
Lone Wizard

Arthur crosses into a world of harry potter and grows stronger. World hopping and cross into other worlds with this world being the base camp. Loner MC a bit dark a bit normal...a bit OP(a lot OP) but due to different worlds power.

Simpletruth · Filem
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11 Chs

Chapter 3:Mission and Training

Walking out of the pawnshop with 1000$ in his hand, Arthur wasn't relieved. The small goal of 25000$ seems to be too big now. But he didn't lose hope. The system mission is still waiting to be completed but here comes another problem Arthur doesn't know the location of the underground creature. God seemed to hear his call as he got the call from his cousin Matt:

"Hey, Matt what's up?"

"Dude why aren't you in school today? The teacher is eating up the remaining of my cultured brain."

"Oh! nothing. Something came up. Anything I need to be aware of?"

"No... NOOO... Well, there's a party tonight. Wanna come?.. I know you are not the socializing type but the party's awesome and you really need to spice up your sophomore year."

Arthur was overjoyed but he didn't want to sound too interested. He calmed his excitement and asked:

"I will drop by if I have the time. What's the location?"

"Oh, it's the warehouse by the lake let me see.. 6601 4th avenue"

"Thanks, man I will drop by"

"well, Andrew remember to dress.." matt was going to explain the party norm but he heard a beeping sound at the end. He was helpless with a wry smile for his estranged cousin. They were the best of friends till middle school until they drifted apart due to Andrew increasingly becoming "not cool" and his mother falling sick.

After entering high school the distance seemed to grow wider until Matt decided to help Andrew come out of his mother's shadow. He had just decided to drive him to his home and start hanging out but who knew he ran away from school.

On the other side, Andrew after hanging up took the public bus and reached the warehouse. The bus driver gave him a strange look when he reached the warehouse but Andrew shrugged it off as a High school Party.

With no time to waste Andrew started to map the surrounding forest, an hour in he found no clue. He sat near the tree resting. He had to map a whole lot of area even his super-soldier physique was tired. His stomach was growling when he heard a strange metallic noise.

He first thought it was from his stomach but the sound kept repeating like a metronome. He followed the sound through the buses and finally came to a hole. It was repeatedly bellowing air and sound. Anybody else on the scene would stay away from the hole but Andrew jumped straight into the hole.

Inside the hole, there was a large crystal. The goal of the trip.

Ding...Parasitic organism detected...Ask the host to touch the crystal to begin the transfer.

Acting according to the instructions Andrew touched the crystal. It started glowing red and then Andrew was shocked to find his nose dripping. Subconsciously wiping his nose blood stained his hands.

"Fuckk" this was Andrew's last thought as he fainted


Waking up Andrew found the cave almost collapsed on him. the crystal which was visibly dim was acting like a rock to prevent the whole cave from collapsing. Checking all his limbs Andrew calmed down. The ground below had been stained with blood probably from his nose.

Ding... Congratulations to the host for finding the mental crystal of Chronicle world.

Ding... Mission completed. Reward settlement mental power training room.

Andrew was overjoyed seeing the mental power training room. Upon inspection, it turned out to be a time pause room with only one-time entry and exit. Being closed Andrew was helpless as when he tried to lift the rock it didn't even move but the nearby ant seemed to tickle as if saying: GO away

Fuck... Cheating system. after venting for 10 minutes Andrew finally calmed down. The current priority is to get out but with his physical strength it is impossible and the only system tool is the training room. With no choice, Andrew triggered the room.

Warning... Host are you sure to enter the Devil training room. Side effects may include brain death, permanent coma but the rewards are equally promising. The notice from the system alerted Andrew double thinking his decision but deep inside his mind, there was a voice like a devil's whisper... do it...You can no longer be mediocre... Achieve something for once in your life.

This was the straw that crushed the camel as Andrew initiated the room.

The surroundings changed to a 10m X 10 m empty room with only a single weight-shaped dumbbell on it. The weights shown were blank confusing Andrew. On the side, there was a large iron door with no handles. Pushing it showed no sides of moving. A prison bed lay in the corner with no sheets.

Ding mission triggered: Exercise mental prowess

Description: The unescapable training room. Ask the host to please complete the mission to leave.

Reward: All stats increased during the training room are kept.

Arthur then finally knew the hell he was going to undergo. According to the system's description, the weight was adjusted according to the ever-increasing mental output of Arthur. The goal was to allow enough mental power to lift the door open. While staying here Andrew has no concept of food or hunger or any other physical requirements. Rest and sleep were allowed on the prison-like bed in the corner.

Andrew tried picking up the weight only to find it float. He was overjoyed. Did my mental power grow?

But the reading on the weight dispelled his flying...

1g... fucking one gram. Andrew was hit badly but the system chimed in.

The host need not be discouraged. With continuous practice comes strength. Those who don't put enough effort aren't even qualified to envy the strong and talented. The system cheers for the host.

How come this dialogue sounds from an Anime?

Report to host the system copied it from the top 10 phrases of Yukinishita Yona from the world of Oregairu.

MMP.throwing away the distractions Arthur started the long arduous work.

I have thought about a arduous system but will try not to make MC a system slave.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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