

I was happy to see Daniel taking the project seriously. Regulars like him would have just left it for the nerds to complete. Minutes turned to hours and we were still on our topic, Evolution. It is one of the most interesting topics in Biology. It is all about heritable changes of characters in species over a long period. As easy as the topic might seem, without a proper presentation, it would be gibberish.

"Let's not forget to speak on why Charles Darwin's theory of evolution on natural selection was preferred to Jean Lamarck's on use and disuse of organs", I stated.

Daniel nodded and said, " also we should speak on Mutation, it would go well with evolution".

"I agree with you but all these notes are giving me a headache and I am so hungry", I replied as my stomach started singing hallelujah.

"Sure, what will you like to order?",

"Pizza! BBQ chicken pizza", I smiled while Daniel placed an order for it. " let's watch a movie while we wait".

"Mulan!!!", Daniel shouted as a ran to get the remote.

"Unfortunately for you I love that movie, this is going to be the hundredth time", I said proudly of my accomplishment.

"Coca-cola or sprite", Daniel yelled from the kitchen.

"Sprite, of course, best drink ever made"

"You wish",

The pizza arrived later....delicious. We sat on the double cushion watching Mulan. Sitting with Daniel Grayson while watching a movie and eating pizza was a big deal to me. Never had I ever thought I will be this close to him. The truth was that I have a crush on Daniel since freshman but he never noticed me. Anytime I saw him butterflies swam in my stomach not to mention the awkward tension between us or my clumsiness when I am around him. As much I hate to admit, I was happy that we were paired together, even if he won't ask me out I just want to be close to him. Resting on his shoulder and breathing in his scent was the last thing I remembered doing before I blacked out.

Daniel's POV

The movie had finished already. I don't mean to sound racist or sexist but it was easy for Mulan to disguise herself as a man. All Chinese kind of look the same in my eyes but she was brave, no doubt. Swerving my head, I saw Gaby sleeping with her head placed on my shoulders. She was beautiful. Her curly natural hair falling to her shoulders with her pink plumpy lips pouted releasing a light snore, "The things I could do to that lips", I thought. It was so tempting not to take her to my room and have my way with her, she was wearing my goddamn clothes for crying out loud. Shaking that perverted thought from my mind I decided to wake her up.

" Gaby", I called softly while shaking her to wake up. She stirred but regained her position to sleep again.

"Gaby", I called out again. This time she woke up. Opening her hazel brown eyes that mine into the clouds. Composing myself, I told her it was late and the movie has ended already.

"I am so sorry I fell asleep I guess I was so exhausted", she yawned out while rubbing her eyes like a baby.

"No need to apologize, you should get going don't want your mum getting all mama bear on me", I joked and she laughed. Her laughter was pure and heavenly like the owner. There's no way I am going to fall for her again. Yes again, I liked her during freshman year but I was too shy to ask her out while growing up puberty hit me well and girls started flocking around me. I concluded she wouldn't accept me even if I asked her so I used girls thinking I could get over her but I was wrong, the attraction towards her is still there.

"Holy Magnesium, my car is still in school. How will I get home and how will I get to school tomorrow", she said worryingly.

"No problem, I will drop you home"

"Thank you so much", she said grinning. I nodded.


"We are here", I said parking my car in front of Gabriella's house.

"Thank you for bringing me to my house and for helping out in the project, I honestly thought you will dump it on me but you proved yourself to be a nice gentleman", she comprehended me before removing her seat belt. It was surprising why she didn't ask how I got to know her house address but before I could stop her from thanking me, she leaned forward and pecked my cheek leaving me immediately and in shock.

I caressed the spot she kissed on my cheek and smirked, "This will be interesting".

I drove home as fast as I could just to find my dad already on the dining table having dinner. Sebastian Grayson, multi a billionaire and the most feared man in all of Lekki.

"Evening Dad", I greeted as I sat in the dining room,

"Where are you coming from?"

"Just dropped my project partner at her house", I answered

"Her?", my dad questioned sounding unsure probably thinking she was one of my regular flings. I replied in affirmation.

"Young Master, are you ready to have your dinner", Mr. Abel our chef questioned.

"Yes, please"

"Doesn't she have a name?", my dad asked resuming our conversation.

"Oh, Gabriella Johnson",

"Is she the daughter of Jasmine Johnson?", he asked and I started to feel bad for talking.

"I think so", sounding skeptical in telling him anything further.

Instantly, he jerked up from his seat dropping the cutlery on the floor, his hands were vibrating. Managing to walk away from the dining room leaving me at utmost confusion. Turning his back and giving me the warning to stay away from her was like adding icing on the cake with blueberries on top.

What just happened

Brushing it aside, I finished my food and ran up to my room. After deciding to take a shower, I stood shirtless in front of the mirror thinking of my past and how fast I had grown. I wasn't that small innocent child visualizing life and my family to be perfect, the tables turned when my mum died. I couldn't blame my father for inflicting pain and transferring his anger and hurt towards me, if I were to be in my father's position I'd be hopeless and broken. My mum, Amelia Grayson a fashion designer and writer was faced with an indescribable death, so strange that we couldn't even her body. Sometimes I do believe that she is still alive but if she were we would be together by now.

A tattoo drawn on the left side of my shoulder was a drawing of a pentacle, a five-pointed with a circle around it symbolizing the elements; spirit, water, earth, fire, and air, embedded on a sword, was given to me by my father a few months after my mother passed away. My dad was so helpless during those times and it caused me to despise love.

Spreading my arms and legs on my bed, I started playing back the episodes of the day with a disgusted expression on my face.

I would be a different person tomorrow.