
Fixing Earth and New Daughter.

Before Kunou was eaten by Kurayami for her safety, she was having a stroll through Kyoto while her mother was abroad on a diplomatic meeting. The barely 9-year-old girl felt safe. Her guards were around her, but she wished her mother would come back safely. An old tengu stood behind her as the humans did not notice her tails.

"Mr. Shichiro. When will mother return?"

The tengu smiled at her as he had been her guard since she was born.

"She should return safely tomorrow."

Just as Kunou was going to replay the buildings around her started to shake. She fell to her knees in fear while Shichiro took her in his arms.


They thought they were under attack, but it was just Kurayami trying to break the shield over Texas. More and more shockwaves spread out as the old Tengu flew with her to the safest place. Even from Japan flashing lights and roars could be seen and heard all the way from America.

The sky ripped open as Ophis and Satanael started their clash in space while Kurayami's giant body was flung toward her. Her guards used their bodies to protect her, which caused most of them to die. It was pure luck that she was not crushed as she looked up at the giant dragon holding two equally giant swords.

She could not even see the dragon move before a giant cross attack clashed with something high above.

'I am going to die.'

Just as Satanael was hit, the attack from Satanael fell toward them in what seemed in an eternity. She closed her eyes as she wished her mother would save her. She felt heat and roars of rage in the sky. She felt something warm and saw that her right arm had been cut open by a stay rock.

She could not even use her senjutsu right now, but she felt something looking at her. She saw how the dragon looked down toward her before she was eaten. That was the last thing she saw before she woke up a screaming mess.


"Calm down."

A deep voice that came from under her shut up her yells of fear. She looked down and saw that she was standing on the sword-wielding dragon's face. Coiled around it was another large dragon that seemed injured. Blood seemed to seep from the purple scales, but it was returning to her body.

Ophis sighed seeing she was fine.

"Guess she survived."

Kurayami agreed as he closed his eyes. Rebellion and Submission were damaged slightly as cracks spread on their blades. Both blades returned to their soul scapes to heal which would take a week at most.

"Girl, what is your name?"

Kunou looked at her arm and saw that it was just fine.


Kurayami closed his eyes as he let his aura help her relax. It was working as she was in direct contact with it. Even a panicking animal would be rendered calm so she was easier to talk to. Kurayami forced himself to stand up as Shin was still laying down on his face with her.

"I will explain later."

He returned to his human form which Ophis did as well. Kurayami took the little 9 tail in his arms as he stood on the Martin Soil. She looked around in curiosity as she was on another planet.

"I got to give you back to your mom and fix things over on Earth. Ophis, help me with it."

She nodded as her body and dress were riddled with wounds. She healed them all up as she looked at Earth in the distance. The entire plane seemed ready to implode, but things were not hopeless yet. They teleported over the planet with Kunou still in Kurayami's hands.

He created a small air bubble over himself to keep her alive. He and Ophis could see that over 95% of all life had died on Earth. Even Kunou's mother, but they could fix things. He turned to look at Ophis with some expectation.

"Ophis, how good are you at time magic?"

She rolled her eyes at him.

"Better than you."

"Well prove it."

Just as they were going to get to work, Great Red emerged from the Dimensional gap. He did not seem to be happy, but he saw the whole thing. They protected the Earth from Satanael but it still led to the current situation which was salvageable. Ophis was annoyed when she saw her old rival.

"Great Red, help us or fuck off."

The giant dragon snorted as the three of them took a triangular formation around the Earth. Kurayami, Ophis, and Great Red started to turn back time on Earth to repair the damage and bring back the dead.

On their own, it would have been hard, but with three Dragon Gods doing it they managed to turn back time by about 10 minutes. Anyone who died before that was screwed, so Kurayami collected those souls. In the end, the human population lost about 2 billion while the supernatural races faired better.

He had a sizable collection of souls that he was going to use for something. The Underworld was mostly unaffected as it was a different realm from Earth. As for the Greek Gods, most of them survived as Ophis teleported them away to the Moon where she left around the New World. She did that for Hades and Nyx's sakes, but they might not care.

Kurayami looked at Great Red and nodded.


Great Red did not bother to stay any longer and he returned to the Dimensional Gap. Ophis and Kurayami sighed as they looked at the mostly intact Earth. Of course, Texas and the surrounding states were no more. A part of Mexico was also gone as that was just the outcome.

