

With her brother missing and serial killer on lose, asuna sets out to investigate what happened to all the victims. But this is not as easy as she thought it would be. Six boys get a little to attached to her and she can't seem to escape. Entering a high school which seems normal only to find out everyone has secrets. Even her family. Secrets yet to be revealed. The tale of 17 year old girl who is searching for a mass murderer. Only to end up losing herself and her freedom . Who is the serial killer and what do they want with her.? Why can't she seem to escape from grasp of six highschool seniors.? Will she survive long enough to uncover the mystery or will this be the last we see of her........

daaniya_bukhari · Teen
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

The missing phone

"I swear to god you guys are eating painfully slow to incite me " you whined. You were almost at your end seeing them eat food that smelled delicious was only adding more pressure to it.

" just open your mouth and this baby will be yours~" Hikaru raised his spoon in front of you.

You turned your face to the opposite side. That's when you saw a familiar girl walking swiftly as she took orders. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead even though the air conditioning was perfect showing the immense work pressure on the young girl's shoulder.

"excuse me" You pushed your chair back and stood up straightening your plaid school skirt. They should have at least let you change. " I am going to the bathroom"

"be quick. This food will not wait for you" Hikaru called back. He was intensively hit on his head by Yukio who seemed to be scolding him for embarrassing you.

You briskly walked towards the table weaving between the tables and chatting patrons. Eying their untouched food. Which would go directly in the trash can. So much wastage. As you opened the door. A familiar figure freezes.

"Lily" you hugged your friend. She was slightly dishevelled maybe cause she takes longest shifts and refuses to exchange.

Lily's eyes lit up, she turned, wide smile breaking onto her face. She gleefully hugged you back. " where were you.? You weren't at school" she asked pointing down towards your uniform.

"oh. I bunked school for the day. With the boys" You replied

" I knew that " lily chuckled. Her lips slightly formed a pout. She looked adorable " I covered for you. You should have at least called me up "

" how did you cover up for me" you asked amused by the shorter girls behaviour

" you are not the only one with connection miss asuna. " she said winking. Confidence looked good on her. " You should have at least picked up my call. I have called you more than 15 times."

"What," you asked

"The phone" the brunette pointed at your back pocket.

Your heart skipped a beat. You did not remember the last time you heard a notification or a call from your phone. You patted all your pockets, panic creeping in. " It's gone. My phone is gone!!."

The restroom started to feel a lot smaller than it was. You did not care about the phone but the data it had in it. You started to retrace your steps realizing potential trouble you might be in without it.

You reached the table quickly. The plates were already gone seems like almost all of them finished the food. Their gaze turned towards you.

" I lost my phone. I can't seem to find it. Did any of you see it " you manage to break it out to the boys.

" sorry dove I haven't seen it. " he replied avoiding your gaze.Hikaru flashed his trademark grin. Your urgency about the phone pricked his conscience.

"Really losing stuff now.?" akira taunted as he tossed a dismissive glance towards Hikaru who held up his grin.

"Lost your phone huh" Yukio grunted

Takumi fidegted his hands and spoke out ." Maybe you forgot it in the locker room. Check it out "

Hikaru glared at the younger male for speaking. Takumi closed in due to his glare.

"That is brilliant. I remember keeping it there. Maybe I can check the cctv there. Thank you takumi " you said smiling. Hopefully you will get your phone now.

As if on cue, subaru's hand slipped and orange juice spilled onto your skirt. It was drenched and sticky. You grimaced.

" I am terrible sorry. You should get that cleaned up. I will find something for you in the store." he smoothly said as he helped you up. His voice was sincere.

" what about my phone--wi---

The silver haired male kept his cold finger against your lips and cooly looked you in your eyes. His sliver ones match your dark black eyes.

Your heart raced. The timing felt too convenient . You nodded masking your concern. " I will be back in a moment " You frantically stand up and return to the washroom to clean it up.

As you entered the washroom, you locked yourself in a stall, your mind racing.You swiftly assessed the situation, aware that the missing phone might be tied to more than mere chance.

Fingers trembling, you began to clean the skirt, your mind divided between the urgency of the situation and the chance the phone was deliberately stolen.

Outside, Subaru returned to the table, his facade unwavering. Takumi sketched silently, his gaze occasionally flickering toward the restroom door, concern etched on his features.

Yukio, oblivious to the brewing tension, drummed his fingers impatiently on the table.

"What's taking her so long?" he grumbled, unaware of the intricate puzzle unraveling in their midst.

"where is kazuto. I thought only akira and Hikaru went to find asuna's phone" the shy male said looking at the empty seat of the gamer male.

"He went to help. In different way" Subaru said. Leaving takumi confused. He leaned back. His smile intact and reassured " she won't take too long "

Inside the stall, you hurried to clean your skirt and hastily rearrange your belongings, knowing that time was of the essence. With deep breaths to steady your nerves you steeled yourself towards the table.

