

When Tali entered the den, Mei rushed to her, embracing her tightly. Before she could ask if her friend was okay, Mei pulled back, eyes wide and whispered, "Baise moi…" Tali smiled, as if she knew exactly what Mei was talking about without having to turn around.

"If you insist," the humor in Jax's voice was plain as day. Chase smiled at his female who was giggling when Mei's eyes landed on Jax. Mei's body stiffened and she grabbed Tali's arm for support. Tali wrapped her other arm around Mei and nudged her forward.

"This is Jax," she said in an amused tone. Mei had never been the silent type so seeing her like this was entertaining to Tali. "Why don't you guys go talk?" Mei looked at her with panic evident in her eyes.

Leaning in, she whispered, "Tal, you know he's-"

"Your mate? Yes, I do. And I think you should get to know him," Tali interjected. Mei flinched. Fear wasn't far from the surface and she was bound to flee if Jax made too much of an advancement. "Just go," she ushered Mei closer to the tall, muscular wall of a man.

"Va te faire foutre," Mei whispered over her shoulder as Tali giggled at her discomfort. "You're lucky your my best friend." Jax closed the space between them in one large stride, and offered Mei his hand. The red that spread over her friends face must have been palpable to Tali. Her eyes glistened as her own cheeks reddened.

She watched as Mei took Jax's open invitation and they began walking away. Sparing a glace at Chase was the dumbest thing she could have done at that second. He felt such pride and love for Tali in those few fleeting moments and he was sure she saw it on his face.

"What," she cringed at the emotion that filled her tone. He smiled, amused and needing to look elsewhere before he pulled her in for a kiss. Inhaling sharply, he looked away hesitantly.

"You're a good friend. They are lucky to have you. Anyone would be," he whispered. Chase turned to leave the den but didn't get more than a few steps away before her tiny arms wrapped around his waist, wrists locking on his stomach.

A slight sniffle was heard as she pushed her face into his back. Chase's heart ached. He wasn't sure what was wrong but he didn't like hearing her soft sobs. He unlocked her wrists long enough to turn in her embrace and guiding one leg around his waist as he lifted her up.

Only when he supported the majority of her weight did she lift the other leg and lock them together at his lower back, her arms clung tightly around his neck. The way she fit against him was as if she was made to be there. He rubbed small circles along her back with one hand as the other held her head closer in the crook of his neck while they swayed to an imaginary song. Or was that the beating of their hearts?

Chase's need to calm her was strong at the front of his mind, but his wolf was encouraging him to take it further. To lift her chin and claim those beautifully pink lips. He fought that urge with every fiber of his being. He would not ruin this moment. She was his mate and she deserved to know that she was more than just a toy and breeding ground to his wolf. He wanted her to love his wolf, but the need for her to know him as a person, to love his human side, that was important too.

He was still swaying them, placing gentle kisses to her head when her sobs began to settle. He hoped she'd continue to let him hold her a while longer. He needed to hold her. If Jax hadn't been a confused, yet friendly guy, Chase could've lost his mate forever. That thought scared him. And his wolf wasn't okay with that either.

"Thank you," her words were soft and warm against his chest. Chase pulled her even closer to him, needed her to know she was part of him. She was his lifeline. Without her, he'd had gone completely feral to the point of no return.

"You saved me," he whispered in her hair. "I'm the one that should be thanking you." Chase allowed his hand to fall from her head as she lifted it to meet his gaze.

"As you did me," her lips trembled and looked fuller than normal. The pink color he enjoyed was a bright red, as if she'd been biting her lip to stifle her sobbing. Her eyes were a bright emerald, made to look darker by the puffy red around them.

Unable to look away, he lifted his hand again, brushing the pad of his thumb over her newly formed lips before meeting her eyes again. She was searching his own for something. An answer to an unasked question. What did she ask? Was anything said?


Tali felt her cheeks warm as she thought about his lips being on hers. Considered the taste of his mouth. What it would feel like to claim him. Breaking their stare, she looked down, her eyes briefly locking on his mouth. The smirk that slowly spread across his face is what pulled her eyes away.

Why did this wolf have so much control over what she was feeling? She'd never felt this way before. But she secretly enjoyed it. His lips brushed her cheek, as if he was trying to get her attention. When she looked up, he hooked his finger under her chin, lifting it and caught her mouth with his.

His kiss was gentle yet hungry. And her body took everything he was offering without hesitation. Her wolf howled inside her in approval. Tali had felt the pull the day before when she'd first locked eyes with him, but she hadn't been sure what it meant until now.

This man, this wolf. He was her one true mate.

The thought scared the shit out of her but she knew in her heart that this was the pull of the bond. And she silently cursed the moon goddess for bringing him to her now of all times. And to mate the enemy? What a cruel trick the goddess was playing.

Tali, pulled away when she felt she had her fill of him. Jutting her tongue out to lap up the little bit of his taste that lingered on her now swollen lips, she looked up at him. The lust filled gaze that awaited her sent a longing in her lower half. Her sex grew slick the longer they remained in this position and she was sure he could feel her heat growing against him.

