
Lord Hades: A Taxi Driver In Marvel

Get ready for an epic adventure through the Marvel universe! When a regular dude is struck by a falling piano, he finds himself transmigrated into the role of Hades, the King of the Underground, with Hela, the goddess of death, as his wife. But there's a catch: his powers are locked, and he has to work to unlock them. Enter the Hell Taxi, a trusty ride that will be Hades's companion on his journey through the multiverse. This isn't just any ordinary taxi, though - it can be upgraded all the way from a normal car to a ssss-class battle spaceship, or even a full-fledged dimension. As Hades upgrades his ride and unlocks more of his powers, he'll eventually become the all-powerful God of the Underworld. Join Hades as he travels through the multiverse, taking on whatever challenges come his way. Whether he's driving a taxi, commanding a spaceship, or ruling over the underworld, one thing is for sure: it's going to be a wild ride! ▪▪▪▪ Join me on an adventure filled with excitement, laughter, and thrills! My books bring the fun with their heart-pumping action, steamy romance, harem adventures, and humor. Join my exclusive community on Patreon and get access to my latest books and advanced chapters. Help bring my stories to life and escape to a world of endless possibilities. Don't settle for the same old stories - come on this wild ride with me! Check out patreon.com/thebookaddict now.

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New Visiting Card

[At Hades Villa]

Hela lounged on her plush couch, her eyes glued to the massive 100-inch screen in front of her, which displayed an old war movie. The sound of gunfire and explosions reverberated around the room, adding to the scene's intensity.

Outside, the night was dark and foreboding, with only a few scattered stars offering any light. Unbeknownst to Hela, Kingpin had sent his men to infiltrate her villa.

As the men breached the villa, a sudden transformation overcame the pristine white walls, causing them to turn pitch black with blood marks. The air became thick with the stench of death and decay, as if the fabric of reality was shifting.

Hordes of skeletons, zombies and ghouls emerged from the darkness, their eyes gleaming with malice as they swarmed toward the intruders. Their teeth and claws glinted in the dim light as they attacked with ferocity, ripping the man limb from limb without mercy.

The screams of the dying men echoed through the villa, but Hela remained unfazed. She sipped her lemonade, her legs crossed, as if the carnage unfolding before her was a mild distraction.

The minions of Hades worked quickly and efficiently, their movements precise and calculated. There was no escape from their wrath or chance for mercy or forgiveness.

As the last intruders fell, their souls emerged from their mortal bodies and found themselves before the judges of Hell. The judges were a fearsome sight to behold, with eyes that glowed with the intensity of the sun and voices that thundered like a thousand storms.

The intruders trembled before them, their fate hanging in the balance. Hela watched with detached interest as the judges deliberated, weighing the sins of the fallen against the scales of justice.

Finally, a decision was reached, and the intruders were condemned to an eternity of torment and suffering. Hela took another sip of her lemonade, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips as she watched the souls of the fallen dragged away to their eternal damnation.


As Hades revved his sleek Bugatti's engine, the powerful motor's low rumble sent vibrations through the car and down to the pavement below. He pulled out onto the street, the engine's purr echoing through the nearby alleys.

But Hades was not alone. Unbeknownst to him, he had caught the attention of SHIELD. They had kept tabs on him for a while, ever since his incredible success in the stock market. But now, after his encounter with Kingpin, their interest had intensified.

As Hades weaved through the city streets, his car zipping past slower vehicles like a shark cutting through the water, his system sounded a notification. He glanced at the screen, his eyes flicking over the words as he focused on the road ahead.


[Mission level 0: Completed]

Description: Give a ride to the underworld emperor Kingpin.

[Final Destination Reached: Hell]

[Paymeny Received: Soul-Grade D]

[Reward Deposited In Inventory]

Hades' smirk was as fearsome as the underworld itself. He knew it all along - the integration of the God of Death system would be a game-changer. The previous rules had restricted him to transporting ordinary citizens to their desired destinations solely based on their meager payments. It was nothing more than a monotonous job of a glorified taxi driver, offering no real challenge or excitement.

