

"Loser-Racer" is a thrilling tale set during 2023 Gunma, Japan, following Kaoru Takeda's quest for retribution. Betrayed by his girlfriend, who left him for an overseas professional racer, Kaoru builds a powerful car to deliver his vengeance. He targets each person who wronged him, exposing their secrets and dismantling their lives. As Kaoru races through the treacherous mountain passes of Mt. Haruna, he teeters on the edge between justice and obsession. Will he find redemption or be consumed by his vengeful desires?

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13 Chs

[Stage 4]: Unleashing The Beast

After hours of working tirelessly in the garage, Kaoru and Cecile took a break from the intense racing world. They decided to go out together, seeking a moment of respite amidst the chaos. A cozy café became their sanctuary, offering a peaceful refuge from the roaring engines and the screech of tires.

Cecile: (smiling) "Kaoru, let's take a breather. We've been pushing ourselves so hard. It's good to enjoy some time away from the mountain pass."

Kaoru: (nodding) "You're right, Cecile. We deserve a moment to unwind and forget about the race for a while."

As they sat at a corner table, sipping their beverages and engaging in light conversation, the world outside seemed distant. Their laughter filled the air, momentarily drowning out the noise of the racing scene.

But fate had other plans for them that evening. Takeshi's clique, a group known for their arrogance and contempt, entered the café. Their eyes widened with surprise as they caught sight of Kaoru and Cecile together.

Takeshi's Clique Member 1: (smirking) "Well, well, well, look who we have here. Kaoru, still trying to prove yourself, huh? And with this little nobody."

Takeshi's Clique Member 2: (laughing) "Yeah, I heard about your little race with Velonica. A draw, huh? Who are you kidding? It's obvious you're just a wannabe racer."

Takeshi's Clique Member 3: (mocking) "And look at that face! No wonder you're so desperate to win races. Trying to compensate for your ugliness?"

Kaoru's face hardened, his hands clenching into fists. The insults cut deep, but it was when they started to harass Cecile that an inner rage was unleashed within him.

Kaoru: (voice filled with anger) "That's enough! You don't get to talk to her like that!"

He moved swiftly, stepping in between Cecile and the clique, his protective instincts taking over. The air crackled with tension as his gaze locked with the ringleader of the group.

Takeshi's Clique Member 1: (sneering) "Oh, look, the little loser thinks he can fight back. Let's see what you've got, Kaoru."

Without hesitation, Kaoru threw the first punch, his fury propelling him forward. His strikes were fueled by a combination of anger and frustration, each blow aimed at the source of his torment.

But the clique was no stranger to fights. They retaliated, their punches landing with brutal force. Kaoru's resilience kept him going, his determination unwavering even as the pain intensified.

Cecile watched in horror and concern, her voice filled with worry.

Cecile: "Kaoru, stop! It's not worth it!"

But Kaoru's pride wouldn't allow him to back down. He fought with every ounce of strength he had, refusing to let them diminish his spirit.

The café erupted into chaos as the fight escalated. The surrounding patrons gasped in shock, some attempting to intervene while others watched with morbid curiosity.

As the dust settled and the fight subsided, Kaoru stood battered and bruised, his face marked by the onslaught. The clique, satisfied with their display of dominance, sneered at him before leaving the café.

Cecile rushed to Kaoru's side, her eyes filled with worry and compassion.

Cecile: (gentle voice) "Kaoru, are you okay? Let's get you out of here."

Kaoru's ego had been wounded, his spirit shaken. He felt a mix of humiliation and frustration, having been beaten not only physically but also emotionally in front of Cecile. It was a blow to his pride, a stark reminder of his vulnerabilities.

Kaoru: (grimacing) "I'm... I'm fine, Cecile. Just a few bruises. I'm sorry you had to witness that."

Cecile: (softly) "Don't apologize, Kaoru. You did what you thought was right. Let's focus on getting you patched up."

With Cecile's support, Kaoru gathered his strength and stood, albeit unsteadily. They left the café, the echoes of the confrontation lingering in the air. As they walked through the dimly lit streets, Kaoru's mind raced with conflicting emotions.

Kaoru: (voice filled with determination) "Cecile, I won't let them break me. I won't let their words define who I am. I'll come back stronger, prove them wrong."

Cecile squeezed Kaoru's hand, her eyes shining with unwavering faith.

Cecile: "I believe in you, Kaoru. Your strength lies not only in your skill behind the wheel but also in your resilience and determination. Don't let this setback hold you back."

They reached Kaoru's garage, a sanctuary that held both triumphs and failures. Kaoru's gaze shifted to his battered Altima, a symbol of his passion and dedication. It stood as a reminder that setbacks were a part of the journey, fueling the fire within him to improve and overcome.

Kaoru: (whispering) "I won't let them define me or my dreams. I'll use this pain as motivation, channel it into every race. I'll rise above the doubters and show them what I'm truly capable of."

Cecile: (smiling) "You have a strength within you, Kaoru, that goes beyond the racetrack. And I'll be there, supporting you every step of the way."

As Kaoru turned his focus back to his beloved Altima, a renewed determination filled his heart. The scars, both physical and emotional, would serve as a reminder of his unwavering resolve. He would work tirelessly to enhance the Altima's performance, knowing that it would take more than words to prove his worth.

Stage 3 had brought unexpected challenges, but Kaoru was ready to face them head-on. The race against Velonica and the confrontation with Takeshi's clique had tested his mettle, but they had also ignited a fire within him. He would continue to push the limits, honing his skills, and proving that true racers were defined not by their appearances but by their unwavering passion and determination.

And with Cecile's unwavering support, Kaoru knew he wasn't alone in this journey. Together, they would overcome any obstacle that came their way, fueling each other's dreams and racing toward a future filled with triumph.

[Stage 4: End]