She tried to pull herself out of his embrace, but he held on tighter. "Don't. Please, don't leave me," the husky sound in his voice caught her attention, making her take pause. Tali knew it was best to go but she wasn't strong enough to disobey orders from an alpha. Maybe he wasn't using his alpha strength. Was it possible she just wasn't strong enough to pull away from the mate bond?

Melting into his chest, Tali wrapped around him again, not wanting their moment to end. And, if she had to be honest, her wolf would have fought her harder than ever, and she just didn't have the strength, after the last few days, to fight her.

"I won't," she reassured him after a while. "I could never leave." The truth of her words pulled at her heart. She couldn't give him up after she just found him. And she didn't intend too.

Tali's eyes shot open as a loud, shriek echoed off the walls of the den. She didn't realize she'd fallen asleep in Chase's arms until she sat up and searched her surroundings.

Jax rushed into the opening and skidded to a stop, "I don't mean to interrupt but… Mei-" He didn't need to finish before Tali was to her feet and running to her best friend. Panic struck her when she saw Mei crumpled over, clutching her stomach.

"Mei," Tali called her friends name. When the tear streaked face looked up to meet her gaze, she realized what was happening and couldn't help but smile. "It's time," she whispered to Jax who looked frantic.

Tali walked to Mei and helped her lay on her back comfortably, guiding her head to a pillow that they prepared before the turf war started 4 days ago. "Jax, I need you to go get the blankets in the bag over there," she nodded towards a corner before tending to Mei again.

When Jax reappeared, Tali caught a glimpse of his face. Mortified, he smiled down at his newly found mate and whispered some comforting words to her as he brushed the hair from her face. "Good, keep talking to her, Jax. This should be over in no time," Tali couldn't contain the excitement in her voice.

She was going to be here when her best friend needed her. For the fifth time. Tali had delivered all the pups thus far, and she insisted Mei come with her and the pups just in case this happened. Now she was glad. If she hadn't been there this time, Tali would have been disappointed with herself.

Tali tore the panties off her friend, revealing her most sacred of places as she spread Mei's legs wide open. "Little pinch," she warned as she checked the cervix. "8 centimeters. How are you feeling," she asked the lovely woman before her.

"Like I have a god damned watermelon stretching my fuckin' vag open," Mei hissed through another contraction. Jax and Tali chuckled at that comment before she directed him to make a bed out of the blankets for the pup.

A strong hand rested upon her shoulder and she looked up to see Chase standing above her. "What can I do?" Pride shone brightly in his eyes as he watched her and she felt her cheeks warm.

"You should stand behind Jax," Tali nodded toward the wall of muscle that was flushed and not very solid at the moment. "He might need you when we start pushing."

She watched closely as Chase maneuvered around to be next to the lion. "You good man," he asked, placing a reassuring hand on his new ally's shoulder. Jax's eyes remained glued on his mates straining face as she fought through another contraction.

"I'm not sure. I feel bad that she's in this pain and I blame myself but it's not my cub. I… I just want to take her pain away," he whispered towards Chase, finally able to look away from Mei.

Tali checked Mei's cervix again, "9 centimeters! Get ready to push with this next one." Mei's eyes widened and everyone cheered her on. On the third push, the head was cleared but there was still a little ways to go. "You got this, babe! A couple more really hard pushes. Push!"

Mei squeezed Jax's hand so hard as she bared down, Tali was sure she heard some bones shatter. He showed no pain though, just concern for his mate. One more and the crying pups call echoed off the walls, making everyone laugh. Tali handed the pup to Chase who quickly wrapped it in a blanket before handing it to Mei.

"He's beautiful," Jax muttered, looking paler than before. "Good job, honeysuckle." He placed a kiss on her sweaty forehead and looked at the pup.

"Chase, Jax," Tali called his attention and he caught Jax before he fainted on top of the female and the pup. "Men and blood," she rolled her eyes.

Mei laughed. "It's funny. They can kill and roll around in that blood but when it comes from a woman's lower half its enough to make them faint." Both women giggled and fawned over the pup as Chase tended to Jax's limp body.

"I vote nap time," Chase interjected as he returned, wrapping Tali in his arms and kissing her neck. "I'm going to head out." Her heart ached at the thought of him leaving. Her nails digging into his flesh must have given her inner feelings away because he chuckled and kissed her cheek before saying, "I'll be back later. I'll bring some food for you ladies and the pups. How many bottles are needed?"

Tali looked over her shoulder at him, "You'd do that for us?" Her own pack hadn't even sent the proper supplies along. She had been feeding the pups instant mashed potatoes and sugar loaded juice for the last 4 days.

Nuzzling her cheek, he whispered, "Anything to take some of the pressure off my mate." The word hung in the air, catching Mei's attention. They shared a secret look that told her they would talk later.

"There are 10 pups that need bottles. The other 7 are fine eating instant potatoes with us for now. Thank you," Mei answered him when Tali took too long. She shared another look with her friend and laughed.

Chase placed another kiss to Tali's neck before departing with a promise to return in an hour.