

"If only I could reverse time,I would...but the least I can do is being here."Her mum came in very early the next morning so I had time to rush back to the house to freshen up and grab something to eat before rushing back there.

After running some few errands I went back to check up on her just to find an empty bed.

Things happened very first and the next thing I remembered is I found myself on an hospital bed.It took me some few minutes to come back to my senses....and that's when the truth slapped me very hard.....Lisa was no more.

I couldn't cry ....I don't know why but I just couldn't bring myself to tearing up.

"Why did you leave me like this?If you knew you were leaving then why come into my life?Why give me a forever within numbered days?"

Her mother was beside me all through ,assuring me that things will fall into place again.

I just couldn't come to terms with the fact that I lost two of the most important people in my life the same year.Making matters worse they left without a goodbye.