

She close her eyes as a wave of dizziness wash over her, it was her first time outside the house, she never made it past the gate before passing out as she wasn't use to the weather outside. She look across the street of her big mansion where she lived with her ever caring nanny after she lost her parents to a car accident. She was left alone at a young age with a fortune that will never run out even with years to come. As she count her step like a new born trying to get close to the road inorder to see the outside world except her white washed room. She placed her leg on the road with a satisfied smile, seeing as she didn't lose her balance she placed the other and walk forward. "Miss Unique!!!!!" she heard her nanny scream echo behind her, looking up she was met with a sudden rush of a racing car which made her weak heart racy. Unique went down falling on her knees knowing for sure she will be hit, maybe it will be her final moment, maybe God wanted her to get a glimpse of the outside world before he took her back. A tears ran down her cheek and she waited to meet her maker and question him why he was being unfair to her since day one. "Don't cry, I don't know how to comfort a crying woman" came a calm masculine voice. Unique who was still on the floor slowly raise her head to be met with a pair of light brown eyes that was staring right at her through his long lashes. She thought for a moment that she was dead, and maybe she was being taken away by an angel who was glowing and way too good looking to keep an eye contact with. "Are you taking me to the after life" came her soft voice which came out low and almost a whisper. "Would you go with me if I am?" came his reply. Unique thought for a brief moment before replying. "If I will be happy and free then I will go anywhere with you" she said to him. She was answered with a chuckle which shook her and made her smile also as she believe her new beginning was going to be strange, and maybe just maybe eventful. Tags: #Romance, #paranormal, #thriller Written By: Cassie_berry134

Cassie_Berry134 · Fantasi
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46 Chs

She's missing

Garrett tilt his head side way as Tony offered him a smile, wasn't the man just different form the rest, judging from his level, he was way too high ranking and seemingly off Garrett had never heard of his background or no one talks about it.

"Julian?" Garrett called.

"Yes Lord Garrett?"

"Tony, does he live in Hartlepool or Maldives have never heard anyone mention his background before " Garrett said.

"Ummm I don't think I recollect knowing anything related to him" Julian also seemed confused.

"No.... Not even a family name? Julian nodded and Garrett muttered. Strange.

"Back to our discussion I think the best way to fish out Antonio is to set a trap for him..." Nolan was saying Garrett who was focused back at them suddenly look away to see Tony gone from the scene, Garrett scanned around but no sign of him it was like the man was never there to begin with.


Unique dust the hem of her gown which was at a knee level, a car had just splash her with mud and she couldn't be more pissed at the ugly looking stain.

"Am sorry about this" A male voice said to her he strength out his hand help Unique out with an handkerchief.

"You could have driver slowly, the place is muddy couldn't you slow down" Unique said looking up, the anger on her face withdraw immediately she saw the one in front of her.

"Uh..... You hey" Unique smiled looking up at him.

"How are you my lady am sorry for the damage I hope it not a bother....."Antonio said Unique shook her head vigorously.

"Oh no no no it okay just a little splatter that can be undone" Unique told him and Antonio smiled.

"What brings you here? I mean it a little off and local for someone as high as you " Unique asked looking around the neighborhood she was living in although her mansion was of high standard there but that didn't cover the facade of the poor facilities and locality of the area.

"Nothing much I was just passing by, how are you lady Unique, I expect you are better from last time you were busy pouring out your sorrows in the rain," Antonio said. Unique chuckle softly and wipe her palm on her wear.

"Am fine thanks for your little concern".

"Has Garrett been good to you ?" Antonio asked.

Unique look at him stunned wondering how he knew what Garrett was to her or how he knew Garrett, was he?

"Don't worry am also from the other realm yours and Garrett news isn't new." Antonio told her.

"Oh" Unique mutter nodding her head.

"Garrett doesn't seem to be in shape lately perhaps there's something wrong?" Antonio said looking at Unique searching her face.