You scanned the table, immediately noticing Kazuto's absence, an anomaly that pricked your instincts. When Hikaru, Kazuto, and Akira reappeared, their statements did little to assuage your frustrations.

"We checked everywhere, even the CCTV, but no luck," Hikaru chimed in, his words carrying a semblance of truth, though hiding a vital detail.

Your frustration mounted as you heard their report. Your instincts whispered that something was amiss, the puzzle pieces not aligning as they should. With determination in your eyes, you resolved to check the CCTV footage yourself, unwilling to accept their inconclusive findings.

The flickering screen played the same scenes you had observed earlier, revealing nothing of significance. You kept playing it. Again. again. Frustration simmered within you. This wasn't adding up.

As you stepped outside, Yukio led the way, a hint of confidence in his strides. You walked alongside, your mind calculating every step, your instincts on high alert.

"You walk in a manner as if you know it's not there" you commented

" I know it's not" he said

" then where is it.?" you pressed on. The chocolate haired male was taken aback. Were you questioning him.

Did you find him that easy of a target that you separated him from others to ask him that. He reacted negatively saying he did not know.

Reaching the car, Yukio rummaged through the compartments, but the phone remained elusive. Frustration brewed within you, the missing piece of the puzzle evading your grasp.

"I can't find anything," Yukio grunted, his annoyance palpable. Your disappointment was evident, but your resolve remained unshaken.

Meanwhile up in the restaurant. The boys sat there talking while waiting for you both to return knowing that this was a futile attempt.

Hikaru's grin widened as he playfully slapped Subaru's shoulder. "Quick thinking with that juice, Subaru," he praised, his voice carrying a cheerful tone that concealed the depth of their scheme.

Subaru's response was subtle, his words carrying a hint of admiration. "The swipe from the locker was quite the maneuver," he acknowledged, hikaru

Kazuto, leaning in with an air of nonchalance, casually mentioned, "Erasing Hikaru's swipe from the mall system was a breeze." His admission shed light on their elaborate plan, confirming their careful orchestration.

Takumi, caught off guard by their words, couldn't contain his shock. "What? Why would you do that? Why would you hide her phone away" he questioned, his usually reserved voice now edged with surprise and concern.

Akira chimed in, almost mockingly, "Seriously, Takumi? You didn't know?" His tone held a mix of amusement and sarcasm as he revealed why they did it " we --

You and Yukio returned where the atmosphere had changed. The five boys wore expressions that tried to mask a brewing storm, their hushed conversation abruptly halting upon your return.

You notice an abrupt silence among the group and furrow your brow, trying to understand the sudden shift. "What's with the sudden quiet, guys?" you ask, trying to keep your tone light while internally wondering about your missing phone.

Subaru, changes the subject smoothly. "Oh, wow, look at the time! I completely forgot about my piano recital," he exclaims, his voice casual, but you catch a flicker of something in his eyes that doesn't sit quite right.

The others follow Subaru's lead, gathering their things swiftly and settling the bill. As you all leave the restaurant, you try to engage in conversation, but you can't shake the feeling that something isn't adding up.

Piling into Yukio's car, the chatter flows naturally. You participate, but beneath the surface, you're analyzing every word, every gesture, seeking clues. You're part of the banter, but your suspicion grows with each passing moment, silently probing for hints without letting on that you're onto something.

Despite the relaxed atmosphere and friendly conversation, you're silently questioning every explanation and action, wondering if your friends are hiding something about your missing phone.

Finally arriving at your house, everyone steps out of Yukio's car. As you bid your friends goodbye, Hikaru steps forward, giving you a warm and unexpected hug, his expression carrying a smug undertone.The embrace feels comforting amidst the lingering uncertainty about your missing phone, yet an unease gnaws at you as you suspect something amiss.

Am I thinking too much.?

As you exchange goodbyes and thank Yukio for the ride. It may have been similar to a bull's ride. But alas it was one .You notice subtle glances exchanged among the others.

Thier goodbyes seemed forced. Maybe you were thinking too much after all. They seemed to like you very much. A little too much one might say. But it's only natural to like the person who will potentially save them.


As you wave goodbye and head inside, their reactions leave you pondering, adding to the mystery surrounding your missing phone. The warmth of the hug juxtaposed with the unease of suspicion deepens your curiosity about the unexpected turn of events during the day.

As the boys disappear down the street, you turn towards your front door, the unease from earlier still lingering. Stepping closer, your heart skips a beat as you notice the door slightly ajar, an eerie sight against the backdrop of the quiet evening.

Your gaze shifts to the shoe rack, where an familiar shoe now occupies a space. A sudden realization strikes you-despite living alone, you knew exactly who could have been inside.

Without another moment's hesitation, you decide to step cautiously inside, your mind racing with questions.
