When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.
(4K. Enjoy.)
While Kurayami and Death were having their first mother and son moment, Atlas and Satanael were taking full advantage. Atlas had fully unleashed his Divine Form which was a 30-meter tall titan covered in Greek armor that surged with the power of the Titans. The very power to shake the earth with his monstrous strength.
If it were not for Sataael limiting the range of influence to just Texas, most of the United States would be shaking. Atlas would have never been able to do this again as the previous state of the world limited the actions of the gods. Ony there that had changed.
The Divine Laws that bound the gods and divine beings from committing genocide on humans no longer applied. Kurayami did not know, but when he went through his first Sublimation, the shock waves that were fired from him broke any hold those laws held. This coupled with his ideals of the Supernatural being supreme led to many seeing him as an idol.
They were inspired to come out in the open and take their rightful place over humans. The words and ideals of the strong would move the weak to follow in their footsteps. The age of the humans had finished and only the strong would live was a new idea.
As for Atlas, he swung his giant spear causing all of Texas to tremble and quake. Hundreds of thousands were dying and the souls were being devoured by him. He could feel his strength rising beyond his previous limits. Of course, this was just a start for what he had been promised.
'This power. I feel I can even take on a Heavenly Dragon. It feels good.'
He started to grow larger and his Greek armor started to distort and adapt to his growing frame. He swung his fist down in the city of Dallas and caused most of the buildings to crumble. Humans were screaming and panicking, but they were completely isolated.
Satanael was doing his best to keep any sign of this event hidden. He was doing a good job at it, but he underestimated how good Kurayami's sense of death was getting. Now that he knew the name on his soul, he felt that his soul was growing stronger.
Not everyone knew the name of their very soul, but those that did were never weaklings. Satanael glanced at Atlas who kept feeding on numerous souls and feeding a portion of them to Luke. He turned to look at the former Fallen Angel who was standing on top of the Reunion Tower.
The entire thing had not crumbled despite the power he was using on the city. Satanael was using it as a conduit to channel his strength into the state.
"Satanael, are you sure?"
Satanael opened his eyes and smiled.
"Do not worry. With my reforged Arondight, he can't find you. Not with this."
In his hands was Arondight that had gotten a blessing from his dark master. The sword had an eye on the handle and seemed to be a mix of living matter and metal. It was stabbed into the building which caused the tower to glow in eerie darkness.
Atlas hated to be in the dark, as Satanael kept most of the information hidden. He would have never tried to oppose Kurayami if not for the backing of Satanael's hidden master. They had approached him while he was holding up the sky and agreed to work with the Titans.
The Titans would work with Satanael to kill Kurayami and take his soul. Satanael wanted to take the new Canis Lyacon for himself, but he would first have to rip it from Kurayami. Satanael closed his eyes as the words of his master resounded in his mind.
'He has found you. Tell Atlas to hurry.'
Satanael nodded.
"Atlas, kill as many as you can in one go. Kurayami is coming here and the seal I placed will last for a minute at best"
Atlas jumped in the sky and held his spear in a throwing motion. He gathered the full force of his Titanic Energy and Divinity as he supercharged his Symbol of Power. While he was doing that Kurayami appeared at the border of Texas with Artemis, Ophis, Rebellion, and Submission.
Kurayami handed the bear cub to Artemis as he shoulder bashed the shield that did not crack.
"That is a hard shied."
Ophis's armor and gauntlets appeared over her body as she had a bad feeling.
"Do not hold back Kurayami. Return to your true form."
Kurayami roared and grew into his titanic dragon form. His 6 wings spread wide open while he punched the portal with the full force of his Dragon God physiology. When he punched that shield he felt it resit under his might shocking him.
He had not put the Infinite behind that punch as he knew that the girls were still on this continent. He sent a message to Akeno as he continue to rain earth-shattering blows on it. Ophis was doing her best to isolate the damage he was causing as he could not be holding back now.
'Akeno, return to Japan. No, go to the New World now. I am going to go all out right now.'
When she heard his voice she felt he was serious.
'Alright, I will get mom, dad, and Dante.'
He cut the connection as he knew Akeno would listen to him. Ophis was fully focused on keeping the destruction at a minimum as that single punch would have been enough to destroy the entire Earth. The shock wave that resulted from his punches still leaked from the sealing Ophis was doing.
Just those shockwaves were enough to cause massive earthquakes that reached all the way to Camp Half-Blood. They could feel the shaking as the earth around them began to crack. Akeno already knew that things were no longer a fun quest, but something dangerous.
She opened her eyes and looked at everyone around her.
"We need to get off this planet and now. Brother has just told us to go to the New World. ASAP!"
Everyone around her looked at her with shock. Ony Kurayami's fiances knew what that was, but they knew it had to be serious if Kurayami wanted them off the planet. Percy swallowed hard as he felt more and more blows.
