

"So, spill, bitch," Mei squealed before Chase had an opportunity to retreat into the tree line. "You have a fuckin' mate? Since when?"

He wanted to hear Tali's response, but figured he'd rather hurry his trip so he could return to her. Knowing they were going to be separated for even an hour was unbearable. This bond had him wrapped around the females finger already.

When he reached his territory, Chase was greeted by the enforcers and guards. "Where have you been? What took so long?" He walked passed all of the questions and to the beta.

"Office," the beta nodded once and followed Chase inside.

"What's doin', boss," Chase growled under his breath. He hated being called the boss or alpha. He was Chase. Just Chase.

As he sat in the black leather chair behind the large wooden desk, he rubbed the bridge of his nose, hoping to relieve some pressure from the splitting migraine that was forming. "How much milk do we have stored in the walk-in?"

The beta sat down, brows furrowing, "Enough for a few years I'd say. Why?" Chase pulled some papers out of the desk drawer and picked up a ball point pen.

"I need a days supply for 10 pups. Over shoot if you have too." He began scribbling down a few things and looked up when the beta didn't say anything or move from his spot. "That's all for now."

The beta glared at his alpha, testing his patience. "Alpha, are you sure you know what you're doin'? Takin' from your own for some strays?" Chase's eyes locked on the beta's and he growled.

"Who the fuck are you to ask questions? You do as you're told or you get replaced, which will it be," he tested the beta. When the male looked away, he smirked. "That's what I thought. One day supply. 10 pups. Go," he barked. The beta nodded once and left the room.

"Jonah," he barked through the half open door. His brother pranced in, blonde curls on his head bouncing. "Can you check the diaper supply and let me know how much we have? Wipes too." Jonah nodded and turned to leave.

Chase finally had a second to look at the list he'd been writing.







He smiled, satisfied with himself. She didn't ask for this stuff but he wanted to take care of his mate. And, while everything was being put together, he was going to get some work done.


Tali snuggled closer to Mei as they worked together to keep the new pup warm between them. "He's so precious. Makes me want my own," she softly touched the pups chubby cheek. Mei smiled down at him and cooed.

"I'm sure you will. You found your mate. Who's to say pups wont follow shortly," Tali giggled at her friends words.

Thinking about being sexual with anyone was a foreign subject. She'd never thought beyond the pack and caring for the pups. But now that she has Chase… "I shouldn't fill my head with those thoughts," she chuckled. Then nodded towards Jax. "Besides, you found your mate first. Or, I guess he found you," she smiled over at the ball of muscle still passed out against the wall.

Mei watched him for a moment before returning her gaze to the pup. "I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm cut out to be a mom. Maybe I'll just remain the pack surrogate. Seems to be the only job I'm qualified for," she chuckled coldly, the pain on her face, evident.

"You're not their personal pup factory, Mei. You can seek your own happiness. You use to find thrills in drawing and designing houses and shit. What did you call that?"

"Interior design," Mei's eyes light up at the thought of decoration an entire pack house however she chose to. Tali smiled at her friend.

"See, we're not their puppets. We have our own dreams. Our own lives," Tali felt there was some truth in her words for Mei. But she, herself, would never be free of her controlling family. Her brother was the current alpha and her father, alpha before.

Although, she knew her family loved her, she normally wasn't allowed to leave the pack house unless it came to watching the pups during a turf war. And even then, she was stuck in the den. Only to leave to protect the pups with her life.

Which she wouldn't hesitate at doing. She was a protector at heart. Especially when it came to defenseless pups. If no one watched out for them, who would? She would. Time and time again. They were the future of the pack after all.

A rustling outside the cave caught her attention. She picked up a rock, chucking it at Jax fairly hard. He crumpled over, grasping his chest and growling. "What the fuck, Tali,"his eyes narrowed on her. When she pointed outside, his shoulders relaxed so he could focus all his senses on whoever was out there.

