
Living a loving life

Kevin was an average boy of his age. He strived for his grades, pleased his parents for additional allowance and dreamed of having a girlfriend before he graduates college. Until suddenly a system came in his life. First Meeting [Hello Host!] “Da fuck?!” [Wow! You’re too smart! How did you know my nickname host?] “That is your nickname? Who the hell named you that?” [The main system. He said that he accidentally had an accident when I was born. So he ended up setting my name as “Da fuck”. When he was calm enough he made a remedy with my name. But the first name cannot be changed so it is now my nickname to override the error.] “How poor you are to bear that name when you are born. Since you are renamed, what is your new name?” [System 0B163: A good guy system.] “....you know what we should just stick with your nickname. It’s less harmless and more inclined to my mood now. For someone who wants to have a relationship you’re just too much of a flag.” [Understood] Nth period later “You know what I should just sever my ties with you back then” [Why Host?] “Although I achieved things that men dreamed for all their lives, you are just too good at planting landmines for me.” [I think I haven’t done any of that sorts host.] “....then how do you explain these fighting monsters who aim to keep me? I remember not asking this for the love of my life!” [Well wasn’t that a man’s romance? The intelligence I got says that much.] “Da fuck!” [Do you mean to call me host?] With a system that is just too good to be true, Kevin shatters his mundane life in the journey of being a good guy. Author's note: The harem is slow to build up in this story but the number of them is already decided. I am also undecided of making this an R18 story. But for sure there there will be gore somewhere in this story.

MyNameIsTaken · Fantasi
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30 Chs

024| Kevin: A different kind of danger

[Worry not host! Kathrine is nowhere near nor is she the one taking care of you.]

"Who is taking care of my body now."Kevin repeated his question as he is having a bad feeling now.


[A fellow player host]

"Who is this player?"

[The one who introduced himself as Alfred.]

Kevin was relieved to hear it was him who was taking care of him. If it was another player he might have some apprehensions, but he quite trusts Alfred to not harm him. His gut instincts have never been wrong and he will continue to trust it.

"That is good to hear." Kevin sighs in relief. "Say how long do I have to stay here?"

[You can wake up in a while.]

[Though I have to warn you of the headaches when you wake up.]

[By the way, drink the potion no.4 you bought back then. That can alleviate what your body is suffering.]

"Speaking of medicine. Do we have something that can at least help me diagnose my condition without you?" Kevin remembered the helplessness of his during the time he had all his possible cure but with no clear diagnoses of his ailment.

[I could offer a basic offline scan for you]

[It could only scan your boy for basic ailments and some]

[Requiring some upgrades to me is needed though before it could be accessed]

[Thus currently this function is unusable for now]

"....how long do you think we can have that?" Kevin asked with hope that it would not take too long. He cannot take being so vulnerable when he has no solid help.

[Probably after you get out of this game world. The points that the main system promised are enough to achieve the needed requirements for upgrading that function.]

"That is seriously the only good news you have given to me since we had contracted." Kevin was relieved at the news and was happy for the growing usefulness of the system. Perhaps the day will come that he can do what he wants without having to live in fear in these game worlds.

The system did not reply as it was used to its host's antics. Though it promptly made Kevin awake in one swift motion. Although it is used to it, the system will get some revenge on where it could. Some words really hurt its nonexisting heart.

Kevin woke up feeling a massive headache as he was warned. He nursed the raging headache with his hand. Remembering what the system has told him to do, he reached out in the air and a vial of medicine appeared.

Not caring of the bitterness it has, Kevin gugged the contents in one shot. He waited for a while before the headache subsided and finally at ease to see where he was.

The sight that greeted him was an unfamiliar place. He is no longer in the camp he remembered they were in. Instead he found himself in one of the hallways he has an impression of.

"You're awake." Alfred sighs in relief as he sees Kevin awake. "Sorry for the change of location, but we are no longer safe there."

"What happened?" Kevin asked as he felt something eerie staring at him in the darkness.

"Bugs happened." Alfred shudders as he says so. "Remember the bug that we all thought to have somehow died inside that one player? Apparently the reason why he did not die the moment we came out of the tomb was that it was multiplying inside of him. He suddenly collapsed, then those bugs clawed their way out of his body and attacked us."

"The sight must have been horrible." Kevin said as he stood up from where he was laying. "Was I the only one whom you are able to save?"

