


It was Saturday morning when inno came home, he looked so happy, I asked him why he was so happy, he told me "Boi today is today, I will be going with my girl somewhere" I asked him where exactly he was going that afternoon, "we will be going Ku golf club area boi, do you know what this means bro, it means dancing because it's one hidden place boi,". This did hit me hard because by that time I had no girl in my life and wanted one. When we met the following day going to church, I asked him if he did dance, he said yes but did not want to talk about it. I was left in dilemma as to why he never wanted to talk about it but I just did not ask again.

What happened on this day was the shocking news I received from him, he narrated, do you remember the day I came home and told you that I was going with my girl for a date ku golf club area?" "Yes I do", "do not tell anyone what I will tell you over what happened that side, for sure we went there, but it was just near that side, on the way to that golf course, we met her friend Sasha greeted her and she joined us, I asked Gift if she was coming along, she said yes, infarct we are going to Sasha's place, she has been alone for the past one week now, and I was asked to be there with her so that we should be at least the two of us because she was afraid of sleeping alone in that house, sorry I did not tell you where I have been sleeping for the past one week but hey you know now. We reached home only to find another girl cooking and setting the table for all of us to eat, said Hai to her and sat, the three girls left me in the sitting room alone watching a movies we found the girl watching, I was there for some minutes when Gift came with a glass cup of drink and gave it to me, got it said thanks, started drinking little by little before I could finish drinking Gift called me to the dinning saying lets go have something to eat because today is our day and you must have enough energy for us, I did not know what she meant when she said for us I thought it was just her and me but that wasn't the case, I went to the dinning sat and we all ate whatever was prepared there but mine was a little too special because I did not even finish eating I noticed some changes in my body, I mean my penis did erect, telling you it was trouble in paradise.

When we finished eating, Gift told me to follow her to her friend's bedroom, I refused saying, am not comfortable, what of your friends, she said I shouldn't worry, they will join us when they take a bath, I asked her what she meant when she said they will join us, she just told me that I will see because it's a surprise for me. after some minutes of talking she came near me and said shall we just go by that time I was already breathing like someone who has run a marathon and my penis was in pain because of the erection, I followed her to the bedroom, immediately we were in the room she gave me a deep kiss while holding my penis, it felt so good that I forgot of my morals and closing the door behind me that I kissed her back felt her, touched her everywhere, as I pushed her to fall on the bed I felt another hand touch me behind as I turned only to find a well curved Sasha completely naked and she said surprise, don't say anything and keep quiet, before I could say another word the other girl came as well, with her hand rapped on her beautiful pointed bobs as shocked as I was I had nothing to say but I knew what was going on, I knew I had to prove to them that I am a man enough to have sex with the three of them, but the time I had turned back to see where my girl was, she was still sleeping on the bed and called out, come to mama lover boy, because I couldn't wait and suck on her breast, I fall down on her on the bed with no time I was inside her whilst her friends were touching me, I was inside her for at least twenty to thirty minutes when Sasha pulled me out and told gift I am honey let me have some as well, she just mourned and said let me have him for some minates I will get back to him cause he is all mine,

My blood was already hot but I could not understand why it took so long for me to release, because by this time I would have released, anyways I had entered into Sasha who later refused not to enter her without a condom, it felt so whole and wet when I entered her, believe you me I thought I was in heaven, mmmmmh If I am to compare Sasha to gift i tell you, Sasha is hot in bed, than my girlfriend gift, I wished she was my girlfriend, she gave me all herself, I was in her for some mins when she who was my age mate feeling shy came and asked Sasha to let her do it as well, Sasha accepted but continued touching me whilst gift was touching her clitoris, I had just jerked for some minutes I ejaculated but my penis was still stiff has if it's when It has just erected, continued when I heard the condom burst and the sperms remained in that girls vagina, I become afraid knowing I could have impregnated her but and leta realized that condoms are not to be trusted for they are as well not 100% ,they can burst and you can easily get an STI or worse, away from that. .

When I brought my penis out to tell Sasha and my girl to what has happened, they were not concerned, gift said I shouldn't worry, she pulled me to her side in no time I was inside her and continued having sex. This went on for about three hours then my penis came back to normal and Sasha and the other girl excused themselves from the room. After some time alone with Gift, I asked her what all that was about and she said it was just something they saw on TV and wanted to experience and that she was sorry because they had put a sex tablet in my drink called commit and that if I may feel like am sick it's as a result of the drug or just tired of the activity we have done today. Before i was escorted back home around 18hrs I asked what the name was of the other girl probably because I didn't know her name or that I knew that she might be pregnant, Gift said her name was Joy, added saying I did not know her because this is when they had shifted to this town. Guys , be careful with what you drink or eat especially when you have visited your girl otherwise you might become a victim of a sex drug.

I arrived home feeling so tired boi, the next day I had a wired feeling on my penis, it itched and when I went to the toilet to go pass my urine I felt a pain when urinating, I did not know why and what was happening to me, in the evening the situation worsened that's the day I came to see you Momo asking you if you had any idea about my problem, then you said you do not know, the only way you could help me is escorting me to the hospital the following morning.to cut the story short when I escorted him to the hospital, he was told to go call his girlfriend and Sasha not forgetting Joy but I had no idea why they were all called only to find out why they were called after 2 months. Yes, I was confused with what my best friend had told me but thought it was cool, believe you me this wasn't cool at all because the STI he got almost killed him only that he went to the hospital early enough for it to be treated.

I know you can ask what happened to Joy because the possibility of her being pregnant was high, luckily, she never got pregnant, joy told me they had pills called morning after which they all took after sex, that's all I know.

Innocent narrating what happened that day taught me one thing, never to sleep with a girl without a condom which I knew wasn't as well protecting me 100% or to just abstain otherwise I will end up having an STD or worse, that day innocent went to meet his girl in the afternoon and what happened next is a story to tell but not today. I wanted stay home the all day because I never wanted to go out that day and that I had to think on the way out of the drama going on in my life even though it felt good a part of me was telling me to face the truth and stop it for it wasn't taking me anywhere good but trouble, trouble meant my grades at school will be affected, I had just been thinking of the way out when I heard a knock on my bedroom door and mom calling me out saying there is someone looking for me outside, for a moment I thought it was inno but when I went out to see who it was only to find Ruth sited on the verandah chatting with mom, i did not know what to say or do until mom said what's wrong with you, are you blind that you cannot see that your friend is waiting for you to escort her in town as you said you were going to escort her, in fact before you go let me give you some money to buy me sausage in zambeef. She went in to correct the money and was left with Ruth, "Ruth, what are you doing here?" I asked "came to take you out" "But without asking me if I have plans or want to go out before coming home? Are you okay or something is wrong up there, and remember, you have nothing to hold against me because if I fall you fall". Ruth wanted to respond but mom came out and handed me money saying you can go.