

It came a time I got very busy with running my Mum's businesses and my school work too that I had very little time with her.

She used to call me and I would dismiss her with one excuse or the other...and before I knew it, Lisa was admitted in the hospital.

I rushed to Matter Hospital to find Lisa in tubes.....I couldn't hold my tears.....How did this happen??How did it come to this??Lisa never told

me that she had a heart condition.

After composing myself I asked her mum about her condition and she said,"Well,my daughter is suffering from Heart Arrhythmias.It is when the heart has an irregular beating pattern.And she is also asthmatic....so when she gets the attack it becomes futile....and that's why we are here."She said this fighting back her tears.

I volunteered to stay back and watch over Lisa for the night,I could not stop blaming myself for not being there for her.