
Lost Soul (Bleach X BlackClover)

Cuatro Espada Ulquiorra Cifer isekai'd into Black Clover, Will old triumph over the new generation or will he be swept over

Tiamat_Star · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 New Beginning

Ulquiorra jolted awake immediately collapsing back onto his bed, his reiatsu felt almost nonexistent he couldn't understand why. He slowly got up again feeling extremely groggy, he had to blink a few times before his vision got back to normal, the little girl from before was sleeping nearby on a mattress. He got up from his bed slightly staggering as he made his way to the door. Outside he could see a man and a woman discussing something. They got up from their chairs when they noticed him and greeted him with a big smile

Unknown man: Looks like your awake, feeling any better? you spend the last 2 days sleeping had us worried their.

Ulquiorra was taken aback, he hadn't done anything that warranted being knocked out for 3 days straight.

Unknown man, could see Ulquiorra looked surprised so he wanted to break the silence, he introduced himself.

Benjamin extended his hand: Benjamin Faust, my names Benjamin Faust i work as a blacksmith in this village

gesturing to the woman on his right: She's my lovely wife Emma and iam sure you have already met our daughter Anna she was asleep in your room.

Emma smiles at him and bows her head slightly : Thank you very much for what you did for our village and daughter.

Ulquiorra just nodded he didn't know why he decided to help them it had nothing to do with him and the warm sensation entering his 'heart' felt weird

Emma: Honey could you go with our guest and help him freshen up iam sure he would like that

Benjamin nodded and gestured Ulquiorra to follow him to the courtyard, Ulquiorra didn't really have a reason not to comply so he followed his host out into the courtyard. He could see a well outside and a large tub of water

Benjamin: Here you go id imagine you would want to take a shower, the bathroom's over their and ill bring you a fresh change of cloths.

Ulquiorra nodded and took the tub to the bathroom, the water was cool and refreshing not something he experienced very often. He found a new set of cloths they were simple cotton cloths but for some reason he felt fuzzy inside for some reason.

Once he was back inside the family was seated on the table with a pretty big piece of what he assumed was the boar meat from earlier.

The Childs eyes lit up when she saw him. She held up both her hands in the air : Its mister look we got meat today.

Her parents laughed while Ulquiorra could feel that weird warm feeling in his heart again.

The group sat down to eat, Anna was gobbling up so much food Ulquiorra almost thought she was a hollow in human skin meanwhile Benjamin and Emma discussed more important matters with him

Benjamin: So we didn't catch your name yet but we would like to thank you for helping us , the boars come here every harvest and steal the crops their isnt much we can do but run problem is they have begun to breed faster than ever before and we cant put together enough money to commission a request from the capital.

Ulquiorra: Don't you have anyone to protect you i was under the impression your captains would send warriors to fight for you.

Benjamin: You mean the Magic Knight Captains they couldn't care less about a small speck on the map, cant really blame them these boar attacks are common.

Ulquiorra's mind was moving fast, he had messed up slightly, evidently the name Gotei 13 was unfamiliar to these people but their was evidently a similar system in place, these 'Magic Knights' or whatever seemed to be this worlds version of the Gotei 13 . It was obvious he hadn't felt a drop of reiatsu from them but he could sense it, something different but also similar, he would gather more information about it later another thing that interested him was the book these 2 and a lot of others had been carrying around they seemed to float in thin air.

Ulquiorra pointing to Benjamin's grimoire: what's that book your carrying around

Benjamin looked slightly surprised, whatever that book was must have been important

Benjamin's grimoire floats a few feet above him: You mean this thing, Its my grimoire you mean to tell me you took down a boar. Iam impressed how old are you anyway

Ulquiorra: Didn't quite understand what he meant but didn't counter, as for his age even he didn't exactly know how old he was, his days wandering Hueco Mundo weren't ones he cherished but he could tell how old his 'new body' was: 13

Emma Looked surprised she knew he was looked young but she didnt expect her guest to be this young and his eyes they seemed so empty and hollow not they type of eyes a normal 14 year old would have.

Emma: So your going to get your grimoire next year you must be excited any plans for your future or are you going to be a magic knight .

Ulquiorra: He didn't know what a magic knight was but evidently everyone wanted to be one, even though he was asleep he could sense his surroundings, their had been guests before he had woken up kids from what he could make out they all said something about wanting to be magic knights and if it was anything like their Shinigami counterparts it would be the best place for him to gather information about his surroundings.

Ulquiorra: That's what i plan to be doing.

Emma: Great iam sure you would make a lovely knight

Anna Dropped her spoon leaving it to fall with a clutter to the ground.: Is the Big brother going to leave us

Emma Patted her daughter on the head: Of course he must he cant stay here forever now can he he also has his own adventures ahead of him you wouldn't want to stop him from being happy right.

Anna Sulked in her chair : Alright But who is going to save us from the .....

Emma quickly blocked her daughters mouth with her hand before she could say more: Not now honey you go to sleep

The strange behavior caught his Ulquiorra's attention : Save you from who."???

Benjamin looked a little bit flustered rubbing the back of his neck nervously: Its nothing you know children going about saying the strangest things.

Ulquiorra raised an eyebrow this wasn't normal but before he could say anything a loud explosion echoed through the night sky.

Emma and Benjamin exchanged panicked looks

Emma: Benjamin hurry and hide with Anna and Ulquiorra ill go deal with them hurry we dont have much time.

Benjamin scrambled to pick up Anna and hurriedly gestured Ulquiorra to follow him, Ulquiorra followed but was slightly 'worried' about Emma their was a lot of the 'energy' he had sensed earlier, a large number of enemy's he felt slightly uncomfortable for some unknown reason

Second chapter out love the concept lets see how far i can take it

Tiamat_Starcreators' thoughts