

With her brother missing and serial killer on lose, asuna sets out to investigate what happened to all the victims. But this is not as easy as she thought it would be. Six boys get a little to attached to her and she can't seem to escape. Entering a high school which seems normal only to find out everyone has secrets. Even her family. Secrets yet to be revealed. The tale of 17 year old girl who is searching for a mass murderer. Only to end up losing herself and her freedom . Who is the serial killer and what do they want with her.? Why can't she seem to escape from grasp of six highschool seniors.? Will she survive long enough to uncover the mystery or will this be the last we see of her........

daaniya_bukhari · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

The restaurant

You look back at them stopping yourself in your tracks. You had decided how you could accompany them all. First you would go to the gaming section with kazuto and Yukio.

After an hour you would change and join Subaru and takumi in anime section. When that is finished you could go to the amusement section and find akira and Hikaru. With this there would be no fight and you all could meet back at the entrance.

"Let's go kazuto and Yukio " you grab their hands and rush to the gaming section after saying quick goodbyes to the other males. Who stood there grumbling.

"let's play this lets play" kazuto said in a glidded manner as he pushed you down to sit besides him. He quickly switched on the PC and booted the game.

Yukio gave a quick glance in your direction before looking back at his phone. He seemed preoccupied but you knew he wasn't.

"Are u sure you don't want to play" you ask him. You definitely lost the amount of games you played yet he did not play a single one.

" damn it.  I already said n--

" This one has sword" you said lazily pointed at your character holding dual swords.

" yeah. It has legendary blades and the fighting system is top notch. You even have chance to unlock blades like shisui and Enma. " kazuto excitedly said as his game nerd mode turned on.

This was all you needed to do for the chocolate haired male to join you both. He kept a straight face trying not to show that he is excited about the swords.

" what.? Don't give me that look. I am only playing cause you mentioned swords " he said.

"sure sure. You are in for some treat"

" oh I can hardly contain my excitement" Yukio said rolling his eyes.

As the game progresses Yukio begans more enamoured by the game. Bidding them both temporary goodbye you head out to meet takumi and Subaru.

You arrive at the anime convention you spot takumi and Subaru near the entrance. While takumi seems to be talking to a manga artist. Subaru stands a bit apart engrossed in an thriller manga. Occasionally looking over at takumi's side. Smiling you walked towards them.

Takumi notices you first. His face lights up with a warm smile as he calls you over.

" Asuna, You are here "


Subaru looks over from his book and greets you "I found some very interesting finds." he said his eyes glinting subtly.

" Asuna look I found a naruto keychain." he said picking it up in his palm.

You excitedly jogged over to the purple haired male and picked up the naruto keychain. It made a dangling sound which pleased you and you immediately bought it.

" How did you know. " you asked not actually listening to what he said as you were immersed with your new key chain.

" I have been watching you of -- wait I shouldn't have said that " he said. His voice trailed off regret washing his face as he realized the weight of the confession.

It was clear he had not meant to reveal this and the he wished he could take those words back. This caught your attention.

"watching me.?" you asked takumi, alarmed.

Subaru, ever perceptive, sensed your discomfort and acted swiftly to divert your attention. With a warm smile, he said, "Takumi's just being a considerate friend, making sure we have a great time at the convention, right?"

Takumi nodded eagerly, and you tried to shake off the strange feeling, convincing yourself that it was just a misunderstanding.

Deep down you knew it was not but you decided to ignore it. Thinking how could a sweet person like takumi stalk you. This was just the second time if you find something strange again you would definitely check him out.

Despite the best efforts to calm yourself down you were not able to do that. As the tension from Takumi's slip-up hung in the air, Subaru decided to take action to shift the mood. He discreetly took out his phone and dialed a number.

However, you were so engrossed in your suspicions that you didn't notice his call. Subaru suddenly exclaimed, "Look over there!" He pointed excitedly toward a spectacular cosplayer dressed as your all-time favorite anime character.

The cosplayer's attention to detail was impeccable, and their costume was a work of art. The worries that had been consuming your thoughts seemed to fade into the background as you marveled at the cosplayer's dedication and talent.

'To hell with all. Imma take a picture with that cosplayer '

Subaru smiled as he saw you rushing towards the bait he prepared for you, temporarily forgetting anything about a suspicious slip up.

Soon you melted into the fun and went ahead to meet the last pair. You made your way to the indoor amusement park, where the echoes of laughter and the shimmering lights created an enchanting atmosphere.

" dove. Ready for some fun ~" Hikaru exclaimed practically bouncing on his heels.

Akira glanced at the roller coaster with a smirk and turned to you, saying, "Well, well, I see Hikaru's dragging us to another exciting adventure."

Hikaru, undeterred, beckoned you towards the towering roller coaster. "Come on, it'll be a blast!"

"Why.? are you  scared, Akira?" You ask the haughty male .His expression shifted momentarily, but you didn't think much of it as you excitedly ushered him onto the ride.

Despite the red haired male's refusal and different excuses you pushed him in.

Sitting between both of your friends, the roller coaster began its ascent. It was only then that you noticed Akira's eyes tightly shut in fear. Hikaru leaned over and whispered, "I should have warned you. Akira has fear --

"shut up" the male said. " don't say "

" Hikaru does he fear heights " you asked with suspicion. The blonde-haired male nodded.  And you immediately regretted bring the male to the ride. Before you could say something akira pulled your hand towards him and told you.

