
Love Is a Constant Survival

Hello, everyone, my name is Mercury Van Anguish, and to make things short I am reincarnated person yea... that right you heard me correctly jealous right hahah of course, you are who wouldn't. After all, I am a summoned hero destined to fight the demon lord, save the world, get the girl, and have a happy ending. Or that is what I would love to say you see my reincarnation was very special and very dangerous to me in more ways than one hahah... as a matter of fact please send help or maybe an SOS. You see I got the opportunity to reincarnate under the condition of being entertainment for Multiple ROBS In a way, this would have been good I might have gone to a different world with the proper and cliche setting but nope these ROB want a change of pace so what did they do. Well, it's simple they reincarnated me into a world as an offering to the strongest Evil Goddess of Mayhem Lilith an entity that is by no means good at all and has committed so many horrible crimes within this world just because she enjoys it and sees it as fun, in short, she sadistic and fuck up in the head. Well, this is my job make Lilith mine at all cost and complete all 100 hundred romantic tasks given to me by the Robs, and let me tell you this would have been easy if my wife isn't trying to kill me, discipline me, torture me and assassinate me. All because that is her nature and she enjoys doing it, my suffering is her enjoyment, and If I fail and let her leave the seal before a year is finished, she will destroy the world. So, yea this is a story of how I met your mother or die trying to meet her. "Merrrrrrrcury darling where are you?" "Shit she is coming and my leg isn't healed yet well later guys I got to think of a way out of this or be killed right here and now by my wife." "Awww... darling there you are it is time to say hello to Angel-Chan early today". "Shit, shit, shit, shit Shiiiiiiit!"

Retro_Senpai · Fantasi
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43 Chs

The Eyes of Chaos

The wild-looking but still, very cute and handsome boy looks around his surroundings as he was invaded with constant smoke around him but after freeing himself from the coffin by punching the door.

He notices he did more damage than intended to, as he looks at his tiny little hands in surprise, as he could see the hole he made, as he said.

"Shit I overdid things".

But strangely he didn't lament on it for too long as he was surprised to see so many things that confused him, for one his vision felt enhance quite a bit, but not at an insane level to the point it can be exaggerated.

If anything the thing that he is really seeing is many bars like icons all over within the smoke for example he looks to the right and these weird bars were seen in the smoke.

*John Wade: 340/340 HP*

*Shantel Smithy: 220/220 HP*

*Vanessa Agustia: 400/400 HP*

*Carlos Dias: 500/500 HP*

"Ehh... is this really the name and life of people around me holy shit, this really is like a game, or is this just me".

Mercury look around more and he began seeing all kinds of things, for example, he looks on the wall and sees a giant battle ax that looks really damage as it said.

*Primordial battle ax Hel*

*Grade: Mystical*

*Status: Heavily damage*

*A.H.P: 140/140,000*

(A/N): Artifact health point

*Synopsis: This giant battle ax weights over 2 tons as it belongs to the second demon king who rules over the city of Ren, to many this would be a treasure like no other even damage as it had the ability to split a mountain in half with relative ease, but it was damaged in the second great world war, it was thought to be lost but the reality was that one day Lilith got bored in the past and decided to take a walk and stumble upon the legendary artifact and took it back with her as a decoration for her wall.

Mercury was shocked as he was sure that all these things he is seeing were no other than information of everything in his surroundings carries with them, as he said.

"So this is the ability perfect appraised, honestly I thought I was just going to be something like appraised and it shows me the information I want, but this shows me everything without fail, and is always on, I also feel like I could take it off anytime I feel like, but I am a person that values information over all especially in a survival game like this as every information counts".

But what Mercury just realizes was the fact he felt shorter than usual, so he looks and just like he thought he sees his theory was right about reverting back into a child as he looks at his tiny hand, along with the rest of his body, and notice he has tattoos all over, including both arms, hell even his back.

But Mercury felt lost as he wanted to know why he has all these tattoos all over his body so he decides to appraise them as he looks at his arms.

He looks at the snake-like one first on his arm and what he saw shocked him.

*Original additions*

These tattoos have a specific name prior to their original name as they are called additions, to you and many others, these things would be considered as tattoos but the reality is these are actually organs that carry great power and signify your right as this world first and last high human please do note that a higher race of something else will have tattoos present on them but to find someone that has ascended there original race is as rare as finding a single grain of rice in a giant lake.

