
A bruise and an explosion

As I wake up, I keep my eyes closed and bask in the warmth from the sun on my face. I know I'm alone in bed, the events of last night are hazy. I know Tarzan brought me up to my room, but after that it's blank. I don't feel like getting up and plan to stay in my bed all day. I thought I would be back to my old self once I got home. But that isn't the case. There is still something nagging me and I know it is Luke and Asswipe, I just don't know what.

I fall asleep again and when I wake up I need to use the bathroom. I relieve myself, brush my teeth, and crawl back into bed. The sun is lower now, and it is almost evening. As I'm about to drift back to sleep, the door clicks and opens. I don't turn around and pretend to be asleep.

Soft footfalls alert me to where he is, and he walks around the bed so he can look at my face. At least I think that is what he is doing. Luckily, I'm lying on the side of my face that Asswipe struck twice, so he can't see the bruise. The one on my forehead, maybe. The bed dips as he crawls next to me.

I can feel fingers lightly grazing my forehead. Is it random, or does he see the coloring? His cologne gives him away and I smile internally. Of course Foxy is the one checking up on me. He is the only one who knows about Asswipe. He keeps stroking my face, content to watch me sleep, and I don't feel the need to talk, so I don't. 

I drift off towards that place between sleep and awake and enjoy the fingers lightly caressing me. He chuckles, and the sound is rich in humor.

"I know you're awake, Angel?" and he pecks my forehead, "no use in pretending. How were these last couple of days?" He trails my ear with a finger and goosebumps erupt along my frame. I exhale, knowing I can't stall anymore. I open my eyes and they get snared into Foxy's. He holds me prisoner, just as at the hotel. 

"Everything is fine now I'm home. Friday was different though," I say, knowing I have to. The bruise will be too obvious to ignore. I need his help to come up with a believable story for the others. I don't want all to know what happened. Some might go on a murder spree, and that is no good. 

"What do you mean by that?" he inquires when I keep silent. I turn on my back and slowly sit up. When he can see my entire face, a breath hisses between his lips, and his eyes narrow in anger. He cups my chin and turns my head for a better inspection, and then he softly kisses the bruise. The gesture has tears spring into my eyes and I blink them profusely, clearing my vision.

"He cornered me Friday morning, just after Tiger and Sexy left. He smashed my head into the door, threw me on the bed, and wanted to divest me of my pants. Luckily, the knock on the door saved me. It severely pissed him off, so he struck me twice. Hence the bruise." I sob into his shoulder. He waits patiently for me to finish. All the while rubbing my back soothingly. He will think the encounter has me shaken, but it's the memories. The memories of the worst time of my life. Something I rather forget than telling any living soul. I know I eventually have to tell my soulmate, but only when the bond is complete.

He stays silent, rubbing my back and humming a soft melody. The vibrations through his chest are transferring to my body. "I'm sorry that happened, Angel. I wish I was there to protect you. Just stay away from him, please?" he whispers, voice thick with fear. Fear for me? Does he have feelings for me? Do I have them for him? I believe so. I stay silent though, not telling him how I feel. 

"What do we tell the others?" I break the silence. He pulls back and looks at me, a soft smile on his face. I can see the wheels turning behind his eyes.

"In multiple routines for the show, Luke had to lift you, right?" he asks me after a couple of minutes. I nod and his eyes light up. He chuckles darkly. "You're going to tell them he dropped you, twice. Let's make him look bad." He laughs evilly and I smile seeing him this happy. 

"Okay," I whisper, scooting closer and wrapping my arms around him. His arms go around me and we hold each other. Stroking my hair softly, he hums, and I let it fill my entire being. This feels nice like we belong together. I don't understand why the pull with all of them is so strong. Could it be? Do I have several? No, that can't be, I don't know whether the female/male world population is 50/50, but having multiple soulmates is absurd. That is like stealing luck and happiness from other people. Or am I wrong? Could it be? How do I feel? Do I want all?

I'm so wrapped up in these thoughts, Foxy shakes me slightly to get my attention. He has his hands on my shoulders and looks at me with worry. "Are you in there?" he asks, voice thick with concern. I smile softly and nod my head.

"Yeah, I…. " and I chuckle, "I was just relaxing and zoned out" I lie, not ready yet to let him know my theory. If he is my soulmate and received the mark when we first kissed, he will know that I know. Can't have that happen yet. I first need to find out if it is the same with the others. If it is, maybe then I will just say the three words I need to say.