But now, Hades had the power to take on more prominent, more interesting clients like heroes and villains. The best part? He could dictate the location, all while utilizing any means necessary, whether it meant using his trusty Hell taxi or taking matters into his own godly hands and transporting them directly to the fiery pits of Hell.

As Hades reached for his inventory, his eyes glinted with anticipation. He couldn't wait to see what new rewards he had received.


[The Eternal Damnation Card]

Introducing the visiting card of the God of Death - a card so formidable that even the mere sight of it sends shivers down one's spine. The card itself is made of a material unknown to mortals - the very essence of the underworld is infused into its fibers, making it eternal and invulnerable to any force.

Anyone possessing this card can communicate with the God of Death at any time and from any place - a privilege that few are ever granted. But beware, for with great power comes great responsibility. If the God of Death chooses to grant your request, you must pay an equivalent price for the service rendered.

And should you dare to refuse or tarnish the card in any way, the consequences are dire. The depths of Hell open up to swallow you whole, dragging you down into an abyss of eternal torment that no mortal can ever escape.

This card is not for the faint of heart, for it holds the power of life and death. So if you dare to use it, be prepared to face the consequences - for it may be your last.


Hades was thrilled with the new reward he had received from the system. He decided to give it a try.

Suddenly, a dark sphere appeared in his hands, filled with an ominous power that could only be described as the essence of death itself. The darkness within the sphere began to take shape and form as if responding to Hades' touch.

With a flick of his wrist, Hades unleashed the darkness, and a magnificent card spun into existence from its depths.

The card was crafted from a material that seemed to be a mixture of obsidian and gold immersed in shadows, but in reality, it was something far more valuable and potent. The intricate design depicted the God of Death in all his dark glory. His scythe held aloft with an air of authority that demanded respect and fear. The image was so vivid that it seemed to come to life, the shadows around Hades' fingers writhing and twisting like restless spirits.

As he ran his fingers over the card, he could feel a pulsing energy emanating from it, a power not to be trifled with. The edges of the card were sharp and jagged as if they had been hewn from the depths of the underworld itself. And the images etched upon it were no less menacing - death, skeletons, and ghouls, all bathed in the eerie glow of hellfire.

The skeletons on the card were particularly striking, their eyes glowing with an evil light that seemed to pierce right through the soul. Their hands moved unnaturally as if ready to snatch up any unwary traveler who dared to cross their path. And as Hades turned the card over in his hand, he could swear he felt their cold fingers brushing against his skin.

Hades held the small but significant card in his hand, admiring the intricate designs etched into it. As he scanned the card, a wicked grin spread across his face, highlighting the sharp angles of his chiseled jaw. This was more than just a simple calling card. It was a proclamation of his power and authority over the realm of the dead.

Knowing just the right person worthy of receiving his first visiting card, Hades couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, knowing that this person would soon need his services. He could almost taste the fear and desperation that would accompany the arrival of his new client.

But as he thought about the potential recipient, a flicker of concern crossed his mind. What if that guy dared to tarnish the card in any way? Well, then Hades will probably have to make him hammer out iron man suits from the fiery depths of Hell for eternity...

That is a good plan. But for now, Hades was content to hold the card in his hand, enjoying the weight and texture of it as he awaited the perfect moment to bestow it upon his chosen recipient.


Hey there, readers. Your friendly author is popping in to let you know that the next chapter of our thrilling tale will come your way this Saturday!

I've been working tirelessly to craft the perfect continuation of our story, complete with heart-pumping action, intriguing plot twists, and memorable characters.

Imagine yourself on the edge of your seat, eagerly awaiting what comes next as the pages turn. Your heart races as you delve deeper into the story, feeling every emotion as if you were alongside our protagonists.

And don't worry. I've gone through every sentence with a fine-toothed comb, polishing each one until it shines. The grammar is impeccable, the pacing is perfect, and the words flow like poetry on the page.

So mark your calendars, set a reminder, or tie a string around your finger - whatever you need to do to remember to come back this Saturday for the next chapter of our epic adventure. Trust me. You won't want to miss it!