

She close her eyes as a wave of dizziness wash over her, it was her first time outside the house, she never made it past the gate before passing out as she wasn't use to the weather outside. She look across the street of her big mansion where she lived with her ever caring nanny after she lost her parents to a car accident. She was left alone at a young age with a fortune that will never run out even with years to come. As she count her step like a new born trying to get close to the road inorder to see the outside world except her white washed room. She placed her leg on the road with a satisfied smile, seeing as she didn't lose her balance she placed the other and walk forward. "Miss Unique!!!!!" she heard her nanny scream echo behind her, looking up she was met with a sudden rush of a racing car which made her weak heart racy. Unique went down falling on her knees knowing for sure she will be hit, maybe it will be her final moment, maybe God wanted her to get a glimpse of the outside world before he took her back. A tears ran down her cheek and she waited to meet her maker and question him why he was being unfair to her since day one. "Don't cry, I don't know how to comfort a crying woman" came a calm masculine voice. Unique who was still on the floor slowly raise her head to be met with a pair of light brown eyes that was staring right at her through his long lashes. She thought for a moment that she was dead, and maybe she was being taken away by an angel who was glowing and way too good looking to keep an eye contact with. "Are you taking me to the after life" came her soft voice which came out low and almost a whisper. "Would you go with me if I am?" came his reply. Unique thought for a brief moment before replying. "If I will be happy and free then I will go anywhere with you" she said to him. She was answered with a chuckle which shook her and made her smile also as she believe her new beginning was going to be strange, and maybe just maybe eventful. Tags: #Romance, #paranormal, #thriller Written By: Cassie_berry134

Cassie_Berry134 · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Nalla drag the dead body of the man she murdered further into the woods, she let go of his leg and dust her palm.

"This never gets old" Nalla murmured.

"I see you haven't stopped old habits still a huntress" a familiar voice Nalla had not expect to hear came from behind her.

Nalla took her time in turning to the source, standing Infront of her was Antonio Dela Delavida.

"Well well if not my beloved Antonio who else, you finally decided to show your self" Nalla said her red eyes staring at the familiar yet unfamiliar male Infront of her, He was different from what she once knew.

Nalla chuckle after she was done scanning him, she moved from her spot and take a step further completing her task.

"I heard you have seek me, why? did you miss what we once share" Antonio said.

"Share? But what do we share" Nalla raise her brow her eyes turning dip red and her back at him, her nails were now elongated and her fangs shot out.

She turned with speed and went straight for Antonio, Antonio dodged after anticipating her move.

"Still so slow my love, I thought you might have improved in your step" He taunt Nalla, pushed back her claw went for his face in which he dodged, both slide back while Antonio grab hold of her hand, he flung her in the air and she went stumbling back. Nalla stop her fall by balancing her foot on a tree before landing on her knees.

She look up at him with a manic smile still on one of her knees.

Antonio dust his clothes and look at the half crazed lady saying.

"I forgot you are rather useless as a fly now, you can't improve more than this you are human now since your life span is same as theirs, your only identify left his your genes they are almost gone now.

"Nalla began laughing getting up her feet she brush her finger into her hair looking elsewhere and back at Antonio.

"We are the same dear a living dead at least am limited your expiry date is something to beyond" Nalla told him.

"Not for long, Antonio told her. I will succeed this time and be a full born pureblood." Antonio told her.

"You dream too big Antonio but not all dream come through dear, you should be careful what you wish for it might just be your downfall."

"You are lucky am in a good mood today love" Antonio told Nalla, Nalla smiled and hummed.

"You aren't going to succeed this time Antonio, that I promise you" Nalla said to him.

"My success his guaranteed love you watch and see i will become the ruler of the supernatural realm, do you still wish to be my queen ?I could take you to great lengths after all we once had a thing" Antonio offered.Nalla laughed and turned her back at him again.

"See you soon Antonio" Nalla said before running off with speed. Antonio watch her go before turning to leave him self.


The day isn't so bright we can camp on the terrace, the weather is gloomy enough" Unique told Garrett as they both stood on the terrace of her home, she had turn the entire ground into a warm cozy place.