Unique brow furrow, she looked down at her palm and rub them against her skirt again looking sad.

"Perhaps I can help if you share the problem with me," Antonio offer seeing as Unique was reluctant to answer.

"Um it Garrett he.... He..... *Sighs* he's dieing all because of me" Unique muttered out. A smile escape Antonio lips and back to neutral within seconds, a fake line of worries form on his face as he tried to appease the now sobbing lady.

"Oh goodness that bad but.... but the problem isn't so trivia right there's always a solution" Antonio said.

"I don't know I don't understand what is going on" Unique said.

"Ohhh poor you now I see why..... Ah look I know someone who deals with matters like this maybe we could seek him for help."

Unique wipe her eyes clean hearing this "Help? Where um let go see him now " Unique said strolling forward Antonio pulled her back.

Not now not now at the hour of the night I would come pick you up. Antonio told her, But.... You shouldn't tell Garrett about this, you know how he is he would blow a fuse if he finds out you are seeking help for him", Unique nodded wiping her eyes again.


Garrett tap on the table continuously reading through the folders in the court library, he scan through them and pick the next one.

'There should be something, something that leads to Antonio a pointer, there's no way he could have vanish and reappear all of a sudden again '

"He worked for an old human couples years ago and their daughter was married to a vampire male that had a son named Marcos Rivera......"

Garrett Stopped and pulled out Tony files.

Tony Rivera's.....

A made vampire

Descendants of... Not indicated.

Garrett turn the record book of the Rivera's again.

Mia Rivera died of illness after a few years of having her son, Parker River died along with his wife few months later leaving the son. Relative:none

The son what happened to the son.....

Garrett turned the page again to find nothing..

He was about closing the book when a note slip out, Garrett bend to pick it he opened it.

Marco died years ago by an unknown cause, why would anyone tear out the page.

Antonio was connected to the Rivera family Tony too.

So if Antonio is related to them then who's Tony, in his file it says he was a descendant of Rivera's but Marco Rivera never had a child neither was he married.

That means.... Antonio .....has always been Tony... Garrett head snap up as all fell into place.

"Antonio Dela Delavida, Tony Rivera, Tonio a nickname for Antonio the bastard " the bastard. Garrett murmur rushing out the court library.


Night came Unique look out her window to see a black jeep parked at a corner, Unique had made sure Sophie had gone to rest early and Garrett wasn't going to be back anytime soon, perhaps she could make it back in time.

"Lord Antonio, Unique called as soon as she was inside the jeep.

"Are you ready? Antonio asked and Unique nodded, Drive" Antonio told the driver who was quick to start the ignition. The car drove past a silhouette of a man who was making his way into the mansion Unique had just left.

Garrett dropped the files of what he discovered on the table Infront of Cassius as Nolan along with Julian.

"Tony is Antonio" Garrett revealed.

"What?" Nolan exclaimed shocked.

"All of a sudden" Julian exclaimed.

"The bastard has been deceiving us all along, we need to capture that bastard" Garrett said. Send out a warrant Cassius and let this once and for all.

Cassius look through the file before dropping it back in the table.

"Good news but I can't approve a warrant because he hasn't been proven guilty yet." Cassius told them.

Garrett slam the desk annoyed at the court silly policy before walking out Cassius office dismissing himself.

Garrett made his way home, he pass a jeep in which he didn't pay much attention to.

Getting to his and Unique's room, he shrug the door open to see an empty neatly laid bed.

Garrett brow furry and he began searching for Unique his frustration intensifying with each minutes that pass.

"SOPHIE!!!!!!" Garrett voice thundered in the mansion, soon Sophie came running down the stairs still dressed in her night wear.

"Lord Garrett?"

"Where the h*ll is Unique?"

"Up in her room....." Sophie said with uncertainly not sure why Garrett was sa pleased

"She's missing" Garrett snarl out his voice threatening low and his hand brush through his head.