
Living a Lazy Life in the Beast World!

Daisy's life takes a dark turn when spider man shatters her life by fatally stabbing and killing her. However, destiny intercedes, offering her an unexpected opportunity. When she awoke, she found herself in a strange place with strange people who can turn into beasts and human. This is a story of a woman who wants to work to have an easy life and her husband-s who force her to retire. --------- A/n: This is a work of fiction, unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, events and incidents in this story are the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Finally, it is my sincerest hope that you find joy and escape within these pages of mine. Happy reading, - Author ps: irregular updates

Astricaeli · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Transmigrated Into A Strange World

On the land of Arcia which belong to God of Beasts, a vast evergreen forest spreads out before one's eyes, verdant and full of life. Birds chirp and sing overhead, and the scent of fresh greenery filled the air.

The small paths in the forest were bordered by a dense variety of vegetation, its vibrant colors contrasting with the dark pine trees. Rivers and ponds dot the landscape, their sparkling blue surfaces inviting the animals and it's residents to cool themselves off.

A variety of animals and birds roamed about in the woods, their unique calls and cries providing an orchestral backdrop.

Far at the end of the forest, a woman was lying on the bank of a small river, her body limp and face pale. She seemed to be unconscious, and her breathing was shallow, and her face showed signs of being in distress.

The river flowed past her, the water glinting in the light of the bright suns, but she remained motionless.

Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open and she sat up with a jolt, her head spinning slightly. She looked around, taking in the strange scenery around her.

Am I dreaming?

A lush and vibrant forest surrounded her, with trees of every shape and size growing abundantly. Birds were singing in the trees above, and the air was crisp and cool. There was a river below her feet, its waters sparkling in the sunlight.

Daisy could even see the small stones and tiny fishes in the river, it was clearer that her expensive camera.

The smell of fresh foliage and damp soil filled her nose, making her realized that she wasn't dreaming.

Where am I?

As she tried to move, she winced in pain. Looking down, she noticed that she was stark naked.

Startled by the realization, she hurriedly looked around, afraid that someone would suddenly appear and witness her enchanting body.

Thankfully, there was no one around except her.

To her luck, she saw a strange tree with leaves like a banana leaf. She stood up with difficulty, the intense sensation from her stomach made her sweat in pain.

She guessed it was the injury caused by the spider man thief. Although her stomach was smooth without any signs of injury, there was a trauma.

Picking off a large leaf in the shape of a banana leaf, she wrapped it around her body to make a simple cover that

barely offered her protection. It was clearly not enough to keep her warm or comfortable, but just enough to cover her from naked body.

She sat there for a while, arranging her messy thoughts.

Did she transmigrate?

Although she was unsure of many things, she knew for sure that she was dead, and that she was in a strange world.

Because never in her 38 years of her life did she witness two suns brightly hanging in the sky. It was strangely beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

As a person who experienced death beforehand and finds herself in a strange world instead of being dead, she was unusually calm.

The river gently flowed on its destined path, producing a soothing song that calm her nerves. The birdsong was tranquil, and the scent of the pine trees was comforting.

She took a deep breath, letting her thoughts settle and her mind go empty.

It's ok, atleast I'm alive.

She survived death and has a second chance to live again, although she might be in a dangerous place.

"It's hard to believe that I'm still breathing and can still do things." Daisy absentmindedly mumbled. Liliana would burst in envy if she knew that her good friend had experienced something without her.

Thinking of her friend, she chuckled wryly.

She hopes her good friend, Liliana wouldn't be too ugly when she cries after hearing the news of her death.

She stood up. The pain in her abdomen was slowly decreasing, it didn't hurt anymore.

"Time to work!"

Since she had decided to live here, it's not like she had a choice to go back!

She had to work. Especially when she is hungry!

"Let's make a dress first." As a modern woman who loved to dress up, wearing banana leaves dress was a Big No.

She begun to gather plenty of fresh leaves from the trees around her, making sure to pick ones that are of a good size and shape.

The cold wind tickled her skin and she felt the banana leaf dress slip off, so she's eager to create this temporary dress. She carefully gathered the leaves, choosing the ones that were the most supple and durable.

Then she carefully washed and dried them by the river, making sure that they aren't too wet or damaged. Once they're dry, she begun to string them with a strong leaf strips into a small top and a short skirt.

The simple clothes will protect her a bit from the elements and also shield her from the gaze of any unwanted eyes. And she can also use her dress to blend in with nature in times of trouble.

As she finished the simple temporary leaf cloth, she felt a sense of satisfaction. She didnt know how to make a underwear, so she just left it.

The top fit nicely over her front body, covering her chest and abdomen, allowing her to feel more chic.

The skirt reached down to just above her knees, and it moved freely as she walked.

Daisy was proud of her self made nature dress. As a person who had been single since adulthood, dressing herself up with fancy dress was a way to console her broken heart. She spun around, enjoying the way that the leaves flickered and flow around her

Daisy was in her own happy bubble, unaware of the huge pair of golden eyes watching her from the forest, studying her every move.

They observed her and her actions, tracking her movements and noting down every little detail about her. The eyes were curious and attentive, taking in everything that she does.

No single detail was left unexplored.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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