
Lost Soul (Bleach X BlackClover)

Cuatro Espada Ulquiorra Cifer isekai'd into Black Clover, Will old triumph over the new generation or will he be swept over

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4 Chs

Chapter 3 Bandits

Ulquiorra followed Benjamin towards the back of the house more explosions echoing through the night sky. He could see Benjamin was looking pale and that uncomfortable feeling wasn't going away.

Ulquiorra stopped walking: What's going on and why are you running away leaving behind your wife like that?

Benjamin exchanged hurried glances with him before taking a deep breath: Bandits, the boars from earlier were their pets, they plunder and steal from the local villages and since no one would dare make the trip to the capital to report it they have free range and can do whatever they want my wife is an Ex Magic knight she's the only one that can keep them in check but alone she can't do anything but negotiate. The only reason our village can stay alive is because of her.

Ulquiorra was surprised by this man's cowardice he didn't expect everyone to be as hard-headed as Kurosaki but from the few humans he had seen they always stuck together like ants: Why won't you fight for her aren't you humans all about bonds

Benjamin gave him a sad smile before bringing out his grimoire: I only have one page in my grimoire didn't I tell you I was a blacksmith well here's the reason, the only thing i can do is make small amounts of fire. Id give anything to help Emma, i just cant their is no way to increase the pages of your grimoire thats the law of this world.

Benjamin got on his knees: Please help Emma, I know iam asking too much from you but please i don't want to be helpless anymore ill give you everything I have, just please protect my family.

Ulquiorra was surprised, he wasn't expecting this he didn't really understand how that book worked but he didn't like it that's for sure. Ulquiorra took a look at Anna who has hiding behind her father evidently scared. Ulquiorra took a deep breadth before heading back. He had barely recovered any of his reiatsu but he did gain some of the 'mana' that these people were talking about but he was still not going to be useful in a fight. He found it perplexing, what had compelled him to help that man, what was this heavy feeling in his heart that kept coming when he tried to say no


Emma hurried over to where the first explosion occurred, she had some basic plate mail on, she had given up all of her magic knight equipment she had had left the Purple Orca's. When she reached the spot her blood boiled at the destruction around her, 5 of the houses lay in ruins and several cattle and people lay on the ground with the bandits plundering anything that was left.


the other bandits hollered following the lead of the first breaking into houses. Anna rushed to the closes one

Enna: 'Earth magic: Mothers Embrace' Several large hands erupted from the grounds and held some of the bandits in place

Bandit 2: That bitch is here 'Water magic: Water blades, Launched several water blades at Anna'

Bandit 1: Get her boys 'Wind magic: whirlwind, a whirlwind charged at Anna'

Emma: 'Earth Magic : Earth Wall, A 10 foot tall wall rose up above her blocking the attacks' Get your boss out here I don't have time to deal with you two again

Unknown voice suddenly appeared behind here: No need to worry about that dear iam right here and you arnt going anywhere.

Emma turned around but before she could react a large burst of water appeared behind her sending her flying into a nearby house . She winced from pain her arm hanging limp and bent the wrong way broken perhaps she coudnt spare a second to think, The bandit chief Nolan suddenly appeared infront of her swinging a hammer made out of water at her.

Emma: Earth magic: Earth Guard

A shield made up of earth rose from the ground blocking the incoming attack

Emma: Nolan what is the meaning of this we had an agreement that you would not attack this village again.

Nolan sneered at her, His long greasy hair lying limp on the side of his head: We both know the only reason I didn't attack this useless village of yours.

Emma winced from the pain, Moving around was painful and she knew that the situation was grim Nolan had become much stronger almost monstrously so since their last encounter.

Emma: Earth Magic: Lands Wrath

A large earth arm appeared from the ground trying to slam Nolan into the ground.

Nolan: "Not going to give me a straight answer I see no matter" Water Magic: Water pillar

A large pillar of water rose up and clashed with the hand shredding it to pieces.

Nolan slammed his foot into Emma her thin plate armor caving in from the force of the impact: "How does it feel to be on the back foot? Miss Magic knight thought you were some sort of big shot living out here in the boonies well guess what there's a new king in town and you are dead."

Nolan raised his hand, water gathered around it in the shape of a blade "See you in hell bitch ill take real good care of this pretty little town of yours."

Nolan thrust the blade at Emma's heart just as Ulquiorra reached the scene turning a corner mere feet from them. "Cero" he pointed a finger at the blade a green beam of energy shooting out of his fingertip aimed at the blade. The uncharged beam barely able to deflect the blow so that it pierced her shoulder instead of her heart. Emma groaned in pain as Nolan turned to Ulquiorra his fury visible in his eyes his face contorted with rage at having the chance to relish his victory taken from him. He kicked Emma to the side perhaps saving her for later. "A new fool playing hero where do these fools keep coming from" Nolan growled his fury evident in his tone.

'Water magic : Shredding Surge' Nolan's grimoire fluttered as a large surge of water rushed towards Ulquiorra tearing apart anything in its wake. Ulquiorra hurried using a Sonido or at least what cheap excuse of a sonido he could muster at that moment to get out of the way appearing behind Nolan as he swung his arm down hoping to incapacitate the bandit but he avoided the surprise attack with relative ease "That really surprised me you know wasn't expecting you sneak up behind me like that interesting magic too bad you're dead." 'Water magic: Heavy hammer' A large hammer appeared above Ulquiorra slamming him to the ground before he could block the incoming attack. Ulquiorra spluttered nearly coughing up blood as the blow nearly caved his ribs in. "You ain't nothing special another spare" Nolan spit in his face. Ulquiorra groaned feeling his consciousness fade away. He lay there on the floor his vision hazy as he saw the bandit laugh at him an uncomfortable rage building up in him. His vision swam, and voices appeared in his head beckoning to him then it happened. His vision was red. A massive mass of black erupted from his body shaped like a black maw. It lunged at Nolan catching him by surprise as the maw ripped his body in half. Ulquiorra looked on his face twisted in an eerie grin as if he was almost enjoying it. He laughed his voice echoing through the night before passing out.

Author Note: Any guesses on where I am going with this