
Living As Trash Villain.

Liam, a 26-year-old guy, gets transmitted into a novel he read before his operation. And the body he possesses is going to die soon. How he will change the story to stay alive.

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30 Chs


The next day Ethan send me a space ring. Inside the space ring has uncountable numbers of the purest and finest iron. I got what I wanted and Now I just need a place to manufacture my weapon. in the last battle, My dagger has been turned into a piece and I don't have any weapons besides an axe.

Hmmm, I have to use a blacksmith shop that is unpopular and far from the city. I searched for the whole city and outside the city. I finally found one in the back of an old alley just a little far away from the main city. Just as I wanted. The shop was broken from the outside and it was a mess from the inside. An old man was sleeping on a chair. He was short and has grey hair and a beard. He looks like he was sixty and has wrinkled skin "Hello". He didn't hear me out and I shouted louder than before "hello".

"Go to the next shop kid. You won't get anything here" he turned to the other side and continue sleeping.

"I want to buy your shop."

"WHAT?" he stood in shock and was looking at me with surprised eyes.

"Yes. I like to buy your shop" I continue. 

"Don't make fun of me. Shoo young man. I don't sell it."

"I can pay you as much as you want."

"Shoo shoo I don't want to" he was getting furious and pick up the cleaning broom to chase me.  

"How about partnership?" I stood there like the statue and smiled. 

"Partnership?" He stopped in middle. 


"I am not interested in this young man. You have already seen the store condition. You won't get any benefit from here. Just go somewhere and stop disturbing my sleep" he went back to sleep.

"How about this, you keep all the money from the sale and let me use the tools from here" I smiled.

"Hmm, it sounds good but there aren't any chance of sales here"

"Why don't we try at first. And of course, there will be a sale" I speak with my confidence. 

After thinking a while and studying John a bit, the old man finally responds with his answer. 

"You are an arrogant young man. Okay, I will let you use the tools from here but I will give you just three days. If you can raise the sales and attract the customers we will have a fifty-fifty partnership contract" he takes out his cigarette and starts smoking.

"Deal" I was happy to get a place to manufacture my weapons also my first business.

"What's your name, young man?"

"Call Me Liam" I can't tell anyone here I am John. Otherwise, there won't be any business or place to manufactures weapons. 

"Call me Dota and why are you wearing a mask?" He pointed over my mask. 

"Oh, that because my face is horrible" I lied to him. The truth is I don't want anyone to recognize me and wearing a mask while doing business is the safest thing I can do for now. 

Dota let me use all the tools from his place. Everywhere was spider wed and filled with dust. I didn't have time to clean the whole store. At first, I cleaned only the place I need and start the fire. I took out a small number of irons and start melting them in a pot. I took out it and start giving shape after cooling it a little bit. After a day I produce a half dozen of high-grade weapons and artifacts.

Dota was stunned to see it. It's just been a day and he had already produced many. He is talented, Dota thought and continue analyzing the way John was working. 

I finally produce more than dozens of weapons and artifacts in two days without any rest. And on the third day, I went out in the black market and walked inside a bar. There were lots of criminals and fighters and people in search of information were drinking and shouting. I order a glass of beer and wait on the corner seat for perfect timing. I keep watching all of them and suddenly there was a fight between two criminals. I throw the dagger I have manufacture between them, making them stop the fight. At first, they were furious and walked toward me. 

"Yo shit. What's the problem with you."

I didn't respond and ignore them.

"This bastard is ignoring me. Do you have a death wish" he punches me directly.

I catch his hand and break his wrist in a single touch. "I want peace" I put another sharp and shining dagger on the table. 

From the crowd, one person picked up my dagger from the floor and he looked at it carefully. Then he comes running toward me slamming on the table. "Where did you get this?" He was looking enthusiastic. 

"Why should I tell you?" I put both of my daggers back. 

"I will pay you as much as you want. Just tell me where you did get it"

Others were looking at each other, they also had analyzed the quality of the dragger. They have used and purchased many high-grade weapons but have never seen one as I have used. Everyone's face was filled with curiosity but no one is daring to ask. Later, one by one start asking about the weapons and forget they were fighting. Among them, a man looked in his early thirty and had a great body build and gaze like a sword enters the crowd.  He was tall and wearing a cloak. 

"I will purchase everything you have. Name the price." 

"Hmm, I am sorry but these are not for sale" I grinned.

"I can pay you more than those rats. Just sell them to me." 

"Hmm, since you are saying you are willing to pay more than them. I am ready to accept your proposal but there is one condition." I take a sip of beer pressuring down him with my gaze. 

"Sure. I am willing to accept any condition" he knew he was going to be used but he wanted to get hands-on with those weapons no matter what. 

"Alright, follow me." 

We walked outside of the bar and we made a deal. He handed me the list of equipment. I asked his name but he didn't say and feel uncomfortable about sharing the information. He was always on his guard. I chuckle looking at him "I am Liam. I need the address to deliver the items. I can't throw them sky right?" 

"I am sorry, I did think about it." He takes out the paper and pen. He writes something and handed it over to me "anything else?"

"Yes. Hand me over fifty percent of advance" I smirked.

"Isn't that too much for an advance?" He was startled for a bit.  

"Who knows you won't pay me after getting the equipment." 

"Hahaha. This Salmond never did untrustworthy business with anyone. This is my word I will pay you every amount" he laughed 

"But still I need something for the prove"

"Such an arrogant person but I like it" he takes out the gold ring from his finger and gives it to me. "This is my space ring. And I going to put it as my Fifty payment. After clearing your amount I will take it back" he smiled. 

"That's the deal"

After that, he went back toward his destiny and I went inside the bar and start marketing. A huge number of customers were collected. I went back to the Dota shop and handed him the money and list I gather from the customer. He was speechless. 

"So, the partnership contract between us" I smiled.

Dota was dazzled and takes out the contract paper and pen. "It's ready. Just sign in here" he smiles. He was looking happier and was singing all the time.

After days, I finally finished preparing the Salmond order. And I went personally went to deliver but I didn't guess Salmond to be a famous person. The place for delivery was on the door of a famous Wolf Soldier base.  

Wolf soldiers are the ones who have been struggling on the border and dealing with lots of monsters and demons that attack the empire. And Salmond is known as the hero of Wolf Soldier and empire. But wait, there was any mention of Wolf hero in the novel? I ponder for a while and remember the part where a hero of an empire dies in tragedy while saving the life of Male Lead. Don't tell me that person is Salmond. I was surprised.

I think I have to be friends with him. After all, he is the strongest person after the Male lead. He might save my life when I reached in a difficult circumstance. It's a good idea, I thought, and pulled the products inside the gate of Wolf Solider Base. 

Salmond was there waiting for his order and he smiled at once after seeing me. "Welcome," he was wearing a uniform. He was looking dashing in the red and black uniform of a soldier and medals were hanging on his coat. He was leaking neither a positive nor negative aura. It was mild but something dangerous.

"Hello," I smiled and shakes a hand with Salmond.