A mattress with lots of puffy blanket was placed at the middle of the terrace while a little container burning with fire was placed at a side.

Unique got on the mattress giggling at the feeling of the cozy duvet, she pulled it up her neck and look over at Garrett who had also got in.

"Nice right?" She asked looking right at him as he balance himself and Unique scoot over wrapping her self in his warm arms.

"Hmm" Garret replied her.

" The sky isn't so clear but it comforting I will make a wish" Unique said.

"Why make a wish there's no moon or star what are you wishing upon.

"A deity who listens" Unique reply.

"Deity? Will they really listen" Garrett said am Unique reply.

"Here like this join your hands together close your eyes and say what you want in your mind don't utter it out" Unique told him.


"It won't come true if you utter it out " Unique told him.

"That being superstitious " Garrett said to her watching as she had her palm joined together and her eyes close.

"No it not" Unique said to him.

Unique utter her wish and slowly her eyes came open, she look over at Garrett whose eyes were glued on hers

"What did you wish for?" He asked curiously.

"Not telling you" she replied.

"Okay", Garrett also close his eyes and made a wish, he look over at Unique and noticed she wasn't looking at him.

"Ask me what I wished for" Garrett said to her.

"Am not asking you should keep your wish and when it comes true then you can tell me okay " Unique told Garrett with a smile.

They both spent the night like any normal couple on the terrace with Unique the first to fall asleep.

Garrett knock at the door, he was back at the old cottage from last time, since he was still not getting any response he broke the door open, with him was Julian and Nolan who covered their nose at the stench that emanate from within building.

"The h*ll is this smell, hanged around the little house was dresses of different shapes, sizes and design, it was beautifully made and neatly laid out.

Garrett look at the table and it was filled with sketches and drawing of new designs.

Julian moved further in and the next seconds his voice was raised high in a scream. Garrett and Nolan rushed in to see Julian moving back on his ass. They both look up to see a really disturbing sight.

Hanged on the ceiling were human bodies that has been butchered or skin to the bone, the fact that they were all female made Julian want to gag.

"Don't tell me they were the missing people" Julian said.

All heard a snap of twig snap outside the compound, what came next was a running footstep that was running further away from the building. Garrett dematerialize from inside the house to outside Infront of the running man, the man fell on his butt as soon as he saw Garrett materialize Infront of him. He moved back in fear of the vampire one of his eyes blind he had a huge scar around his left eye which was blind.

"Stay back," the man said panicking he pull out a kitchen knife from his coat to fend off the vampire coming at him.

" Human?" Julian said surprised, he wasn't expecting that that all.

"Seems he was brought into the realm," Nolan said.

Garrett snap the neck of the human and he laid unconscious on the floor.

"Why did you do that?" Nolan asked surprised since that was random they were going to question him.

"He wouldn't keep still and he keeps making annoying sounds, his face his horribly disgusting enough I don't need more of him". Garrett replied casually like he wasn't bothered by them.

Nolan shook his head.

"Seems he was offended by vampire for him to show no mercy in turning us to a piece of material for his design, how offensive" Garrett said.

"The courts needs to be informed, before any step is taken.

The ground was filled With court official later on taking notes of the place. The offender was led away to be handled by the higher officials.

The bodies has been sent to the lab for identification, we can't let the family see their bodies in such state it will be too painful for them to handle " Nolan said.

" The court has arranged for the family to be brought in next week the bodies will be cremated", Julian said.

"That good enough, but this Antonio guy he's somehow connected to this right?" Julian said.

"Lord Tony you are also here for investigation, things are wrapped up now the rest will be discussed im court you arrived late.

"Garrett heard two officials discussing, he turned slightly as he was about to turn to Julian and Nolan, Garrett eyes caught a sight of Tony clothes which was of high quality, what seemed strange was that it was almost similar to the design the designer makes. Garrett had sharp eyes and he could easily grab things others couldn't.

As his eyes were focused on the Tony something click in and Garrett brow went up in confusion then realization, Tony who was busy listening to another official turn to see Garrett preying eyes focused on him.

Tony let out an eerie smile which Garrett didn't notice was always there, Garrett brow narrowed at the man.