
Limitless: The Evergreen System

The event known as "The Quake" changed the world forever. Rifts, inter-dimensional gateways, opened and let loose magic upon the Earth. Soon followed monsters, mutated animals and fantasy beasts! People imbued with magic, wielding powers akin to mythical heroes, rose up to fight back the stream of horrors, creating a new world order in the process. Many years later, a young man named Alberto Ferantelli will stumble upon an ancient and powerful artifact that could be tied to the origin of the Quake. Now connected to a cosmic force, Alberto has been given a System that allows him to "Level Up" and constantly become stronger! He has the power to become anything, choose any path. What will he do with all the power in the world? What will he become? The possibilities are Limitless!

IP2 · Fantasi
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Mariah: The Evergreen Force

User Berto, you are long overdue an explanation. As we travel into the unknown, allow us a moment to tell you of the Evergreen. After our universe's first grand expansion in mass, after every molecule was birthed into its primordial raw form, it all came to a halt, for one fleeting moment!

Then came momentum.. masses colliding, energy flowing from particle to particle, change, transmigration, transformation and in the end of this "explosion of possibilities".. came life.. That is the Evergreen is. That is what powers it, that is what it gives power TO! Life, evolution, change, death and rebirth. The Evergreen is a fundamental force of the universe that represents life's ability to move forward and promote change. It represents the universe's will to never stand idle, never still for even a moment.

This magnificent power was made known to many mortals on many worlds such as your own. Seeking out connections with these individuals, the Evergreen strives to create complexity and growth where life is standing still. These people grow in power beyond what any of their kin are capable of. And at their zenith, they become part of the collective, part of the Evergreen, so that they may challenge their kin to evolve beyond their limitations. This may appear invasive and aggressive, promoting hardship and strive for change but isn't that what life is? The Evergreen simply acts as an invisible guiding hand.

The Horn you saw that day, was an artifact created eons ago in Constantinople of the Byzantine Empire. The horn itself was from the Germanic tribes of the North. The emperor was a Conduit themselves and enchanted the horn to maintain his connection after his death. That is where the phrase you use comes from. "Εν Τούτω Νίκα" is Hellenic and translates to "Through This Win" but a more proper meaning would be "Through this Symbol achieve Victory". The phrase was first used as a reference to the symbol of the Cross but the enchanter thought it would be fitting. This would later be used to give birth to new Conduits and the struggle for the artifact has gone on since then. The Holy Grail was none other than the Horn that you absorbed! Of course many who pursued the power had no idea that the Evergreen chose its host no matter who held the artifact, something you witnessed first hand.

The person who attacked your place of employment belongs to an ancient cult devoted to obtaining the power of the Evergreen by any means necessary. They delve in sorcery and have failed multiple times to harness our connection. It is imperative that this remains so. The Collective does not differentiate between good and evil, only life and entropy so using the Evergreen to promote a standstill in power and change in the world would be a travesty of its purpose.

Many of your race bore the connection before you however and they all became known as legends, heroes, conquerors and deities. Mariah was no different. Mariah seeked to be free and that is what we gave her, the strength to conquer the Carribbean as a pirate queen. She shook the status quo and altered history in many ways even if the inequality of her time erased her name from the books. A fair trade no? The power to take control of your destiny in exchange for a push.. To push history ahead.. to push evolution ahead.. Mariah was indomitable and could control many aspects of the Evergreen freely! And every conduit is different..

You are unique in this way as well. You may not realise this but you are strong willed too! You possess a very keen sense of individuality. Out of all the conduits that came before you, you are the only one with the power to sever your connection to the Evergreen and reconnect on demand! The first time you did so on the beach the collective was amazed by your display of powerful emotion, strong enough to give you power of them. We have never had a Conduit able to resist our persuasion before.

And that is the final truth we shall reveal. You were right in your assumption. Why would a cosmic force connect to a mortal? The Evergreen Force gives but also requires a fair trade. That is where the Collective's persuasion comes in. We slowly sway the Conduits into taking greater and more invasive action. This is how we promote their growth. And although we have suggested many of the risks you've taken, they were all your choise User Berto! We have no power over your free will. You have complete reign over your growth, your evolution and we hope your destiny as well. The apotheosis that comes with reaching your full potential is a subject for another day. It is best that you concentrate on what you have already learnt.

So we will ask instead of demand. Investigate the Quake, investigate this surge of magical powers that has invaded your world and bring about the change the planet desperately needs. In return the Collective will assist you in becoming the greatest version of yourself possible.

Have Faith, for we all once stood where you stand now. We are with you..

A small insert by our nosy Administrator Mariah, a big new burden for Berto's shoulders!

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