Jax slowly got to his feet, narrowing in on the possible threat outside the den, and Tali watched disturbingly as he crept around without a sound. He wouldn't have been heard by her wolf ears if she didn't see him. Tali held Mei and the pup closer, wanting to protect them.

"Bro," Jax's voice rang through the den and laughter broke out soon after.


Chase had a thick, muscular arm around his throat as soon as he entered the den. Jax snuck up behind him without any sound. The men laughed as Jax lead him to the females who were still laying with the pup. His eyes instantly landed on Tali, who's brows furrowed at them.

"Not. Cool," she hissed through gritted teeth. Chase couldn't help but smile at his mate. He blew her a kiss as he lowered the bag he was carrying to the ground and opened it. Pulling out some bottles and a few bottles of breast milk that looked like they had been frozen, he watched Tali's face light up.

"I wasn't sure how long you guys would be out here, but I figured we would get a days supply and go from there," he explained as he pulled out diapers and wipes, extra blankets that looked handmade, and some packaged foods.

Tali had crawled over to him and began filling bottles. Chase rested his hand over hers, stopping her. "What? I need to get them fed," she said in a small voice. Chase realized how grateful yet worried she was and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Handing her a package, he smiled at her. "You need to feed yourself. You've gone without food for a few days and you're growing weaker." Panic flushed over her face and he shook his head. "Jax and I can feed the pups. You feed yourself," he kissed her head again and stood up, throwing a few bottles and milk to Jax.

By the time they reached the back room, they had all the bottles filled to the brim with milk. Chase, feeling self satisfied, smirked as the pups surrounded them. Tugging on their pants and clawing their legs, the males hearts ached. They couldn't believe their females and a bunch of young pups were left out in the woods by themselves. Without the proper supplies, too.

Anger boiled within Chase and he glanced at Jax as they passed bottles to the pups old enough to feed themselves. "Man," he whispered, feeling the anger brew inside him. Jax looked at him with a questioning look. "They left them out here with nothing. It's almost like they planned on them dying out here." Jax frowned at the ground, he had been thinking the same thing.

"If they don't come for them in the next 3 days, I'm taking them to my cave," hearing Jax's determination, Chase smiled. The lion truly was a good guy. He found it amusing how in such a short amount of time, Chase had learned to think of him more as a friend than any of his own pack.

They each picked up the youngest looking pups and plopped a bottle in their mouths. Chase rubbed his fingers over the ribs of the pup he was feeding and anger, worse than ever before, barreled through him. He shot a glance at Jax who was fuming as well.

"My territory," Chase said in a dominant tone. "We'll bring them to my territory. We have plenty of housing and food. Plenty of hunting land. You could stay and help them if you want," he met Jax's gaze. And with a nod and smile between friends, it was a deal.

"Your wolves wont mind I'm a mountain lion though," Jax cocked an eyebrow and Chase shrugged. He knew they would mind but he also didn't care.

"They don't really have a say in what their alpha does," the men shared a knowing look. Jax had thought the dominant vibes were too strong for any regular wolf. "Besides, I think it's time I whip my pack into submission again. They've had their freedom for too long. Now I want them showing some respect again. I allowed them to take over territories they thought best suited our pack and look what happens? 2 females were abandoned in the woods with a whole pack of pups. Pisses me off, man," he growled quietly so as not to scare the pups they were working through.

When the last one was fed and burped, he asked Jax to grab the diapers and wipes. It smelled like it had been a while since they had clean rumps. Which made his blood boil even more. Who would do such a thing? What parent in their right mind would make such young pups suffer?

"Hey there, Stud," her sultry voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "Jax was needed so I figured I could give you a hand," she tossed the bag at his feet and picked up the 2 pups by her feet. Chase smiled as he watched her rub her nose against their cheeks, "Have you changed diapers before?"

He shook his head and she smiled at him, "Then, how were you going to do it?" Chase felt his face warm but didn't want to admit he had no idea what he was doing, he just knew he wanted her to relax and not have to worry about a thing.

She walked over and kissed his lips softly. "You're too sweet," her breath was warm against his face. And he loved it.