
Living As Trash Villain.

Liam, a 26-year-old guy, gets transmitted into a novel he read before his operation. And the body he possesses is going to die soon. How he will change the story to stay alive.

Tse · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Days passed by and Salmond and I became good friends and later we became sworn brothers. We are mostly together and always share our plans. He shares about the adventures he had gone and how he killed the monsters at the borders and save the citizens living on the border side. Listening to his story I thought Salmond is truly a great hero. We enjoyed each other company and he mostly visited Dota shops. I showed him how I created weapons. Also, I showed him my new dagger made up of the finest iron and mixed with the Kaza's nail and tongue. He was looking at the dagger feeling thrilled. It was going wonderful days and I was earning plenty of money and getting deals for manufacturing more weapons and equipment but it was already time for my return to the Academy. The fresher party was going to be held soon and everyone needs to attend. Before leaving, I told Salmond my real identity. At first, he was shocked as he saw some ghost but soon he told me that he has guessed about me. Everyone knows how the young master John from the Great Red Dragon Clan has improved and changed drastically. He laughed and tease me for a while and expressed his loyalty toward me. And I did the same. Before leaving I gift him the best sword I could make. His weapons are usually heavy and strong so, I made him the heavy sword mixed with the Kaza's eyes, finest iron, and moonlight blue crystal also, and I attached scarlet gems. The sword evolved into an A++ grade weapon. Salmond was so much delighted to get the gift and he didn't stop showing his sincerity toward me. At last, Salmond and I parted promising to keep in touch, and walked our ways. 

At last, the day for the fresher party was finally going to hold. Everyone from the first year was excited and trying their dress more than months ago and I casually choose the suit one night before the party. Mike was making a huge scene for not choosing branded clothes. And I have to wear what Mike told me. A dark blue suit. It was neither black nor blue but it's was looking great on me. Mike changed my hair in stylish and made me look extras elegant and handsome than others day. It was uncomfortable to wear such a heavy suit but like Mike said I can't lose my face in front of others. 

I enter the hall and the decoration inside was out of the world. The hall was decorated with white roses and the expensive chandelier was hanging. The famous musicians were called and different types of food were kept on the table. It was such a glamorous view but I was having the feeling of something ominous. I don't know what but suddenly I felt there is going to be a big incident. As I walk inside I saw a male lead standing between Ariana and Diana. Diana and Ariana we're looking breathtaking beauty. Their slim figures were carefully shaped by the dress. And Seth was shining even though he maintains wearing his horned mask. He was dressed properly and his manner was excellent than anyone here. I went to the food row and start tasting the food. When I will be able to experience such good food I thought. And suddenly my body feels a cold chill. 

"How are you doing?" 

I heard a familiar voice and wished it did not belong to Seth but nothing goes according to wish. 

"I am still alive" I smiled and tried to run away but he keeps following me all around the hall. Whenever I go he pops out from nowhere like a ghost. "Geez, I can't avoid him today" I ponder. I smiled at him in a friendly manner.

"What you want?" I was saying piss off politely. 

"I am just checking out my old friend" he grinned. 

Old friend my ass. Just treat me as invisible like you always did in class. 

"I don't remember us being a friend right" I smiled. 

"You have weak memory I guess. I have treatment for that" he chuckled. 

"No, thank you." I was trying to keep that fake friendly smile on my face. 

And the soon dance ball started. Ariana and Diana were glaring at me. Their glare can make some hole through my body. "Why don't you go and enjoy yourself with the ladies" I smiled at him.

"Hmm, leave it. I am not fond of dancing" he picks up the glass of wine and sips it.

I can see the tension between Ariana and Diana about who will dance with Seth first. Their small steps toward us were like running. Ariana bumps into Seth's chest accidentally. That's an old trick, I thought. 

"Seth let's dance" Diana pushed away Ariana from Seth. Ariana falls over me but I changed my direction. Whoever falls or whoever dances with Seth it's not my business. I better sit on the corner and watch the show. Ariana frown at me, her eyes showing how much she was embarrassed and wanting to kill me and Diana. 

Haha..but if you want to curse then curse Seth not me. But my single gaze made her feel being the dirt of the ground and she hides her face from me. And for our male lead, he was getting annoyed because of those two girls. Finally, he chose Diana at first to dance and later Ariana. I watched them dancing while enjoying the food and drink. 

"Enjoying party John" Instructor Brad.

"Yes, sir, and how about you?" I asked him with the full of food in my mouth. 

"Not yet. The party is still boring" Instructor Brad smile and today he was looking different. His smile was not similar to his angel-like ones. And somehow his gaze was making me uneasy. The same things I sense again, the ominous feeling. The feeling was uncertain and anxious. Instructor Brad looked toward the student's pleased faces and laughing. "How will they look in crying and screaming face" instructors Brad speak in a low voice. 

"What? Did you said anything instructor Brad" 

"Oh no, I was just speaking with myself" Instructor Brad smiled and walked away. 

When the instructor Brad went away I finally took a deep breath. Did I hear correct and what was that aura around Instructor Brad? It was ferocious. 

"Master run away something dark energy is in this place" suddenly Liva speaks in my mind. 

"Dark energy? Can I deal with them?". 

"No. Master you can't. They are more powerful than you" Liva again shouted.

I looked at the delightful faces around me and my leg didn't agree to run away just to save my life.

"Is there anything I could stop them?" 

"No master, you can't. Your power and energy and magic aren't enough to touch their single hair" Liva keeps yelling.

"Liva, I may be weak but I am not coward to run away"

Live was speechless.

"Now tell me where you can sense the dark power?"

"I am proud of you master. Walk toward the east direction. I can sense the powerful dark energy coming from there."

I walked toward the east direction and I find the phoenix sculpture keeping there. The more I step near toward the structure the more I feel my body chilling. 

"There is it. On the head of Phoenix bird." Liva shouted. 

I stand in front of the sculpture and looked at it carefully. And I put my hand right hand over its head just like Liva told me. Live started to absorb the magic and it was taken care of without anyone noticing. But I still sensed an unpleasant feeling. 

"Master I sense another one too" Liva yelled.


"On the north side"

I rashly walk toward the north side and found the Academy badge sculpture. This time I can sense too, the dark magic coming through it also I can see the light faint fog circling it. I quickly put my right hand on top of it and Liva absorbed the magic. I thought it was finished but the more I clean dark magic the more I sense an unpleasant and dreadful growing stronger and stronger. 

"Master there are MORE" Liva shouted in panic. 

"Where and how many?"

"I dont know how many there are but they are everywhere in this room and they are getting more active"

My brain didn't work on time but all I can think is to ask for help from Seth. I searched him everywhere in the hall but not a single glimpse I can find. I quickly run toward Ariana and ask her about Seth. She told me he went to the restroom and I rushed toward the restroom. I meet Seth in the way. I panted landing my hands on his shoulder "Seth save everyone".

He looked at me with his calm eyes "what do you mean?"

"I sense black magic everywhere in the hall and it's active crazily. I can't only stop them and I need your help"

After hearing this Seth grabbed my arm and quickly run toward the hall but it was already late. 

BOOM the explosion happens and the huge crash sound and the screaming of the students come from the hall. We run toward inside and it was a hellish scene.