
Looks Is Better than Stats

Looks Is Better than Stats In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits.

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NEW Quest: PK? part 2

With the looming threat of the arcane and the unsettling tension in their group, Kuonh faced a difficult decision. He could let suspicion tear them apart, or he could choose to trust his companions, no matter how uncertain their alliance had become.

Taking a deep breath, he turned his focus back to the arcane, determination burning in his eyes. He couldn't afford to let paranoia fracture their unity. With a final glance at his fellow adventurers, he readied himself for the battle ahead, hoping that, in the end, they could overcome the nightmarish arcane together.


As the eerie howl of the arcane reverberated through the dense forest, the battle began once more. It was clear that this arcane was unlike any they had faced before. Its movements were swift and unpredictable, and its attacks were devastating.

"diagonal slash!"


The battle against the bizarre and overpowering Arcane reached a fever pitch. Every strike, every spell, every movement was filled with urgency and desperation. Kuonh and his party fought valiantly, their lives hanging in the balance.

"fire ball!"


"m-my bad!"

But as the fight raged on, Kuonh couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was wrong. Klent's attacks, in particular, seemed to be increasingly targeted at him, almost as if they were meant to hit Kuonh as well as the Arcane. Each time Kuonh lunged at their monstrous foe, Klent's spells came dangerously close, making Kuonh's every move a perilous dance on the brink of disaster.


The faint sound reached Kuonh's ears again, and this time, he was certain he hadn't imagined it. Someone was clearly expressing frustration or annoyance, but in the midst of the chaos, he couldn't pinpoint the source.

Or maybe it was just a trick of my mind, playing on my growing unease. But one thing was certain: we had to end this battle swiftly. 

Kuonh's frustration grew as he found himself constantly dodging both the enemy and his own teammate's attacks. It was as though Klent had become a shadowy adversary within their party, an unexpected threat that only added to the chaos of battle.

But Kuonh knew he couldn't afford to lose focus. With grim determination, he pushed the doubt aside and refocused on the Arcane. Their enemy was still the greater threat, and they needed to bring it down to survive.


Kuonh's sword clashed with the arcane's twisted claws, sparks flying as their blades met. He barely managed to sidestep another one of Klent's dangerously close fireballs. The tension in the air was suffocating, as if the very forest around them held its breath, waiting for the outcome of this perilous battle.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, KLENT? PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Trey's voice erupted in frustration, his patience worn thin. Doubt gnawed at him, knowing that a single misstep could mean death for any one of them, and the survival of the whole party hung in the balance.

Klent, his face etched with an apologetic smile, replied, "My bad, Trey. I'll be more careful, I promise." His words were meant to reassure, but the unease lingered, casting a shadow over their desperate struggle for survival.

"Haah, haah," Kuonh panted heavily, his breaths ragged and strained. His stamina was rapidly depleting as he continued to launch attacks while deftly dodging the arcane's assaults and the occasional misfire from Klent. Beads of sweat streamed down his body, one after another, as he pushed his limits to the breaking point.

Kuonh's breaths came in ragged gasps, his stamina on the verge of depletion. He knew the arcane was also teetering on the brink of defeat; all he needed was one opening, just one chance to deliver the final blow.

"Just one," he muttered through gritted teeth, determination fueling his every move.

Surprisingly, that opportunity came far sooner than expected. Trey, with a stealthy maneuver, positioned himself behind the arcane and struck with all his might. The monstrous creature attempted to evade the blow, but its focus had shifted entirely to Trey, causing it to veer off course as it leaped to avoid the attack.

Kuonh seized the moment, his instincts guiding him with uncanny precision. With a powerful thrust, he impaled the arcane on his sword. The creature, however, didn't go down without a fight. It retaliated, clamping its teeth onto Kuonh's shoulder with a vicious bite.

[You received -450 HP damage]


Kuonh winced in pain but refused to yield. In a strange way, he felt fortunate that the attack had come when it did, while the arcane was incapacitated. All he had to do now was to endure and wait for Trey to deliver the final blow.

[You received -20 HP damage due to bleeding]

A triumphant smile graced Kuonh's face, and he was about to call for Trey when his elation turned to shock. His eyes widened as he witnessed a massive fireball hurtling toward him, heading straight for his vulnerable position.

"What the f--?"

In that split second, time seemed to slow to a crawl. Kuonh's heart raced as he desperately tried to evade the incoming inferno, his body reacting on pure instinct. The massive fireball hurtled toward him with terrifying speed, its searing heat and blinding brilliance consuming his field of vision.


But it was too late. The explosion erupted with deafening force, the shockwave reverberating through the forest, shaking trees and sending debris flying in all directions. Flames engulfed the area, casting an eerie, flickering light on the chaos that had unfolded.

Trey and Naida's anguished cries echoed through the smoky aftermath, their voices filled with despair and disbelief.


The forest had become a battlefield of flames and destruction, and in that moment of intense turmoil, Kuonh's fate remained uncertain.