" don't utter a word. Just hold my hand. Please. " his voice was shallow , it held slight tremble beneath and you did as he told you.

Akira, still gripping your hand in terror, slowly started to feel more comfortable as the ride continued. However, he decided not to open his eyes due to fear, and as you plunged into a thrilling descent, our screams of excitement filled the air.

Exiting the roller coaster, you turned to Akira, prepared to apologize for dragging him onto the ride without knowing about his fear of heights. But before you could say anything, he cut you off with a sharp tone in his voice.

"Don't bother apologizing," Akira retorted, his expression still tinged with irritation. "I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it." He said you could see some honesty reflected in those bright red eyes.

He wasn't that scared.?

His words carried a hint of sharpness, and it was clear that he wasn't thrilled about the experience, despite his admission of fear.

"Alright, enough of the roller coaster drama! Let's explore some other sections and find something we all can enjoy." the blonde said.

With Hikaru leading the way, you all left the roller coaster behind and ventured into different sections of the indoor amusement park, determined to make the most of our time together.

Soon you found yourself in front of the huge restaurant on the top floor of the mall. Others had gathered here and were waiting for you. You joined them up.

Out of nowhere Yukio grabbed kazuto's video game and gave the gamer a glare. " Stop playing for damn second. You are going to walk into a wall or something "

Momma Yukio to the rescue

Akira raised his eyebrow and dryly remarked 

" ah Yukio always the epitome of grace and politeness. Don't you think so asuna. " .

"did you see the redness on their face. Were you boys doing something naughty without me. It seemed like you walked out after --  ouch " Hikaru pressed his temple after being flicked of by Yukio who seemed more than eager to take down both him and akira.

" Boys. " Subaru pressed on sighing. " let's all go in. "

"after you Mademoiselle " Hikaru dropped down in a small bow giggling you headed out in front .

You soon entered the restaurant of your choice. You eagerly skipped towards your seat and sat down the boys followed your suit but soon they started to fight right behind your seat paying not much attention to their antics you started to look at the menu.

As you peacefully sat looking at the menu. The boys were fighting to sit right next to you. Only two of the males could sit there. Kazuto tried to pull up towards the right but he was pulled back by Hikaru. Akira and Yukio started glaring at each other and held the chair tightly neither letting it go.

Subaru gently nodded to takumi and they both quietly sat besides you. Takumi to the right and Subaru to the left. The other males immediately seized their nuisance and got seated with soured moods.

"so what are we ordering " you ask. Setting down the menu undecided. The prices were higher than what your monthly maintenance cost but it did not bother you much. You did come from quiet a wealthy family.

" ya got no problem with the prices.?. Isn't this the time when the girls whine." Yukio asked. " come on guys let's go to a cheaper restaurant " he mocked. This had been normal for every girl he had seen.

" This place is tad pricey but my purse can handle it" you smile patting your wallet in your hand. But needless to say none of the boys were letting you pay.

" probably ordering caviar for appetizer then" akira said. You could not understand if he was being cocky or just suggesting.

" nah caviar is too mainstream. I am thinking of some silver plated vegetable salad " you return.

" wait asuna is rich.? Why did I not know that. I wouldn't have taken you to the beach " the blonde whined thinking that must be what went wrong on his date with you.

" trust me. It better to be grounded. Can't let your feet fly too far away from surface you won't even know when you get mixed up in a storm" you said as you passed the menu the white haired male.

"Well, in that case, I expect a chauffeur-driven limo to pick us up after dinner, miss Grounding Expert." the red haired grinned.

"You got it, Red. But only if you promise to wear a tiara and wave like a princess when it arrives." you smirked. Seeing akira's face growing red. You always managed to get the last word.

" alright everyone has selected. Asuna now you have to select what you think is tasty from our orders "said Hikaru. You looked at them in confusion.

" why don't I get to choose " you asked.

" because you don't ~" Hikaru giggled mischievously.

But I wanted spaghetti

Subaru: Coq au vin and ratatouille

Akira: Côte de Bœuf au Poivre and Pommes de Terre Richelieu

Yukio : yakitori and gyoza

Takumi : Pasta Primavera and Caprese Salad

Hikaru : Caribbean Jerk Chicken and mango salsa

" I thought you guys ordered food not started randomly reciting dictionary " you said. " what even is that cote de bouf -

"Bœuf" akira corrected.

You glared at him " yes that. I am not hungry"

I will get my noodles later

" Asuna, darling. You look too pale for someone who isn't hungry " Subaru said as he passed you a glass of water.

You were determined not to eat and turned around your seat facing away from the table.

" okay then lets just wait for it to arrive. I am sure the smell of it cannot be ignored. So mouthwatering " Hikaru mimicked.

The other boys smiled seemingly understanding what the blonde haired individual was hinting at.

They aren't going to try and feed me are they.

Soon all the dishes were served. It felt like arrival of every dish was a blow of aroma and appeal right in your face. You could feel your stomach grumbling. But you couldn't asked them to give you food after you told them no.

You unintentionally started staring at the food on your right. Takumi was taunting you with his slow movements you couldn't know if it was intentional or not. But whatever it was it was working.

Just put the food in your mouth already.