
The text


Finally the school term is over and I can finally have my long awaited vacation. Not that the school has been stressful or anything, it's just been boring with my only friend leaving at the beginning of the term and I haven't had anyone to talk to ever since.

I walked past students that were planning their summer together, stuff like going to the beach and going to late night parties. I so can't relate to anything they said cause the only party I've been invited for was my sisters sweet 16 and she didn't even show up, well more cake for me I guess.

I saw my car parked in my usual spot all alone close to the fence and under a tree, at least the seat won't get hot on sunny days. I was searching my bags for the keys when i bumped into something hard.

"Ughh watch it, can't you look where you're going"

That voice.. that was Paxton Grey this schools heartthrob and basketball ball captain and his father is a main sponsor of the school so he's a big deal.s

"Am so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you, am so clumsy"

He looked at me for a while before he walked of with his guys. That's it am so dead. he's made a death wish for me for bumping into him. Well at least that's next terms problem. I quickly found my keys and practically ran to my car before anything else happened to me.

While I was driving I got a text on my phone, that would either be mum or my sister so I'd check it later, right now I put on Beyonce and started singing my heart out. I need to take all bad energies out of me.

~30 minutes later~

I pulled over in the driveway and when I got inside I flung my bag somewhere and relaxed on the couch. I noticed no one was home and checked my message to see maybe mum wanted me to get her something but I was in the the shock of my life

Unknown: Hey Ashley it's me Payton sorry bout bumping into you earlier I was wondering if I could make it up with dinner tonight, my treat, so what do you say?

What the fuck did I mistakenly swap phones with someone who was named Ashley and also bumped into him or did he mistake me for someone else who he also bumped into? Could he really be talking about me? And wait did he say tonight?

~Ding dong~

Is he early?