
Love Is a Constant Survival

Hello, everyone, my name is Mercury Van Anguish, and to make things short I am reincarnated person yea... that right you heard me correctly jealous right hahah of course, you are who wouldn't. After all, I am a summoned hero destined to fight the demon lord, save the world, get the girl, and have a happy ending. Or that is what I would love to say you see my reincarnation was very special and very dangerous to me in more ways than one hahah... as a matter of fact please send help or maybe an SOS. You see I got the opportunity to reincarnate under the condition of being entertainment for Multiple ROBS In a way, this would have been good I might have gone to a different world with the proper and cliche setting but nope these ROB want a change of pace so what did they do. Well, it's simple they reincarnated me into a world as an offering to the strongest Evil Goddess of Mayhem Lilith an entity that is by no means good at all and has committed so many horrible crimes within this world just because she enjoys it and sees it as fun, in short, she sadistic and fuck up in the head. Well, this is my job make Lilith mine at all cost and complete all 100 hundred romantic tasks given to me by the Robs, and let me tell you this would have been easy if my wife isn't trying to kill me, discipline me, torture me and assassinate me. All because that is her nature and she enjoys doing it, my suffering is her enjoyment, and If I fail and let her leave the seal before a year is finished, she will destroy the world. So, yea this is a story of how I met your mother or die trying to meet her. "Merrrrrrrcury darling where are you?" "Shit she is coming and my leg isn't healed yet well later guys I got to think of a way out of this or be killed right here and now by my wife." "Awww... darling there you are it is time to say hello to Angel-Chan early today". "Shit, shit, shit, shit Shiiiiiiit!"

Retro_Senpai · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Character sheet

(A/N): Some of the character may not have reference art as they are hard to find someone with a close enough description, but this will give clear description on each character thus far.

PS: please enjoy

I will update on a daily basis for now here are the first set of character we were introduced to since the start


. Allen Mercury: Was the Original name of Mercury Van Anguish in short Allen was Mercury past life, he was described as very short, he had blond hair along with green eyes, he later dies due to a sudden meteor destroying everyone on the Earth. [Deceased]

. Rebecca: Allen [Mercury van Anguish] 998 women that he confessed his love to but Mercury later found out she was just using him, she was described as been rather innocent looking till you see her true colors, she later dies due to a sudden meteor that destroyed the Earth. [Deceased]

. Pyrrha Mercury: She was first introduced to the story in chapter 19, She is Allen older step sister by six years, she along with Allen was a part of the Mercury Houshold who were a family of warrior with a rich and ancient family history, she was also the strongest despite being the second youngest in the house of Mercury, not much is known about her apart from the fact the she was bro-con and she along with the rest of the Mercury family [disinclined Allen] all felled to a mysterious gas explosion. [Deceased]

. Mercury Van Anguish: Is the reincarnation of Allen Mercury and the Main character of the death game called [How I met your mother], Allen who entire life had been nothing but a misfortunate love story of failing to find love over 998 times all change one day when a mysterious ad came before him asking him a series of question, some shit happen and now he was reborn in the world of Erotica inside the body of a boy who origin is still yet unknown to him, he has one job and one job only conquer the heart of the strongest evil Goddess Lilith of Mayhem.

. Michael: The first-person Mercury has ever talk to upon his rebirth to another world she was introduce to the story in chapter 2 Mercury Van anguish, she claims to be an angel who works for a mysterious organization called the Company that were under the control of the Robs [Random Omnipoint being]. Not much is known about her apart from the fact that she was given to Mercury as something akin to that of a slave, her personality is childish most of the time but she shows her professionalism when needed, not much is known about her true power but based on Lilith claims in chapter 21 He who is interesting her true power might be on par or above with that of a Seraphim, which in this world is considered to be an angel of the highest order.

. Bishop Card: A bishop who serves under the Church of Archion and one of the many people who brought Mercury to Lilith inside his coffin upon his rebirth, he was introduce to the story in chapter 3 The arrival.

. Magaline: A sister who follow Bishop Card and was one of the many people who brought Mercury to Lilith, it was hinted that she and Bishop Card were in a sexual relationship, she was introduce to the story in Chapter 3 The arrival.

. King Solomon: His name was only Mention in Chapter 3 The arrival, as of now not much is known about him apart from the fact that he rules and represent the human race and humanity in a whole, but it was stated that he was responsible for sending Mercury for Lilith, it was also hinted that he was probably the only one who knows the true Backstory of the body Mercury took for himself, but a huge key fact that if Mercury and him were to meet he would most likely bow reason unknown.