"There was a NPC and another player here before. But the NPC was a carrier of the bug, so our fellow player had no choice but to abandon him halfway. Luck was not on his side that he died when snakes came out all of a sudden." Alfred looked a little distant as he said that. If Kevin recalled well the other player might have been someone who has grown close to him. After all Alfred was a friendly guy who was good at socializing.

Fully aware that this time is not a great time to chat among themselves, the two quickly moved randomly with cautiousness. They met snakes and bugs as they expected and feared. And on a certain turn during their escape was them being separated when dead soldiers and slaves were raised from their tombs. Kevin no longer has any idea of what is happening to Alfred afterwards.

The only thing that was on his mind was that he needed to escape here. Find another clearance way if he could help it. And other than that was his sailor-level curses to the main system. No wonder it promised so many good things. He can no longer apply his original clearance objective in this situation.

And if he is forced to have a girl, will he get a dead girl to raise her affection points? No! He will definitely not! This world is not fiction where even a zombie will love a living thing okay! See the ones following him were not that kind of undead. They are all aiming to kill him one way or another. Courting a dead girl is definitely no way for him.

"System!" Kevin was already shouting in his mind as he is not risking attracting any more attention to him than he already does. "Find me a damn safe place or something! I am now very tired of outrunning these dead people."

[Scanning immediate geography…]


"Are you kidding me now?" Kevin felt like this system of his wants him to get crazy in anger now. "If you dare to play tricks in here and I die in here. Good luck in finding a new host."


[Go left host and jump into the mural on the biggest wall.]

"Jump into a mural? Are you trying to make me commit suicide?" Kevin asked, unbelieving." A solid wall and a human running at full speed is definitely a good way to die."

[Trust me not to pit you!]

"But all you did to me was to pit me!!" Kevin said as he just jumped into the mural as instructed. Inside his mind he hoped that he would not die with a shattered skull and a smashed brain.

The awaited pain did not arrive inside; it felt like he passed through a layer of thin membrane. It let him passed with no resistance and he was no longer followed by the undeads.

Instead the moment he opened his eyes were alive ancient soldiers pointing their weapons at him. Way to live from the pan to the fire they say. Fuck his system. He said to find him a safe place!

"Ummm...Hello?" Kevin said with a cheeky smile. And with that he found himself unconcious again. All he could say is that he will find a way to know who struck him behind and take revenge on them.

He did not even get the chance at cursing at his system because of that bastard. He needs tranquilizers or something to stop himself from turning violent. He is so damned stressed with the thrilling time of his life he is having.

With the amount of time he either gained or lost consciousness, he started to joke that at himself in a depreciating manner that he is turning into sleeping beauty at this rate. If in the past gameworld he was a damned prized pet of a tyrant, here he is turning into a damsel in distress. Why can't things work in his favor upon arriving here?

When his soul finally returned to his body, the thing that caught his attention was the young girl that was with him. It was the same child he saw in that corridor and the one who tugged at his shirt.

"System what the fuck is happening?" Kevin asked as he pretended to be still asleep. His whole body is tense at the strange environment he is in and he feels too insecure about everything.

[Welcome to the mural of the glorious history of this dead kingdom! You're in luck to have this opportunity to genuinely experience history in your own senses!]

"Lucky your face!" Kevin hissed like a cat. "I almost died again! I am a damned foreigner to them and from what I know in the little knowledge I have in history, I am under their mercy of what they decided to do to me! I asked for a safe place! Not a place to entomb me!"

[But this is the safest place for you! Here the people here are live therefore it can help you find a girl to woo]

"If I die first. That clearance method could go good bye for all I care."

Finally thhis chapter was out in the oven! I had a hard time letting get Kevin loose. He was way too stressed as I was writing this chapter for days. For sure he was going mad with what is happening on his life that I had to knock him out for quite a few times not to stir the story somewhere I dont want him too(with my experience with Leila, I am not taking chances.)

If anyone has seen my list of works you can see I posted a new work there. Remember what I said about participating in WSA at the beginning of this book? Well I first wrote the draft for that before this story came to be. There has been notifications about it in my acount, so I decided to published it. I might focus on that story after my contracted work. Please dont think that I am abandoning this story for that one. It was that the MC there is calmer and easier control than Kevin here.

And for all those who voted on this story despite the the lack of updates thank you very much. It meant a lot to me as I my days are not exactly the best nowadays. I'll try to update as much as possible from this day on, hopefully 1 chapter a week if life will be kind.

For all who read this thank you for your support! What do you think of this chapter? Please put your thought on the comment section. I'll answer them as much as I possibly can.

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