Mercury then began to appraise the set of mysterious tattoos all over his body

*The Serpent of Gluttony: This ability allows you to eat any and all forms of matter without fail*

*Forbidden Garden: A body with the forbidden blood of life that can heal all forms of aspects, wounds, and curses it can even revert the youth of only humans given them eternal youth it can be rather addicting to vampires though*

*Envious love: Unlike the other addition at some point in this body life you were given this addition but the original owner never use the power of this addition so the ability can not be determined as it has never been used*

"Holy shit these are some weird abilities, to think I can eat all forms of matter doesn't that mean I can give the finger to the entity that is indestructible *Sigh* I don't want to fight with my teeth though it is just weird, well if push comes to shove then but if it not necessary then no".

"But the addition on my back was given to this body *Sigh* lot of questions well I will find out later".

"But the question is where the hell is I at the moment, ok let make a mental map of the surrounding after the smoke clears up".

Mercury began looking around to see his surrounding till the smoke instantly began to clear up which surprise him at the quickness of how fast it happened.

He began looking around as he watches all the humans in that room gave him a rather confused look as Mercury then began to hear footsteps coming his way and when he looked forward his heart almost stop he began seeing the first monster this world has to offer.

"As when Mercury looks at her stats his tiny heart almost stop".

[Status Board]

Name: [Sirus Victoria]

Age: [30,123]

Race: [Fallen Lord]

Unique-Title: [God-slayer, Dragonslayer, Fallen Maiden, Blind Calamity, Horseman candidate, Enlighten one]

Mates: [Lilith]

Status: Cursed

Occupation: [1st Draken, Knight of Lilith, Sloth, Sex friend]

Strength: [EX]

Speed: [A]

Stamina: [EX]

Mana: [SS]

Vitality: [EX]

Luck: [C]

Intelligence: [A]


[Buster mode, Hades, Liberation, Space cut, Weakness precision, Aura sense, Aura vision, Perfect timing, Absolute precision, Neigh regeneration, Bullet time, Mana manipulation, Aura manipulation, Prime-time, Energy bomb, Ki-release, Origin force, Alien mind, Wings of Sparta, Battle cry, Fallen control, Contract, Density control, Domain, Blood Corrosion, Enlightenment state, Absolute translation]-Further search most be done -/+


[Yin and Yang, Bracelet of Osiris, Nirvana]

Mercury looks at the short monster in front of him although he was shorter since he reverted back to a child but still.

This extremely beautiful woman grab his heart in more ways than one Mercury thought to himself you see on one side he was admiring her beauty and wanted to confess his love now, while on the other side he wanted to tuck his tail under his leg and run away from here as far as possible.

But don't let his old tendency for wanting a woman overall fool you as Mercury was panicking but he wasn't showing it on his face as he said in his head.

"Ok Mercury looking at her status you can probably say she is one of the big heads in Lilith army and a sex friend hmm... Yuri that cool eh.... enough of that get your head back into the game, I can't lose focus here ok calm down and think".

"Honestly by looking at her I could say she probably one of those loyal types and probably lazy as hell judging by the way she carries herself, you see in a situation like this, one would instantly run away if their life is in danger but the best option here is to see how things play out and even if I wanted to run away I am outnumbered since I am surrounded in all direction".

"But thank to perfect appraised my survival rate hasn't reached rock bottom as I possess something that I am confident none of them have, which is something very powerful and useful in more ways than one and that is constant information of all things".

"So the best thing to do in a situation like this is one is to stand firm with confidence, and don't let fear overwhelm you, and be as calm and still as a lake, by showing then enemy fear is like telling them they have already won, but then and again that is not easy for me to do, so I will have resorted to my acting skill well let's do this and pray for the best".

Mercury watches as Sirus made his way in front of him as he watches her with an uninterested look at this point and time, he has already taken one of his sister streets fighting stance called [underestimation] you see this stance will make the enemy in front of you think your arent taking anything seriously making you an easy target, in short, it gives the illusion of being full of opening but the reality is the opposite.

Sirus finally made her way in front of Mercury as she looks at him with a lazy look but if one would know Sirus you would know that she is acting differently than normal reason be she has not taken her eyes off Mercury for a moment, nor has she slutch one bit, nor has she taken a drink from her gourd.

Sirus was looking at Mercury's aura and to her confirm her surprise, it was the first of its kind or more like it was a common aura color in warriors but his version was far sinister which made her suspicious as of earlier and a little interested.

