
Long road ahead

lost_sword090 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

The start of something amazing

About 50 meters from the building the rain started to pour like never before. We had to sprint half drunk to the girls dorm and we got in right as lightning struck the ground outside, now the academy doesn't frown on people staying in others rooms as long as the people followed the house rules and didn't cause a problem.

So as we get into the building I hear the female guard ask why I looked like a drowned rat and I simply pointed at aiko and they both laughed, all I could do was awkwardly smile. After that awkward exchange we head up to aiko's room. "Hey aiko, can I stay over tonight I don't wanna get struck by lightning tonight?" I laughed as I asked her. "Sure, but my couch is a bit broken due to a party my friend threw, so it's the floor or my bed," and by this time we had both sobered up to the point where we fully understood what we were doing.

With how soaked my cloths are I had to ask if she had some basketball shorts so I could take a shower, she said " I don't have any clothes that would fit you, you can sleep naked can't you?"

At this point I was picking up what she was wanting to do tonight, suggesting that I sleep in her bed with her as well as being naked.

As we got into the dorm I took my shirt off, showing my decent muscles and ample scars. The one of the most prominent scar is the four jagged lines, each about the length from the start of the shoulder blade and ending near the hip. Being a capital kid aiko never had to fight with the wild bests of the world, me on the other hand I could get the scars healed by the mages but I wear my scars as a reminder that I failed, failed to protect my little sister, failed to draw a blade again the bandits, and failed to to protect my mother from those damn rapists.

I just now realized I zoned out with a dark expression and I accidentally released my spirit pressure to the point I could hear aiko's labored breathing while she was holding me in a tight hug trying to calm me down but only when she looked up I saw her fear of the spirit pressure that I have restrained.

With her actually hanging on my neck I started to fall, but I realized in those split seconds if I would've tried to stop the fall I would have probably caused more damage, because I would have crashed into her painting easel splattering paint everywhere so I let myself fall while still making sure that aiko didn't slide to the side and hit the small pile of large leather bound books that were thicker then a name forearm.

I slam into the floor with enough power to shake everything except the bed and icebox