
Loki - The Labyrinth of Lies

Embark upon the journey of the silver-tongued God of Mischief, whose story is half unknown and barely told before...

The_Dark_Night · Filem
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83 Chs

Battle Between Brothers

'Welcome to Asgard,' Loki said as soon as he summoned the Frost Giants into Asgard with the help of the bi-frost. Laufey stood there; huge, towering and blue, smirking along with his fellow Frost Giants. Loki escorted them towards the palace, walking past a frozen Heimdall once again, when two Frost Giants stood next to him for look out.

Loki glanced side-ways at Laufey; a monster walking next to his own son and had no idea of it. It was astonishing to Loki how clueless these mindless-monsters could be regarding their own belongings. Loki's face cracked into a thin smirk himself. He began wondering how everything will be soon set right and he would prove himself to be worthy of everything he ever wanted.

Loki showed Laufey the way to Odin's chamber. Laufey put his hand on the chamber-door, making it freeze, the ice spreading from the door and over the shining gold walls of Loki's palace. The door opened creakingly. Loki watched quietly as Laufey and his fellow Frost Giant barged into the room, but he stayed outside. Loki heard his mother's angry cry, making his fist clench and tighten his hold on Gungnir. He knew that his heart should be beating fast, but it wasn't.

Instead, he was utterly calm, yet furious.

Loki heard his mother fall. He walked quietly towards the door to watch Laufey standing over a helpless Odin inside his mystical shell, conjuring an ice dagger in his hand and enjoying every moment. '—that your death came by the hands of Laufey,' Laufey was saying in a frosty voice, raising his dagger to strike Odin.

Loki blasted a swift shot from Gungnir, squarely on his biological father's back, making him tumble away from Odin. Loki lowered Gungnir, stomping it lightly on the floor once for dramatic effect.

'And your death came by the son of Odin,' said a heroic Loki. Laufey gasped for breath and stared at Loki through red, betrayed and angry eyes. Without giving it another thought, Loki again mightily shot a blast plummeting towards him, making him burst into sparks and vanish in thin smoke.

'Loki! You saved him!' he heard his mother cry as she got up from the floor and ran towards her brave son to hug him tightly. He felt his mother tremble a little with fear and he felt guilty for putting her through this.

'I swear to you mother, that they will pay for what they have done today!' Loki said, looking his mother dead in the eye as she watched him admiringly for his almighty act.

'Loki!' yelled a familiarly hoarse, lion-like voice, emerging from the door. Loki's eyes flickered horribly.

'Thor! I knew you would return to us!' Frigga said in relief, instantly letting go off Loki's shoulder to run and embrace Thor, who was eyeing Loki dangerously as though ready to kill him with his bare hands. Loki silently wondered if promising Nevaeh that he would be back for her was an over-confidently, stupid thing to do after all.

Meanwhile, On Earth, Nevaeh was sitting inside Grace's fortress, sipping whisky, mostly because she had nowhere else to be, and she didn't have any company either.

'You must fix your skin,' Grace said. 'I am not much help when it comes to that.'

'I am fine,' a green Nevaeh said. 'Loki said it will fade with time.'

'I am aware,' Grace said. 'You must see Raphael.'

'Were you spying on us?' Nevaeh said, but no sooner had she finished the sentence than she was teleported out of there.

On Asgard, Loki rode on a horse as he went towards the bi-frost, a prince who was about to save his planet from the threat of war, saving the precious lives of countless Asgardian warriors. He had already achieved one of his two goals right before Thor's arrival and now, when he has returned, Loki needed to quicken his speed in order to commence his last and final plan, bringing about permanent peace in Asgard by eliminating the threat of war with Jotunheim.

He inserted the sword into the bi-frost and it whirled heavily, its sharp pointy tip swirling around as it moved and pointed its aim towards Jotunheim. Loki opened the gateway. The bi-frost began charging up and a thin smile crossed Loki's face, pondering the fact that nothing can stop the bi-frost from building and his grand plan from succeeding. Loki was watching the huge beam tearing apart Jotunheim with much pleasure. He has begun his much awaited treaty of peace, which would destroy all the Frost Giants within it, safeguarding Asgard without the threat of war, without the need of spilling a single drop of Asgardian blood. He wondered how proud his father would be when he wakes up from his sleep, to fathom over the most magnificent and quickest victory of Asgard, without the need of a battle.

