
The date

I stared at my door for what seemed like an hour but was actually was some seconds but that wasn't the point, the point was the fact that Paxton said he was coming over soon and now someone is at my door. I walked over to the door with sweat beads running down my face and when I opened it I was relieved, it was just mum

"Hey mum, why did you ring the door bell"

"Hello darling, I forgot my keys at home, how was your last day at school"

"Good and....I have a date", I said in the faintest voice

"what did you say honey, a date?"

She sounded so surprised but I don't blame her, am still so surprised

"Yh mum, Paxton and I bumped into each other and as am apology he wants to take me out for dinner"

"Well that's some apology, so where is he taking you"?

"I don't know". Actually I don't think he even knows my house address and I haven't replied to his text if am in or not

Me: Hey Paxton it's me Ashley well you obviously knew that already. I would love to go on that date. By the way, where are you taking me and do you know my home address?

It didn't take more than a minute before he replied and my heart fluttered

Paxton: Yh I know your home address and where am taking you is a surprise so be ready by 6

Wow a surprise for me? By Paxton? Am definitely dreaming, aren't I?

Me: Okie see you then :)

"So where is he taking you"

"He said it's a surprise, and I should be ready by 6"

"Well let's get ready then you need a whole new makeover"

I rolled my eyes and followed her to my room

~2 hours later~

Mum completely dolled me up and I hope this was a prank cause it would be a waste of my mums expensive makeup. As she was fluffing my hair I heard the bell ring and my heart jumped, he was here. I pulled myself together and went downstairs to open the door.As soon as I opened the door I was stunned by what I saw.