
Looks Is Better than Stats

Looks Is Better than Stats In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits.

Ank_Art · Games
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45 Chs

NEW Quest: PK?

The tension in the group was palpable as they faced the approaching Arcane, their weapons are ready. Kuonh's mind raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions.

'Rapha said that if players kill other players, it's not permanent, and it will only lower the level by one," Kuonh began, voicing his concerns aloud, "but what will happen if the player you killed is already at the lowest level '1'?"

His words hung in the air, the implications sinking in. In a game where levels were essential for survival and progression, lowering a player's level could be a severe punishment. Kuonh's thoughts were clouded with uncertainty, unsure of what this revelation meant for the player who had just been killed.

Kuonh's vivid imagination painted a chilling picture of himself, standing helplessly at level one, while another player ruthlessly attacked him, lowering his level even further to zero. He envisioned the cold, unfeeling screen of his neurochip with a message saying,

[Unable to logged in to NEuEarth]

forever denying him access to the immersive realm of NEuEarth. The thought sent shivers down his spine, and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of foreboding.

"or maybe I should I do it before they can--" Kuonh gasped. what did I just thought?

Kuonh couldn't shake the unease that had settled in his gut. The thought of killing someone, even if this was just a game, weighed heavily on him. This wasn't like any other game where you controlled a character from a distance; in NEuEarth, your actions were physical, carried out using your own body. The idea of taking a life, feels like an impossible task.

As the Arcane drew nearer, the party remained on high alert, the consequences of their actions and the true nature of NEuEarth looming over them like a dark cloud.



"What the?!"

Amidst the haunting silence of the dense forest, the group confronted the third arcane, an abomination that sent chills racing down their spines with its eerie, bone-chilling howl. This wasn't like the previous encounters; there was something profoundly unsettling about this creature.

"T-this Arcane... something's wrong with it!" Andy's voice trembled with fear as he voiced what they all felt deep down.

Kuonh's heart pounded as the menacing arcane came into view, its twisted form an ominous silhouette against the dim light filtering through the trees. The party shared uneasy glances, their initial confidence now tainted with doubt. But what struck fear into their hearts were the multiple ominous red glows like eyes that began to appear from the dark forest one after another behind the menacing arcane, like malevolent stars in the night sky.

Naida went "hiiii!" her fearful exclamation broke the silence, and her trembling voice echoed their collective anxiety. Trey, the calming presence amidst the tension, reassured the group, "Don't worry, we have the terrain advantage, and we're not even sure if those are actual monsters. Even if they are, they can't attack us all at once."

Kuonh and the others nodded in agreement.

Even as fear gripped them, they stood their ground, determination etched on their faces. This was the moment when their trust in each other would be put to the ultimate test. Together.

*inhales exhales*

With weapons at the ready, they prepared to face the sinister foe. However, Kuonh couldn't ignore the creeping sensation that something was amiss. The others, who had once moved with the grace of a well-oiled machine, now seemed sluggish and uncertain.

"Stay sharp, everyone!" Kuonh urged, his voice tinged with concern. "We can handle this together!"

But his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as his companions hesitated. Kuonh's anxiety spiked, but he couldn't afford to lose faith in his team now.

"Taunt!" Andy bellowed, unleashing his skill without warning. The arcane, faster than they could have imagined, lunged at him.

"watch out!"

Kuonh and Trey, weapons drawn, rushed to protect Andy from the swift and deadly assault of the arcane. Its unnatural speed proved too much to contend with, as it gracefully evaded their strikes and delivered a devastating blow to Andy.

"GHAA!" Andy cried out, Even with the defense of the tank, he took a staggering amount of damage. Makes one to wonder on what will happen if that attack hit anyone on the party.

"ANDY!" Naida's desperate plea rang out, her hands instinctively rising to channel healing magic. However, Trey's voice cut through the chaos, filled with urgency and concern. "STOP! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET THE AGGRO AGAIN?"

Naida flinched, realizing her mistake. Healing magic, while crucial, could inadvertently draw the attention of their enemy, making her a prime target. In this dire moment, they couldn't afford any more missteps.

Amidst the chaos and the unfortunate strike against Andy, Kuonh refused to yield, stood his ground. He recognized the need for a swift counterattack. With determination in his eyes, he assessed his surroundings and found a sturdy stone. In a bold move, he used it as a launching pad, propelling himself towards the arcane.


The sword in his hand sliced through the air, finding its mark with precision. It struck the arcane, causing it to recoil in pain and retreat momentarily. Kuonh's calculated move had granted the party a much-needed respite from the relentless assault.

Just as Kuonh began to catch his breath, a new wave of chaos erupted. A searing fireball hurtled through the air, but something is weird! its trajectory aimed directly at Kuonh.


Time seemed to slow as he executed a desperate dodge, the fiery projectile singeing his skin as it passed by.


The party could not believe what just happened.

"Klent!" Kuonh gasped, his voice quivering with a mix of disbelief and suspicion. "Was that meant for me?"

Klent's face paled, and he stammered, "I swear, Kuonh, it was an accident! My skill lagged, and I didn't anticipate the arcane retreating! I didn't mean to—"

But Kuonh couldn't shake the feeling that it had been no accident at all. The precision of the attack, the way it had homed in on him—it felt too deliberate to be unintentional.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the arcane let out another bone-chilling howl, its red eyes multiplying in the dark forest beyond. The situation had spiraled out of control, and Kuonh faced a harrowing decision. Trust his companions and confront the growing menace together, or strike out on a new path, uncertain of what lay ahead.