The bi-frost creaked a little and it started freezing, ice building in its centre like a tree erupting with frosty branches. Loki felt a chill in his sharp breaths. He watched Thor soaring into the air, hammer-first, and coming towards the bi-frost. Loki quickly whipped up Gungnir in front of him, ready for a much awaited fight with his beloved brother.

Thor halted fumingly in the entrance of the huge dome and watched the frozen bi-frost with wide, bulging eyes.

'You can't stop it! The bi-frost will build until it rips Jotunheim apart' Loki said scathingly. Thor raised his hammer to break the ice building on the bi-frost. Loki swiftly shot him with a blast from Gungnir, making Thor fall heavily on his back.

'Why have you done this?' Thor asked, getting up.

'To prove to father that I am the worthy son. When he wakes up, I will have saved his life. I will have destroyed that race of monsters. And I will be the true heir to the throne!' said Loki.

'You can't kill an entire race!' yelled Thor.

'Why not?' laughed Loki. 'And what is this newfound love for the Frost Giants? You could've killed them all with your bare hands' said Loki as he slowly walked towards his brother with a thin frown on his face, wondering where all his rage has gone. Or maybe he was just jealous that he didn't think of this brilliant idea first and was now adamant on stopping him from achieving the same.

'I have changed' Thor said as he looked at his brother through sharp blue eyes.

'So have I,' Loki said, wondering what has made Thor change, and the same question was reflected back into Thor's eyes as he frowned at Loki, who sharply smacked his face with Gungnir. 'Now, fight me!' Loki hissed and gave Thor a mighty blow, again making him soar into the air and fall heavily on his back.

Loki was enjoying his fight with Thor as much as he was enjoying the commencement of his grand plan. In his moment of anger and his brother's newfound love for Jotunheim, he had fumingly yelled out that he was not Thor's brother after all, but all he received back from that oaf was a mere look of utter confusion, and they had been at each other's throats ever since.

Loki shot a blast from Gungnir which Thor dodged. He grabbed the back of Loki's neck, before sending him flying far away in the air. Thor charged at a fallen Loki who instantly got up and shot him again. Thor flew towards Loki, deflecting his blast and grabbed him. They tumbled away from the dome and onto the rainbow bridge, crashing with the bi-frost as they did so.

Thor got up, quickly realising that Loki had tumbled off the bridge and was dangling from its edge, grasping it by his fingertips.

'Thor! Brother, please,' Loki pleaded, glancing at Thor with twinkling and slightly blood-shot eyes. Thor immediately bent down to help his brother get up on the bridge. Thor's hand went right through a gleaming Loki, his illusion vanishing as the true embodiment of mischief emerged laughingly from behind Thor, only to stab him in the chest by the tip of his Gungnir.

Thor grunted in pain, sparks flowing out of his chest and he fell heavily on the bridge, gasping for breath and looking up.

Loki was cackling maliciously. His illusions growing one by one. Suddenly, Thor was surrounded by countless cackling, gleaming Lokis, staring down and laughing at his brother's stupidity with superior eyes while his head echoed with their laughter.

'ENOUGH!' bellowed Thor, lifting his hammer in the air and conjuring a bolt of thunder, making all the laughing Loki's disappear while a shocked Loki crashed on the bridge's floor. Thor went towards Loki. He looked down into his eyes through cold disappointment. Thor knew his brother's mischief will never end, but the entire dome of the bi-frost was booming, destroying an entire planet in their wake, and Thor needed to keep his malevolent brother at bay in order to… simply think.

Thor put Mjolnir down on his chest, like some kind of human-paper weight. Loki grunted heavily, unable to get up. Thor stood up straight and tried to approach the bi-frost.

Loki was getting crushed under the weight of his hammer. He squinted his eyes a little to watch what Thor was up to and he saw him merely stand there and stare at the glowing bi-frost, getting a little pushed behind by the pressure of the whirling dome. Loki laughed a little, he was very well aware of Thor's IQ; he could never stop the bi-frost from spinning and tearing Jotunheim apart...