

"Argghhh", I cried out in pain. My feet hurt as my muscles. Spitting out the dirt from my mouth, I sat down drowning in agony. Immediately remembering what just occurred, I ran out of the basement like my life depended on it. It does.

"I am never going back there", saying to myself. "Never".

Running to my mum's office in the house forgetting she had already left for work, I sat on the chair shivering in shock. Could it be true? Am I a witch? If that woman was my mother then who is mum? I ran my hands through my hair groaning in frustration.

Placing my hands on my lap, I took a breathe in and out trying to calm myself down. Looking around my mum's office, I saw a black-colored safe at the end of the room covered with books. If mum tried hiding this safe then she didn't do a good job.

What I was doing here I don't know but found myself opening the safe and searching its contents. Skimming through the papers over and over again still and finding nothing made me want to pull my hair out. The documents were just about real estate deals and boring stuff. About to close the safe, my eyes noticed the stamp on the papers. They all had the same stamp with a signatory of Sebastian Grayson of Grayson Enterprise.

Daniel's father.

Closing the safe and putting it in mind to ask mum what she does, I sighed. With the events that happened today, It was surprising to see that time has not moved past some minutes.

Even as an A student in physics, I just realized I knew nothing at all.

I need serious help.


Let's just say the next morning wasn't my day.

I woke up after having my regular nightmare but this time I was credited with excruciating body pain. I felt like a machine was used to drain all the energy from my body. My greatest fear was that if any wind should blow, it might carry me along with it.

Being in school today was an addition to my problems. To the person who started education, I just want you to know that from the bottom of my non-existing heart, I hate you.

Dressed in my uniform and looking like I was hit by a truck.

"Yeah, you look like trash", Lillian came to me and said.

Did I say that out loud?

"You just did", she replied raising her brows in a questioning look.

"Today is not my day Lily", answering her question before she could ask.

"Well I hope the hottie coming towards us will spice it up", Lillian said with a wink.

Well well well. Isn't today my lucky day? You know, it is not every day you see a hot guy strolling towards you looking extremely sexy in a school uniform. I guess so because Daniel Grayson is walking directly to me staring straight into my eyes...

Wait, did I just say Daniel Grayson

OMG, he is heading my way

Gaby, snap out from it, snap out from it.

I quickly composed myself balancing against my locker. Breathing in and out, I was good to go.

"Meet me in my parking lot after school let's get done with this project", he said and left the hallway.

Holy Magnesium, I forgot about the project with Daniel. Could today get any worse?

Today is officially the worse day of my life. The mental frustration I am having is on the verge of getting me expelled from school.

Right now I am in the principal office explaining why the chemistry lab was almost set on fire. I didn't do it deliberately, I just thought it would be fun to create new chemicals from previously existing ones. Okay I know that sounds dumb but the good news is that because since I am a straight-A student the school administration will let it slide. Not without informing my mum. That's if she was my mum.

Apart from that dumb unintentional accident, I haven't been able to concentrate in class. Calculus is one of my favorite subject regardless, nothing is entering my brain. Words enter my ear only to come out from the next.

My best friend Lillian has been complaining about my lack of engagement in conversations. How can I concentrate when I ventured on a journey yesterday that's gonna change my life forever. I remember that voice telling me I was a witch but my powers haven't been personified yet. How can I make it manifest when I don't know anything about witchcraft. It's not like I want to be a witch but possessing powers sounds cool to me.

I even lost my appetite for food.

Food Gabriella.....it is the food we are talking about. You love food.

Nevertheless, I lost my craving for food, not even a PB sandwich could suffice it.

To top it all, I looked like a lost course. My mascara smudged, lips dry, hair ruffled, uniform rumpled, body smelling and I was going to Daniel Grayson's house. He is never going to even kiss me looking like this. I wouldn't even kiss myself.

Breathe Gabriella, breathe. It's just a boy's house...

It's not any boy but Daniel freaking Grayson!!!

After acknowledging the fact that I was meant to be a loner forever, I went to where his car was parked on the driveway and waited for him.

Many minutes later, the hot jock arrived with his crew of hotties and Barbie looking like girls. Don't rule on me but they suck.

"Who is that bitch sloping near your car", bitch one said more like squealing in disgust.

"Yeah, if you need a good lay you could have just asked us not this ugly slut", bitch two said while running her hands on Daniel's shoulders.

Look at who is calling me a slut. I am not the one wearing a school skirt that's barely covering my butt or exposing my cleavage that big enough to cover my eyes or putting long acrylic nails with hair extensions. Who's the bitch now huh?

Breathe Gabriella, you don't want to lose it in front of Daniel.

Well screw him, he didn't even defend me from their blabbering mouth.

"Let's go Gabriella", Daniel said entering his car and turning it on, wholly oblivious to the matter on the ground. I hopped in before he left the school grounds while restraining my temper.

The silence was tolerable nothing Gabriella Johnson couldn't handle but the moment we got to his house I couldn't even close my mouth.

His house was bigger than mine. The driveway was surrounded by grasses and flowers. Even the water fountain appeared more beautiful than I did or ever will. The insides were heaven on earth; the interior designs were pure perfection, even the chandelier screamed money. Everything screamed money.

"Your house is incredible", I finally had the stamina to speak.

"Yeah sure", he muttered. "Let me show you my room".

Typical of boys, his room was spacious painted silver-grey like mine but the curtains were black with gold lining. His king-sized bed big enough to accommodate five persons were covered with a black bedspread. Neat and Elegant was the state of his room. A small shelf with books ranging from school textbooks to novels could be detected.

"I never considered you as a book person", I simply stated.

"Not surprised at all, people judge you before they even get to know you", he uttered. I was taken aback by what he said.

"The bathroom is next door, take a shower and we will start with our project", he continued

"What will I wear ", I reasoned


"Umm, you can wear my clothes if you like", he spoke nervously while scratching the back of his hair. Wait, is that Daniel Grayson being shy?, Holy Heavens.

"Of course", I replied while heading towards the bathroom. Even the bathroom looked fabulous. There are moments in your life when you need to feign royalty, now was mine. After scrubbing my body with a shower gel that smells like him and using his shampoo, I looked better. Putting on the hoodie he left for me with some shorts, I smiled. The clothes smelled like him, a mix of masculine scent and mint.

"If you are hungry there are snacks on the kitchen counter.....", his voice trailed the moment he looked at me. His eyes were wandering around my body drinking in the sight of my exposed legs from the shorts. He stared at me while walking to me closing the distance between us leaving just a centimeter of space." You smell divine", he said inhaling the scent from my hair. I gulped. I have never been this close to anybody from the opposite sex before. The urge to trace his jawline with my hands was so strong to resist.

"Let's start with the project", he breathed in my ear. The tingling sensation was still funny on my neck.

Clearing my voice, I answered. "Of course", I said. Still not sure what just happened.

Whatever the future holds for me, I am certainly not prepared.