"What is happening? What New World?"
Akeno only gave him a quick explanation.
"Something made him go all out. I can also feel Ophis over there, something is making two Dragon Gods get serious. Balance Breaker, Armor of the Abyss."
A giant surge of Shadows formed her armor and she even summoned her spear. She teleported slammed her spear down and teleported the entire camp with her. She would have left everyone else, but she knew Kurayami had a use for them.
When Kurayami saw that Akeno got everyone out he roared as his right arm crackled with every type of lightning he had. His left hand ignited with every fire at his disposal while he boosted to the max.
Artemis who was at the epicenter was being protected by Submission and Rebellion as Ophis was busy keeping the Earth whole. Kurayami slammed both of his hands down and caused a giant explosion that erupted all the way into space.
Ophis had used her power to channel the energy up as there was a limit to what she could do. Kurayami saw that massive cracks spread around the shield so he was making progress.
He raised both of his hands and combined his flames with his lightning before he slammed down once again. The shield was destroyed, but by that time Atlas's attack had already killed everything in the State. Satanael knew that it was time for him to step up so he looked at Kurayami who had seen him as well.
Despite the distance being miles and miles from each other, they could see each other clear as day.
'Kill him Satanael.'
"I shall bring you his soul."
Both Kurayami and Satanael rushed at each other, but everything that was happening was in a fragment of a second. He spread his 16 wings that did not look normal. They were a mass of tentacles, mouths, limbs, and eyes as the dark blessing of an outer god were fickle.
Kurayami roared and punched toward the tiny figure of Satanael. The former Fallen Angel swung Arondight at his fist and the blast that resulted from that clash caused most of America to get reduced to dust.
Ophis knew that Kurayami was going to sacrifice the Earth for this so she took Artemis with her. She forcefully opened a portal to the New World, but she also took the Moon with her. That was where all the important assets were that Kurayami did not want to lose.
She even remembered to teleport Kurayami's house with her. She knew that he would be annoyed to lose that so he took it with her. She even took any person who mattered to Kurayami and set them on the Moon. They were all shocked at the sight as they appeared over a different planet.
She had managed to save Kurayamis forest, house, family, friends, and organization in one go. Now that she did that, she knew that she and Kurayami could work together if needed against the empowered Satanael.
Satanael grinned as he was holding back the fist of a Dragon God with just his sword. He was being pushed back, but Kurayami felt huge resistance from Satanael. Even the scales that were nearly impenetrable were slashed open only stopping at the muscles.
"How is your mother?"
Kurayami snorted as his Dragon Heart crackled and burst with limitless Energy. He stabbed his front wing forward to impale Satanael with his wing spurts. Satanael weaved out of the way and slashed his sword up the wing.
He managed to cut through the layer of scales, but his blow was once again stopped by the muscles underneath. He was just getting started, but before he could get cocky a bladed tail slashed open his chest.
He backed away as the wound healed, but he saw that Kurayami also healed from the slashes he caused him.
"That is a tough shell to crack."
Space and Time lost their meaning as both fighters went all out. Satanael's glowing heart began to fill his body with the blessing of his god while his right arm morphed into a monstrosity of many mouths and tentacles.
A third eye opened on his forehead while his wings began to writhe and thrash like beasts. Submission and Rebellion appeared in Kurayami's hands to scale with the rest of his body. He also had another trump card that Satanael didn't/
"Abyss Side, Balance Breaker."
This was the first time he used his Balance Breaker in his dragon form. The cursed burning armor did not cover his whole body but covered him from his head to his tail. It left most of his limbs and joints exposed, but the power began to fill his body.
For the first time he spoke which made the mutated Fallen Angel grin.
"That's right, get angry. Show me what you got before I take your soul."
Kurayami just looked him in the eye while his eyes glowed.
"You will die."
No more talking was needed and he boosted himself to the max as he slashed down with Rebellion and Submission over a million times in that second. Satanael kept swinging against him, which caused space to shatter around them.
The seas began to boil while the atmosphere started to ignite. Every pantheon that was not in the alliance on the Moon were left to die in the battle beyond this world. Silver Lightning thundered and roared around Kurayami's spines as he moved like a berserk beast.
Satanael spoke in Eldritch as his mind started to deteriorate. He could not use this much, but he did his best. Massive holes in space opened up with giant tentacles to whip at Kurayami.
He opened his mouth and bit down on the first tentacle while his two swords slashed them apart. He ripped the tentacle that leaked black blood that corroded the ground. As for Kurayami, he was just fine as he was also part Eltrich.
He ate the tentacle in his mouth which made Satanael teleport on top of him. Kurayami's eyes caught the whole thing, but a blinding light from the eye in the hilt of Arndight made him close the. Satanael kicked him in the face and launched him to the other side of the world.
