorry, but I’m not sorry” he pulled her again to himself kissing her. “I want to make love to you” he whispers, “I promise to be gentle”.

Sandra blushed, she has been waiting for this ever since Alex came back, but what is happening around them didn’t allow them to be sweet to themselves.

“What do you say?” Alex asks even though he can see that she needs it, he wants to hear it from her.