
Long road ahead

lost_sword090 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The beginning

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I heard ring out after walking into my dorm.

And I see my only friend aiko, even for a 17 year old she had a small frame and generally acted like a young child.

This was the first real friend I had made at the academy. She hands me a glass and winks. I reluctantly take the glass and say thanks. I give her a hug and ask, " How has your day been?" She responds with "It's been ok" but I can hear a bit of agitation in her voice, I know it must have been kenji. The worst person to ever exist not only did he get away with everything due to the fact his mother was the headmistress and his father was the discipline administrator, which meant anyone who spoke up to him was either expelled or was humiliated on campus. In nice terms he's an ass, and nothing could be done to him.

After an hour I decide to walk aiko to her room and to say she was drunk would be an understatement, thankfully it was Friday and we didn't have classes the next morning. After half of an hour of trying to drag her I picked her up, in a princess carry, even though she's small she's dense as wood. I get to the main door where kinyo a old campus guard was stationed. "Hey seki," I hear as I approach him, "hey kinyo, how's your night going?" I asked

"Pretty good, also happy birthday," he responded as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a decorative metal ring. I see the ring and say it's too pretty to take, and he says "It's fine I want you to have it, it's my Yuko's ring and we were two kids who fell in love , and I want to pass on that tradition to you and your girlfriend." As he said the word girlfriend he winked and then I remembered I was holding her like a lover. "No it's not like that!" I retorted. He just stood there with a smile on his face and said "sure." I took the ring, thanked him and walked away blushing the color of tomatoes.

As I stepped out side I saw the flash of lightning in the sky, but it hadn't started raining, yet the air has a chill to it so I awkwardly took my jacket off and put it on aiko to make sure she wouldn't get cold in her uniform.

Then I hear the one voice I was praying not to hear, " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND FREAK!" I turn around and then I feel aiko waking up from his shouting. I say "I'm taking her back to her dorm, she was with me celebrating my birthday, asshole" he then dashes forward and grabs my arm and asked "What did you say bitch!" I pull away and look down at aiko she was snuggling up to my chest and pretended to not notice me looking down at her. I turn away and start walking and kenji grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me to the ground so I instinctively protect aiko, then bang a hard slam but no true damage. I ask her is she's ok and she says yes , I move her aside get up and look and kenji dead in the eyes with the intent to put him in a coffin, yet when I did this he fell on his ass and decided to pull a knife on me. The second I saw the glimmer of the metal and polished wood knife I head kinyo yell to back away from each other and for me to take aiko to her room.

As I turned to get her I realized she was hunched over next to a bush I run over and get her hair out of her face, a few seconds later kenji was taken to the head campus guard

After some time I ask if she's ok and we head on, we get about half way and I realize I liked having her in my arms snuggling up to me. It was quite uneventful till I got about 200 meters from the woman's dorm, aiko had her arm linked in mine to help her stand straight and not fall, and she put her hand in my jacket pocket to get her key and she found the ring in the pocket and drunkenly slipped it on her finger. She took out her hand and I noticed she had the ring on but before I could tell her the story behind it, she started talking, "Do you know that kenji and I was in a relationship before I met you?" I casually replied yes even though it hurt me to think about what she had to endure with that public bathroom of a person.


This is character development for aiko

She then went into detail about some of the things she had gone through like having to sleep with him or be expelled or letting him touch her whenever he wanted or be bullied out of the school by the teachers.

This was enough for me to get super pissed off and aiko saw this and decided to give me a small kiss on my cheek, which made me fall more in love with with her. About 50 meters from the building the rain started to pour like never before. We had to sprint half drunk to the girls dorm and we got in right as lightning struck the ground outside, now the academy doesn't frown on people staying in others rooms as long as the people followed the house rules and didn't cause a problem.