Just as Satanael was going to chase after him, an armored fist landed on his face launching him into space. Ophsi was not just going to sit and watch and launched him into space. Satanael's wings flapped and kept him still when he was already far from Earth.
Black blood leaked from his face, but Ophis was not going to stop. She teleported on top of him and landed a sickening ax kick on his skull, but he caught her leg despite his brain being turned to mush. Her leg turned into a serpent that bit his wrist and poisoned him.
Before he could react, she landed a kick on his ribs that he tanked. He slashed wiht Arondight and hit her with a dark slash that took her to the Asteroid belt. While she was keeping him busy, Kurayami crashed in the middle of Kyoto.
He was like an asteroid, but he manage to stop his fall before he caused too much damage. He landed on his back knocking the wind out of him. He could feel Ophis get launched while Satanael dived toward him from space.
Kurayami stepped forward and swung both his swords in a cross shape against the Fallen Angle rushing toward him. He was so caught up in his battle that he did not notice the little girl cowering under his feet.
He was much too focused on the threat in front of him that he ignored his surroundings. The cross slash hit Satanael like a freight train and stopped his charge. He held his hand out at Kurayami and blasted him with a world-destroying attack as he was brought back to out space.
Just as his chest was cut open, Ophis appeared behind him and kicked him full force in the spine. She even channeled the Infinite in her kick that destroyed his spine. As for Kurayami he took a deep breath and channeled every type of fire and lightning into his mouth.
He fired a destructive firebolt toward the dark mass that managed to keep the Earth in one piece. He took a deep breath and was about to fly into space to help Ophis, but he heard a scream making him look down.
A little girl with 9 foxtails was holding her bleeding arm that got hurt from a shockwave. She was lucky that Kurayami's giant body and wings worked as a barrier between most of the danger.
He quickly ate her and sealed her next to his heart. She would not even hurt his heart as that was the hardest and safest part of his body. He did not have the time to see if she would live, but it was the best he could do.
She had already passed out in shock at getting eaten, but Kurayami already left Earth into space. He head-butted the meteor that was Satanael and launched him toward Ophis. A purple glow appeared where her heart would be as she took a deep breath.
He and Ophis began a massive exchange of energy between them that collected in their throats. They both roared ad unleashed massive waves of fire against Satanael. He just smiled as he swung Arondight in a circular motion.
A massive mouth opened where he traveled that started to devour the flames. He thought this would be enough, but he forget one thing. Both Ophis and Kurayami's every attack contained the blessing of death. The ravenous mouth screeched in pain as it started to decay and turn to dust.
It did get rid of most of the flames, but the rest hit him like a tidal wave. He barely noticed it, but his healing was slowing down. Before he could heal nearly endlessly, but his vitality was being affected.
Shin had bought his time for when he was distracted and rushed forward with a giant sword in his mouth. Ophis and Kurayami gave him the energy he needed to make it and he took the chance. He appeared above the panicking Satanael and slashed off his cursed arm.
It was also his sword arm, and that momentary lapse of judgment cost him. Ophis turned into a giant serpent-like Dragon and was about to kill him, but a giant spear hit her right side launching her away.
It even managed to pierce her scales and draw blood that shocked her. It was the first time she had been wounded in battle, but the cause of that rose into the sky. Atlas looked very different from before as black tentacles trashed his back.
Satanael toom that moment to kick Shin away and reattach his arm.
Both Atlas and Satanael stood side by side as the Satanael's master finished his second skeme. Ophis's shock only lasted for an instant as any blood returned to her and her wound healed.
She coiled around Kurayami as this was not easy.
'Ophis, you ok?'
'I'm fine. I am not made of glass.'
Satanael spat out white blood as the necrotic effect in both their attacks hurt him deeply.
"Took you long enough Atlas."
Atlas snorted as he accepted the offer given by the master.
"I thought you could take him."
He was forced to shut up when those two dragons rushed toward him. He was already injured and badly as even his healed right arm was affected by the necrotic effect. Atlas snorted and rushed toward Ophis as he thought Kurayami was weaker.
"You deal with the brat and the dog, I got her."
Ophis roared as the giant tried to spear her face, but she dodged out of the way. Her tail whipped out and hit the side of his head while the tentacles behind Atlas stabbed toward him. She snorted as Kurayami and Ophis had hidden a trick.
Kurayami's most powerful fire, the fire of nothingness that looked clear burst forth from her. Atlas was shocked as it looked like his tentacles were just earased. Kurayami and Ophis could share their energy, powers, and skills.
They were a two in now as they always knew what the other was doing. On the other hand, Atlas and Satanael were two separate fighters. Kurayami and Shin rushed at Satanael who was enraged his plans were failing.
