
Loki: God of Tricksters

How can you live in a society full of Gods, wanna be Gods, Potential Gods, Gods-in-the-making, Lunatics and ETC.... 1. Be a God 2. Train to be a God 3. Hide yourself from Gods 4. Create chaos at God's Land 5. Spread Seeds and Create more God Be ready for plotholes. Constructive Criticism is Good but read atleast 10 before, give yourself a favor a great favor as I will not entertain anyone. I won't read review or comment that is just complaining, and whining. It's free mates, Do at your own risk. This story is a slow pace one about 2 chapter every week. I may upload extra one if I'm on mood. Note: I don't own marvel and any movie character that appear in the story.

LittleVacon · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
51 Chs


Amora teleported to Hermione's office. The wooden antique table and chairs, as well as moving portrait, disappoint her dearly as she looks at it.

Hermione sits not knowing someone is looking at her from behind. Slowly revealing herself to her the portrait stops moving. Like on a time freeze.

"How do you do?" Amora asks surveying the young lady that has a gorgeous grown body.

"Who are you?" she asks her confusingly as her hand holds her wand.

"You don't need to know my dear. Did you got what I want?" Amora replied without minding her manners and offensive action.

"Who am I isn't needed to be known."

The seed that she gives fly away from the drawer inside a jar. The golden seed silently hovers on the air.

Hermione pulled a suitcase below her table. Not leaving her eyes from Amora even for a second. She put it on the table and slowly push it forward. It flies toward Amora and smiles at her with a nod she slowly fading.

"What! I don't need this!!" Hermione yelled throwing back the golden seed to her.

"This is the seed of Golden Apple of Idun, can give you thousands of lifespan."

The seed brake the jar and Amora catches it on her palm.

"Yes, I don't need that life, I'm contented to what I have."

Amora nodded at her as she fades away breathing a green mist making Hermione faint. After a minute she woke up and runs below to check if something or someone attacks as she found herself unconscious on the floor.


"How is it?" Keanu asks Amora as she tosses him a suitcase.

"My reward?"

He nodded with a duck face-pulling all his rings and giving it to her.

"Are you serious?" she asks throwing all the rings at his face.

"You don't want it? If anyone targets you at a pub they will know at first glaze you are taken," he said proudly puffing his chest out.

"Tsk, how about your task here?"

He shakes his head and motion his hand slowly in a clockwise manner as a blue portal opens in his sight is an FBI team drinking coffee.

"Well, I want to try my prototype spell first," he said giggling on his own as he looks at them as a plaything.

He stands up from his chair and pushes Amora out of his surrounding. Landing on the very wall separating him from the others.

His green eyes change into a pentagram rotating very fast like the pattern on his hands pulling something. As a huge green wall is pulled into existence with it full of the inscription of runes. He swipes it out of the way dispersing it to oblivion and pulls something again. Making a bulwark shield glowing in yellow mighty protector. Keanu breaks into a huge laughter.

"Can you pull those 5 out of the portal? Please??" he begged Amora who is suckling at the corner.

"Why would I?"

"It's going to be fun."


Keanu walks right by the shield as all of his fingers shines in the dust like green material. He slowly inscribes into the shield from the bottom to the side and lastly the very top not leaving any gap.


Amora nodded and pulled the 5 drinking buddies from the office straight into the magic circuit. Like a rubber membrane, it wraps itself at the person changing him into a black fully equipped personnel while bold abbreviation on the chest. Followed by the 4 they also change and Keanu pulled the shield to himself and it morphs into a joystick with a massive monitor at his front with 5 separate views.

"It's showtime!!"

It's kinda hard writing different dimension I describe at the past chapters that it cause me sleepless night and cold sweat from nightmares.

Can you guys check out my original work - Hell Mode Survival 303

It's hard to create seriously. Few chapter before he left the future and back to the present time.

LittleVaconcreators' thoughts