Normally one with a red aura are people who have killed hundreds of thousands of people and the redder it gets the more people they have killed and what she seeing right now is a Crimson so deep it was turning black.

But lucky for her, she would never mistake the color of a person's aura since that is how she is able to see the world around her to many aura experts they would confuse his aura as the death aura that means constant misfortune to every place he walks.

So she was the one to engage in the conversation as she asks.

"What's your name kid"?

Mercury gave her the look of uninterested right back as he said.


"Mercury haa... I see Mercury the H-man"

Inside Mercury's head, he was thinking the following.

'Mercury the H-man what the hell is that even supposed to mean,. But he didn't have time as Sirus continue to talk.

"Well, Mercury follow me". Said Sirus who turned around as she walks back towards Lilith who was just watching in excitement like this was some kind of TV show, but to Sirus surprised when she turns around Mercury didn't budge as he remained at the same spot with his same uninterested look just looking at her like she is some kind of idiot.

She then looks at Mercury as she said.

"Didn't you heard me the first time I said follow me little h-man"?

Mercury didn't reply as he just watches her as he said.

"Why the hell should I follow you".

Sirus was shocked normally everyone just moves when she tells them to but this little brat tells her otherwise.

So she went back to Mercury and increased her intimidation a little as she said with a little anger and dominance behind it.

"I said, move boy".

At this time and moment, all the humans in the room drop to the floor as they were struggling to move and breathe meanwhile Mercury on the inside was panicking but strangely he didn't drop to the ground like the others but still, he gave her his uninterested look meanwhile on the inside.

'I'm so dead, I'm going to die, someone helps me ahh... I call bullshit were customer service when you need it'.

'The only reason I am not moving when she says it, because that is already a red flag, by me moving and giving her what she wants is like giving them the impression that I am an easy prey and I don't want that'.

Sirus was increasing her intimidation but he wouldn't move so she stops because it was becoming a bother so she looks at Lilith and said.

"Sister can I use a little excessive force I wont kill him I promise".

Mercury looks behind Sirus and saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life well you get where he is coming from it affected him so much so, he blushes slightly thankfully, his wild and wavy hair was hiding his face making it not clearly seen but Lilith look his way and saw right through it.

As she smiles as she manages to saw through it and lick her lips sadistically that was it for Mercury that was a red flag on steroids from here on out escape at all means was the main objective you see Mercury had a plan he wanted to get the Gold Box at least with that he could have a shot at survival.

These humans around him in his head were long dead, if they died he survive, but he only wanted to escape till morning till his worthless assistant came back but when Sirus said can she use excessive force his heart was pounding uncontrollably in fear.

As Lilith said to Sirus with a sadistic and intrigued smile on her face.

"By all mean Sirus please do entertain me don't be afraid to break a couple of bones".

Mercury couldn't understand what she said but he could understand Sirus for some reason maybe because of that translation skill she had or so he believes.

But when he saw the lazy demeanor drop and a sadistic and creepy smile form on her face his body instantly froze as Sirus came running at him, and low sweep him breaking his legs and smashing his head into the ground kick him in the stomach, which cause him to crash in the roof and as he fell she kick him once more this time in the chest as he flew into two-pillar landing right in front of Lilith.


"What the hell was that".

Mercury look at Sirus who was doing a creepy sadistic smile as he said holding his stomach.

"Why do I feel like I have seen this before".

Sirus came running straight towards Mercury but on instinct and reflex he jump up dodging the low sweep which surprised everyone in the room greatly Sirus especially Lilith was just as surprised but what he did next was even more shocking.

As he Jumps up while circulating the mana in his body, and with all his strength he straight kicks Sirus right in the face causing her to fly through the Pillar behind her and landed on a wall.


Everyone looks at Sirus in disbelief and back at Mercury in shock as they all said.

"What kind of monster is he". Said Magnaline

"Is he even humans". Said a random knight

"What kind of monster did Solomon let us bring". Said Card looking at the huge creator and cracks form on the wall.

"How interesting, I likely, show me more entertain me". Said a smiling Lilith eating a bag of milk bread like she was watching some kind of movie.

Meanwhile, Mercury was the most lost as he said.

"What the hell just happened". Mercury said as he lands on his feet gracefully till he heard a voice came out of the smoke.

"Not bad h-man you caught me off guard but can you dodge this".

Mercury look at Sirus who was in front of him but little did he know it was an afterimage as Sirus was already behind him about to land a powerful dropkick from above as he turns around and said.

"Fuck me".