While he was distracted a million spears of light and multiple different weapons appeared in the sky. Kurayami raised both his swords as he looked at Satanael in the void.
No sound reached Satanael, but he read the lips of the dragon. It enraged him to know that his sacrifices were nothing in Kurayami's eyes. The weapons all surged toward him, but he stopped caring.
He stabbed Aronndight into his glowing heart and used the last resort his master told him about. The last resort was for him to stab Arondight which contained a shard of his master's power into his heart. The power he would receive would be enough to kill any Dragon God in one hit.
His skin turned pitch black as his suit was ripped open. A giant eye appeared on the middle of his chest that locked on Kurayami. The storm of light spears and weapons seemed to slow down a millimeter away from Satanael as a massive black ray shot toward Kurayami.
Things seemed hopeless as the attack was bigger than even the sun, but Kurayami did not flinch. He opened his mouth and spoke in the Primordial tongue that seemed to freeze space solid around him.
'Abhaiond'endan, is my name. Die.'
A giant eye opened in the middle of his forehead and chest while a mass of tentacles emerged from his back. Satanael and Atlas were shocked while Ophis was proud of him. This was his birthright and he just learned of his true heritage and he could already use it.
Satanael and Atlas froze at the sight as the killing blow was absorbed by the new eye on his forehead. When all that energy was devoured, Kurayami just gave Satanael the same words as before.
Kurayami opened his mouth and combined it with his death magic. The black smog hit Satanael and reduced him to dust. As for Atlas, he gripped his spear tightly, but a black tentacle surged from a hole in space that wrapped around him.
Atlas was dragged inside as Satanael resulted in a total failure. Kurayami and Ophis both landed on Mars and collapsed into a pile. Kurayami's bravado was fake as it took all he had to use that last move he did.
As for Ophis, she and Alas had exchanged millions of blows and her scales were a mess. They were dripping blood and she was not as used to pain as she made it seem. Shin collapsed on Kurayami's draconic face exhausted.
'Kurayami, the girl.'
He made an air pocket and brought her out onto his face. She was out cold, but alive as she was in the safest place possible. Ophis rested her ace next to Kurayami's as she sighed.
"Why did you save her?"
"A whim. I need to sleep."
While they both were recovering from the biggest fight of their lives, Atlas and Luke appeared on a lifeless planet. Luke was not even alive really as his soul was more a writing legion of souls. Atlas kneeled in front of a normal human man in a black suit.
He sighed as he knew his servants had failed him. Just as he was about to start to scheme again to get Kurayami's or more importantly Death's soul shard for himself, a massive portal opened on the planet.
He backed away as a titanic dragon emerged from the portal. It made Kurayami and Ophis look like minnows, but the worst part was the small girl standing on the nose horn. He backed away at the sight of the two, but he tried to reason with the dragon.
"Yac'thuithrh'itrod, Brother. Don't do this."
The dragon looked down at him, but nothing his brother could do would save him now. Death smiled at the sight of him.
"Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos. I didn't come to kill you."
She forced him to return to one of his grotesque forms as she looked down at him.
(Image here.)
Nyarlathotep no longer had eyes, but if he did they would be squinted.
'Why did you come them?'
Death stopped smiling as she looked down at him.
"My son will do it himself. You know the rules, you can't attack him directly, but this is fine. Until he reaches your level you cannot fight him yourself. Those are the rules I set in place."
Nyarlathotep, the mass of tentacles looked up at her with visible anger. If he was not careful his brother, the dragon under her would kill him. The dragon was her champion and most powerful pet that even her dirrect siblings feared. He was nothing to the first child of his father, Azathoth.
'If my servants kill him?'
"Then you win. He would hate for me to bail him out so this is up to him. There is no need through. He is already set on killing you. Good luck."
Yac'thuithrh'itrod glanced at him with many eyes in his one-eye socket. He snorted and returned back to Death's home. Atlas felt more like an ant and Luke had died. His body still contained the souls so that was fine as Luke himself had no value.
Nyarlathotep, returned to his human form as he looked at Atlas.
"You better not fail me like Satanael. I need that soul and she won't protect him. Get ready to try again."
Atlas kept bowing and nodded.
"Alright, what about Lord Kronus?"
"I will settle that later. We got more important things to do."
He teleported Luke's body and Altas with him away as things just got more dangerous. At the same time, the battle between Kurayami, OPhis, Atlas, and Satanael attracted the attention of alien gods from beyond the Dimensional gap.
They were locked on Earth or what remained of it and they were set on finding what was fighting. It would take them a year at most and while that was going on Kurayami and Ophis were still resting. He knew that he would have to help his lovers to reach his level if they wanted to keep up.
Easier said than done, but he was confident. Now he had to return the snoring girl on his face to her mother.
Death won't be saving him if he is to die. He is his own person and her love for him won't allow her to ruin his prospects.