
Light Devil Fruit in Tales Of Demons And Gods

Stealing devil fruit from a world noble. Hunted by thousands of marines. Finally, died at the hands of admiral. A single mistake, costs him his very life. Despair fills his thought as he closes his eyes. But then, Ye Xinghan found himself woke up in the world of cultivation. The world he is very familiar with, Tales of Demons and Gods. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This fanfic mainly for TDG X ONEPIECE. But i will add a few characters from other anime to help the plot's development. (Nah, i wont throw all anime girls in this novel. Thats just wish fulfillment) I've been wondering lately, what will Rokushiki & Haki do in the world of cultivation. But so far, there's no novel that satisfy my curiousity, so i make one myself. *Please kindly leave a comment and review to motivate me

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39 Chs

The Upper Moon?

After buying the inscription scroll, Ye Xinghan continued to explore the market.

He spent some money on several items that has unusual effect such as hypnotize, paralyzed, blinding and dizziness.

While it might not really works if the enemy is prepared, but the table could be quickly turned if these items were used wisely.

There's no need to mock those who used underhanded tactics. All is possible in the war. As long as the enemy's outcome is dead than any plan is a good plan.

Ye Xinghan was no stranger to those tricks too. When he was thrown in One Piece world, he was just ordinary human being.

He must spared no effort to survived from calamities, even if the methods are not acceptable to most people.

Survival of the fittest.


When Ye Xinghan still looking for more unique items. There was suddenly a clamor.

Several of bronze ranked guards running towards the center of the market, while shouting

"A thief!!!"

"Prepare the defense!!"

Ye Xinghan tilted his head confusedly.

'Who the hell has the guts to steal in the market? Knowing full well that this place is one of the most guarded in the city. Anyway, I must personally check it.'

Ye Xinghan followed the guards while maintaining some distance.

Not until a full minute, the guards came in the food section.

Around 10 guards already circling someone.

Ye Xinghan looked carefully from afar.

The figure was a teen boy, wearing a tattered and dirty brown cloak that covered his head until his knee.

The boy apparently hugging some fish and meats. He hugged really tight as his life depended on it.

He looked left and right, seemingly searching a chance to escape.

And then a middle aged man squeezed the guard with his bloated body.

"Kid, put down the meats and I will let bygone be bygone. If you still insist, then don't blame me for being rude." The middle aged man cursing while pointing to the boy.

The boy trembled and hesitatingly looked left and right. And then he sighed and slowly put down the meats and took several steps back.

But weirdly, the middle aged man frowned and squinted his eyes. And vicious glints flashed on his eyes.

"Capture that kid, doesn't matter if you break his arms or legs. Capture that kid alive." The middle aged man shouted towards the guards.

The guards confusedly looked at each other, but still obeyed his order nonetheless.

They slowly approached the boy while drawing their swords.

The boy look scared at first, but suddenly sickles appeared in his right and left hand. He swayed the sickles as if to frighten the guards.

Ye Xinghan watched the scene and didn't miss the details. The middle aged man looked like the superior of the guards, but his action was very suspicious.

They clearly knew that the boy steal food because he was very poor. And since the boy returned the food, then there was no need to make the problem bigger.

That is compassion for the poorer. And the Snow Wind Family supporting this idea as well.

Since Ye Xinghan saw commotion, he decided to help the boy.

Ye Xinghan took out the blinding stone that he just bought, and he threw it towards the boy.

(Well, he could just use his devil fruit power. But there is a risk of prematurely exposing his uniqueness.)

And when the stone is right at the top of the boy's head, it exploded and fired out a very bright photon.

The boy himself was alright because the cloak kept him safe from the sudden light.

But the guards around him were screaming and bumped into each other. Making a total chaos.

Ye Xinghan prepared to left the area since the matter was basically settled. But he was stunned when he saw the boy fleeing.

No, the fleeing itself was fine because it was his original intention. But the boy's speed was too fast, slightly above the speed of silver ranked demon spiritualist.

Ye Xinghan knew that the boy didn't even cultivate, since he didn't emit any spiritual energy.

That means, the boy was crazily talented. In the speed department that is.

Ye Xinghan heart pounded loudly and he smiled.

He used psuedo soru and his devil fruit to chased the boy. He gave his all, because even he himself didn't have the confidence to catch up to the boy if he didnt use devil fruit power.

But eventhough Ye Xinghan spared no effort. It proved to be quite difficult to followed the boy.

Its like the boy knew every street in the city. He took a lot of weird turn that no one expected. And since Ye Xinghan himself wasn't familiar with the city, the difficulty increased by a lot.

The mouse and cat game went about half an hour, and they arrived outside the city. And the place that rarely visited by the people.


"DAMN IT. I've never expected that someone I consider as brother to actually betray me. Huft huft huft"

The boy sat under a tree in the secluded area while huffing, he was dead tired because he want to make sure that he was absolutely safe.

Today, a friend of his suggest him to steal from the central market. He readily agreed because his friends plan was flawless. And the harvest of stealing central market was way bigger than other place.

But he never expected that it was actually a ploy. And he didn't understand why.

"Magnificent speed."

When the boy was in deepthought, suddenly he heard a unfamiliar voice from his side.

He was shocked and instinctively swing his sickle towards the source.

But he saw his opponents took a step back, just right at when the sickle passed in front of his nose.

The boy knew the opponent was stronger than him, and he leaped backward while maintaining the striking pose.

*clap clap clap*

"You got the speed, the instincts, the decisiveness. Really splendid."

Ye Xinghan clapped his hands, this boy was really a full package.

"What do you want?" The boy squinted his eyes at Ye Xinghan.

This newcomer was just around 7-8 years old, wearing an expensive looking clothes. Light purple hair and handsome feature. They both live in different worlds.

"I want you." Ye Xinghan said bluntly while pointing towards the boy.

"Sorry, I'm normal." The boy replied.

Ye Xinghan twitched his eyes, he didn't know if the boy was playing stupid or he misunderstood.

"Follow me, and you will reach a new height that no one in this city has ever achieved. Grasp your own fate, and control your own destiny." Ye Xinghan said. He already prepared his marketing plan since the day he transmigrated into this world.

"Talking big for a kid. Not even Lord Ye Mo dares to say those words." The boy slightly relaxed his stance.

"In this world, only 2 people have the capability to say that kind of sentence. Fortunately for you, I'm one of them.

Are you not curious about who I am?" Ye Xinghan smiled relaxedly.

"You look rich, and that purple hair is exclusive feature of royalty of Glory City. The Snow Wind Family. Am I right?" The boy replied.

"Ah, I can't keep a low profile because this hair it seems. Well, you are right

I'm the grandson of the sole Legend Ranked demon spiritualist, Ye Mo.

Son of Ye Xiao, Ye Xinghan. Its pleasure to meet you.

What's your name?" Ye Xinghan smiled and put his hand forward for handshake.

The boy looked at the hand, but ignored it.

Instead, he pulled down his hood.

He had weird and ugly features, notably the ink-like blotches on his face. His hair was unkempt and a mess. His eyes were notably bloodshot and were a pale blue color, with visible veins lining his sclera, and he had missing and uneven teeth.

"I'm afraid this filthy hands of mine will taint your body.

I'm the thief of the market, scum of society, and trash of this world.