Foxy's shoulders sag in relief and he crashes my head to his chest, the bruised side and I hiss in pain. He recoils back in shock, and I see pain flit through his eyes. I lean towards him and cup his cheek with my hand.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it. It's just a little pain. I've had worse. Okay, no worries and don't blame yourself or feel guilty. You're not allowed to." I press my lips softly to his, and he stays rigid for only a second before molding his body to mine. I keep the kiss light and sweet. 

When we break apart, his eyes glisten with love? Did I see that right? Humor replaces it now, so I can't check, but I believe I saw love. I file it away in the back of my mind and promise myself I'll monitor him. All of them, if my theory proves correct, it's the same for the others, right?

"Shall we go down? Xavier and, or, Tyler is probably cooking dinner. Are you hungry?" he asks me as he pulls me out of the bed. When I'm upright, his eyes travel my body and his look heats my blood. I bite my lower lip, and when his eyes finally are back on my face, he growls low in his throat. "Don't start, Angel. Then we both stay hungry for a while longer."

I giggle and release my lip, licking them seductively. His eyes darken and he takes a step closer. His hand grabs mine and he pulls me closer. "You asked for it," he whispers, just before his lips connect with mine. This kiss is hungry, passionate, and I let him deepen it by opening my mouth. I wind my arms around his neck and find the hair at the back of his neck. He shudders and moans as I scratch his skin. I plaster myself as close to him as I can, and it still is not enough.

Breaking the connection to take much-needed air, we both pant, foreheads against each other, breath mixing. "Go, I'll take a shower and join you guys after." I kiss his cheek, "and thank you Foxy."

"Anytime Angel," he kisses my forehead in farewell. He turns and walks to the door, "Oh before I forget. Don't let it alarm you, but Quinn collapsed and needed to go to the hospital. He's fine now. He dehydrated himself. Nothing to worry about." and leaves me alone before I can say anything. Typical, it's so him to leave me like that. I sigh and go to the bathroom. First the toilet. After flushing, I wash my hands and turn the shower on. I get under the spray once the water is warm. I quickly wash, hair included. It's the only way for me to feel clean. After rinsing off, I get out of the shower. I dry towel my hair and body. Dumping both towels in the hamper, I walk into my closet. Picking a soft blue shirt with a rainbow on it, washed-out ripped jeans. Of course some panties, blue ones, no bra, finally freedom. I chuckle at myself and leave my room. I walk down the stairs and towards the kitchen. 

Foxy's help makes me feel almost like myself again, enough at least to be my happy self, so the others won't suspect anything. Cooking is in full swing, and both are busy and don't notice me. I stand still and don't make a sound and just watch Xavier slice the mushrooms, and Tyler stirring the continents of the skillet. They ask each other questions and Xavier is goofing around, and it makes Tyler's smile appear.

"Hello boys," I finally say to them. Both look up, grinning from ear to ear. Xavier is the first to reach me, and Tyler grumbles because he has to watch over the food. Xavier gathers me in his arms and hugs me tightly. I'm in the shadows, so he doesn't notice the bruise. Just before he releases me, he kisses me. I'm swept up in the haze of fog they always weave over me. "Welcome home, Nadja" Xavier whispers.

"Xavier. It's my turn now," Tyler growls behind the stove, and I push Xavier off me and walk to where Tyler is standing, watching me with a dark look. As soon as I'm in arm's reach, he has both around me and buries his face in my neck. Giving me small pecks just behind my ear. "I've missed you," Tyler tells my neck and my arms tighten, tugging him closer. "I've missed you too," I whisper in his ear.

"Finish cooking before it burns," I say as I release him and walk to the dining table. The light is brighter here, so the questions will come soon now. I saw the question in Tyler's eyes. I sit down and look around. A hush falls over us as they take in my appearance. 

"Quinn, are you okay? I only just heard you were in the hospital," I ask, voice thick with concern, but he looks fine and healthy. The others get up, but Quinn stays where he is. He doesn't look at me and I wonder what happened. Adam grabs my chin softly and turns my face sideways, so he can look at the bruise, and I exhale softly. Now it comes, brace yourself. I hold my breath and look at him. He purses his lips and looks deep into my eyes. I don't know what he's looking for, and I wait, looking back. 

The others say nothing and their eyes switch from Adam to me and back. Suddenly I hear a loud gasp and I look at Quinn. He's half standing and looks with a horror-stricken face at me.

"Who the hell did that? I'm going to kill him." 

And the room explodes.


Who so Foxy?

leave it in the comments.

Have a happy life