. Archion: Also known as the God of All, he was first mention in chapter 3 The arrival, not much is known about him apart from the fact he remains neutral to this day, but the author has confirmed that Archion is the most powerful entity and if he were to fight with Lilith in all-out battle, it would most likely end with Lilith defeat along with the universe being destroyed and many other neighboring one is the process.

. Lilith: The Goddess of Mayhem and the first true fallen who was seal by the three heroes of old due to her evil deeds for causing damage to the world, and 400 years before the start of the main story she made a deal with the human race to make them send a sacrifice of young boys between the age of 7 and 12 every two weeks, in return she won't destroy humanity upon her arrival to the new world after the seal is destroyed within a year. The author has confirmed that Lilith only had one ability which was a racial ability created from a greater miracle that basically make her have every other ability imaginable within the universe even new ones that are being created, earn, or discovered as she is inheriting them as we speak, in short [Eternal state of Perfection] is basically the ability to be perfect.

. Sirus Victoria: One of Lilith six Draken representing the sin of Sloth, although she isn't lazy in any matter whatsoever, when she is drunk, she has a unique way of speaking basically shorting words a perfect example would be when she calls humans and refer to them as h-man, out of the other 5 she is without a doubt the strongest, although the author has confirmed that in some point in her long life, she lost the ability to see from both her eyes making her blind but she later gained the ability to see the aura of the world around her, she can be very aggressive and arrogant but apart from that she seems to respect the strong as this was seen when she stated that the name Mercury Van Anguish was a name she could never forget upon her temporary defeat to Mercury in the Pen, another fun fact was the fact that the author has mention that Sirus is in some kind of sexual relationship with Lilith.

. Roren: A mysterious girl who act as the head security within Lilith Citadel, she can be considered a Loli that always dress in nun attire for unknown reason, not much is known about her apart from the fact she houses a mysterious entity capable of granting wishes if the price is right, she got introduce to the story in Chapter 3 the arrival.

. Neror: The mysterious entity that live inside Roren, not much is known about it apart from the fact that Sirus hates her and she or it, is a gin capable of granting wishes. [Fun fact Neror is Roren spell backway]

. Majin Khalifa: The 4th Draken representing the sin of Gluttony, not much is known about her but she was introduced to story in chapter 3 The arrival, she is dress in a modern-day Japan school uniform along with the jack that Lilith makes them wear as a uniform to show their ranks, she has Carmel skin and pink hair along with pink wolf ears and tail.

. Era: Is the collective will of the world she was introduce to the story in chapter 16 Era, she is responsible for the entire world of Erotica and have twelve apostles under her, she is also the one that gift skill to individual from birth, and also gives them when the conditions are right, although Mercury describe her as person hat is not to be trusted after been tricked by her.

. Nemesis: Previously names pink shit by Kira who served under gluttony, he was a weak and timid boy who live a horrible life as he and his family were been hunted down for possessing a powerful artifact that was handed to him from his father, Nemesis watch as his older sister is defiled day and night by Kira and his men, and after they were of no use Kira tried to kill him but his sister sacrifice her life for his and for six months he has been in hiding as he live in a cave outside the kingdom of Sloth far away from the kingdom of Gluttony, but his life forever change after Mercury accept him into Familia and gift him with a name and since his rebirth to a Kishin all hell broke loose.

. Kira: Mention in chapter 4 infiltration [Part 1], he is the arch nemesis of Nemesis, not much is known about him apart from the fact he made Nemesis life a living hell and serve under Majin Khalifa

. Tomyris: The student of the current Brave of Correction Gilgamesh not much is known about her apart from the fact that she is love by the sun God Ra, she has clear skin with bright orange eyes and hair and is the commander of the of the knights.

. M2: Is the twin sister of Mercury as she was made in Mercury image not much can be said about her since she was recently born, she is as strong Mercury, fun fact on her first day in the world she fell in love with Mercury at first sight, on her first day she gains the attention of two eldritch beings, on her first day her popularity rises even more than that of Mercury when he first appear, she has dark blue eyes and hair, at full power she could probably take Lilith by surprised slightly only slightly, when M2 is exited she unconsciously turn her eyes into heart with transmutation she looks like a gender bent Mercury with blue hair.

Gilgamesh: Is the current brave of correction he was names after the first brave which is his ancestor, he has not been introduce properly in the story as yet but he was mention in Chapter 19: Infiltration [Part 2].