South America also looked to have split from North America which would change things forever. Shin sat in front of Kurayami as he was glad that he did not get taken. Ophis leaned on Kurayami's shoulder as time magic this strong even with three Dragon Gods doing it was draining.

"There, good as new."

Kunou pointed at North America where a big chunk of it was gone.

"What about that?"

Ophis rubbed her hair and was blunt like always.

"Collateral damage. Let's return you to your mother shall we."

She hugged Kurayami's neck tightly and nodded. They both teleported to Kunou's mother who was in China while the calamity on Earth took place. She was here to try to meet with the Chinease gods, but they kept to themselves mostly.

In the end, she was killed when Ophis ax kicked Satanael in the back. The shockwaves killed a lot of people, but Yasaka still remembered how she died. They all did and for her, that was to have her heart rupture from the clash of Kurayami and Satanael.

She ignored that terrible memory as she needed to find Kunou. Just as she was about to rush to Japan, Kurayami, Ophis, and Shin appeared in front of her. She froze for a second, but when she saw Kunou in Kurayami's hand she rushed toward him.



Both fox yokai hugged it out with tears in their eyes. While they did that, Kurayami reached his limit and passed out. Unleashing his Eldtritch powers took it out of him so he needed to sleep. Ophis did not catch him as she knew he would hit his favorite pillow.

That and she also passed out. Kurayami's face fell into Yasaka's cleavage, which made her hold him from falling. When she felt his aura, all the negative things that happened that day no longer seemed to matter. She held him with one hand and her daughter in the other.

She fell to her knees as she looked at the man whose face was in her breasts. Kunou was holding her tightly as she cried tears of joy. However, when she saw Kurayami pass out she freaked out.


Yasaka looked at the snoring Kurayami and did not know what to do. On one hand, she did not know who he was, and on the other, she never felt so at peace. She thought it was her imagination, but she felt that she was growing stronger just by touching him.

"I can try."

He placed her hand on his chest and used her senjutsu which was weaker than Kuroka's to try to help him. She gathered some vital energy and transferred it into him to wake him up. All of it was gathered by his heart that gave him a rush of energy to wake him up.

He opened his eyes and looked at what his face was resting on.


He looked up and saw Kunou and Yasaka looking at him. He picked himself up and fell straight on his back. Kunou tried to help him up, but he just held her hand.

"I'm ok. Give my heart a minute. Time magic on the scale of a planet is not easy."

That reminded Yasaka about her death which made her shake her head. She moved his head and used one of her tails to give him something soft to lay down on.

"Did you bring me back to life?"

He enjoyed the softness, but he nodded.

"Me, Ophis, and Great Red did our best. Ourr limit was to bring back everyone who died in the last 10 minutes. Now it is too late to bring them back."

'I also don't want to.'

Kunou and Yasaka looked at Ophis who was sleeping on Shin. Yasaka wanted to rush to Kyoto to check on her people, but if it took three Dragon Gods to fix just the last 10 minutes.

She needed to calm down, but she hoped for the best.

"Please tell me is Kyoto ok?"

Before he could say much, Kunou spoke up for him.

"The monster launched him on Kyoto. If not for him eating me, I would be dead."

Yasaka looked at Kurayami who did not look big enough to eat her daughter.

"Are you sure he ate you?"

Kunou nodded as she spread her arms wide.

"He was a huge dragon. With two giant swords, and 6 wings. He was wearing burning metal and his tail had a blade on it. He was bigger than a skyscraper."

Yasaka hugged Kunou and tried to get her to rest.

"Go to sleep, you are imagining things."

Kurayami shook his head.

"She is not lying. My real form is a 120-meter-tall dragon. With an eye on his forehead and chest and tentacles from my back. My swords are just asleep."

Ophis woke up after just two minutes of sleep as they were Dragon Gods. Their recovery was off the scale just as was their power so she got off Shin. She got up and sat down on a couch she teleported here.

"Ask any questions you want to know. We got time."

Kurayami got up as well as he had already mostly recovered. He sat next to Ophis as he wanted to go to the New World to check up on the girls. They would be fine, but he wanted to make sure they were all ok.

Yasaka had so many questions.

"What can make two Dragon Gods go all out? What did you fight?"

Kurayami answered that.

"A fool that made a deal with an outer god. I already know who schemed against me."

Ophis was interested now.


Kurayami made a pair of sunglasses and put them on.

"Nyarlathotep. An outer god and one I will need to deal with in the future."

Ophis had not heard that before, but she was curious.

"How strong is he?"

He shrugged.

"I have no idea. I will guess I will need to be able to destroy galaxies at least. Maybe universes."

Ophis rested her head on his lap as she looked up at him.

"We got our work cut out for us, don't we. Well, you can count on me."

He nodded as he took this moment to rest. Ophis was curious about something though.

"Do we bring the Moon back here?"

He shook his head.

"No, we will just replace it with Titan. Leave the Earth's Moon on the New World."

Kunou got on the couch and she looked up at his face. He looked at her and saw she was looking at him with a strangely loving look.

"What is it?"

"Can you be my dad? I never had one."

Yasaka covered her mouth and bowed to Kurayami and Ophis.

"Forgive my daughter, she is just being a kid."

Kurayami sighed as it seemed the whole world wanted him to be a dad.

"What happened to her father?"

Yasaka smiled as she hugged Kunou.

"She never had a father. We 9 Tail Foxes can reproduce without a male. As such, she has always wanted a father. Don't take her request to heart."

Kurayami reached out and used telekinesis to make her sit next to him. He placed his hand on her head and sighed.

"I don't think I can. Your mom would need to be ok with it."

Ophis got up as she was going to be busy. Kurayami also had many plans as many of his were interrupted. His fun 3 months just turned sour as he had to fight a world-destroying battle. She looked at Yasaka and prepared to go to the New World.

"Kunou, do you really want my mate as your stepdad?"

Kunou nodded.

"He saved me as a father should. I want him as my daddy."

Yasaka saw that Kurayami was looking at her. He got up as he prepared to leave. He stopped when he heard the sound of tears falling from Kunou's eyes. Yasaka reached out and held his hand as she had to make a choice for her daughter's happiness. That and she would miss out on her hero.


He looked behind him and saw that she was looking at him with some expectation.

"You saved my life you know. No, you saved my daughter and me so my debt cannot be paid back."

Kurayami sighed.

"What are you saying?"

She walked up to him and placed her hands on his chest.

"I died. I still remember how that feels, my heart just exploding. It is something that haunts me, but you came along and saved us. What I mean is-"

She pulled him and kissed him on the lips making Ophis laugh. As for Kurayami, he was getting overwhelmed with how popular he was. Enough was enough was it not?

"I can only repay you with myself. For Kunou's sake."

He sighed as his fingers had long run out. He was making do with a necklace, but why when he did not want more, more looked for him.

"I have 18 lovers you know. I am a Dragon God, I have a harem. You can still leave from my clutches you know."

She shook her head with a flirty smile.

"Kunou wants you to be her dad, and I should get that for her. I am also doing it for myself. You are irresistible."

Her eyes were full of desire making him sigh.

"Why me? Why am I so desired?"

Ophis broke out laughing as he was trying hard to stop taking more women.

"What did I tell you before? You are blessed."

He rolled his eyes as he held his hand to Kunou.

"Well guess I am adopting you."

She rushed into his arms as she felt happier than ever. As for Yasaka, this was all due to the trauma of dying. Otherwise, she would not have fallen for him so easily. That terrible feeling would stick with her for a long time, but Kurayami seemed like a hero to her.

Even though he was responsible for death kind of, she did not care right now.

"Yasaka, I will take you to Kyoto. I will take Kunou with me while I go check up on my family. I will be back later."

She nodded and looked at Kunou.

"Go with your dad Kunou. I will be waiting for you, husband."

He sighed as he underestimated how much she had gone off the deep end. If he was not careful, she might even become a Yandere. Ophis kept laughing as he acquired a daughter. Kuroka wanted to adopt Nico so maybe he would end up with a son as well. He would have to ask Hades first, but he took Yasaka to Kyoto and then returned to the New World with Ophis and Shin.

Things were going to change soon as he just got a wake-up call. All of his fiances had to get to the level of a Dragon God at least if they wanted to keep up with wold destroying threats. They were all worth it and they had the potential to do so.


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